Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: JustJuliaX3
What's the title of your suggestion?: New Subject: Computer Science
What's your suggestion?:
The suggestion is to add another subject titled Computer Science!
It'd be just explaining some things about Computers, how they function and perhaps some programming exercises, that should and will be held relatively simple to ensure everyone will be able to answer them.
Following topics that I had in mind for this subject:
- General PC Hardware knowledge
- Difference Soft- and Hardware
- Introduction to Python (very simple)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this would benefit the community as Computer Science would be a subject where a teacher can include the students very well into the lesson. Allowing a lesson to be very interactive and generally allowing students to participate in multiple ways!
What's the title of your suggestion?: New Subject: Computer Science
What's your suggestion?:
The suggestion is to add another subject titled Computer Science!
It'd be just explaining some things about Computers, how they function and perhaps some programming exercises, that should and will be held relatively simple to ensure everyone will be able to answer them.
Following topics that I had in mind for this subject:
- General PC Hardware knowledge
- Difference Soft- and Hardware
- Introduction to Python (very simple)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this would benefit the community as Computer Science would be a subject where a teacher can include the students very well into the lesson. Allowing a lesson to be very interactive and generally allowing students to participate in multiple ways!