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Help Please!

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I would like to know, if I could have any help.

I was in the forest when I got timed out, since my connection is the best. And, I was sitting. And I fell through the world. I had nearly everything in the store, as well as the 3 last pizzas at the pizza shop. And I was wondering if there was any possible way to get my items back. I spent a while getting all those things. Including the new phone. It has really hurt me. I really, want my stuff back. I do understand this is a normal occurrence with most people, and how I should man up. But this does effect me. I have items from the summer. And I, plead, that there is some way to get my items back.. I had so much, and they were valuable to my character. And the stuff we have today, are expensive. And dying, somewhere near the new map coming out, truly breaks my heart. (Yes, it is stupid to cry about a server, of items.. but, after two months of gathering this items.. It hurts.).

Also, since I was forced logged out, falling through the map. I can't respond due to it saying "Flying is not enabled on this server" If anything can be done, please.. please help. I love this server, and I want to be able to play.


Level 19
About your items I don't think anyone can help ya because you don't have proof of it.. Indeed you can always talk to the admins , mods or the owner about it!

The Best of Luck.

College Spencceerr

Level 1
Thread starter
About your items I don't think anyone can help ya because you don't have proof of it.. Indeed you can always talk to the admins , mods or the owner about it!

The Best of Luck.
I got it all fixed, it has happened to me so many times now, that I really don't take so much emotion as I did when I posted this thread. But I do wanna know if I can get my High school Diploma back, since when I died I had that, and I don't know how to make up something for my character when someone asks for my diploma.


Level 9
I got it all fixed, it has happened to me so many times now, that I really don't take so much emotion as I did when I posted this thread. But I do wanna know if I can get my High school Diploma back, since when I died I had that, and I don't know how to make up something for my character when someone asks for my diploma.
It's quite shocking when you're just sitting down and then when you stand up you just fall through the floor. I recently died with my Highschool Diploma and I freaked out but I'm pretty sure I won't be getting that back. I do have proof from my inventory at the time but eh. To be honest, it's the same for me, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to come up with something for my character when or if someone asks for my diploma either.


Level 152
Quite sad that people lose their items. But it's impossible to get them back, if you complain it would be considered as nagging and you could be banned from the website. I have faced the same thing myself, I died with 56 REP, 50k and exclusive items (like surfboard, icecream etc.) and all you can do is to grind up to that money again. Only if you manage to get proof of how you glitched through, I think that would increase your chances of getting your items back. Now most likely you won't if you complain.


Level 17
Same for me as well. I died quite a bit back then and even though I was loaded with cash and items, i didn't really complain because there is really very little they can do about it. The best thing we can do is move on. (Hopefully that didn't sound hostile)


Level 1
Yeah, that happened to me too unfortunately. And I had video evidence on that. Right after it happened I told Ducks I had evidence n'stuff and he told me to open a thread in the forums. Right after that I made my thread. And until now my post hasnt been viewed by a single staff member, it's obviously being ignored. Some days ago I was opening tickets for them to view the thread, they had replied the tickets (In game), but not a single action was taken, until I opened another one 2 days ago and Adym simply replied: "Sorry, we cannot get your items back.". And he hasnt even viewed my thread.

So by that I can conclude that you have a really low chance of getting your stuff back based on my terrible experience. I wish they could do something about this glitching crap, maybe add a plugin that when you fall into the void teleports you back to spawn without killing you.

Here's my thread btw:

I wish you luck!


Level 17
Oh yeah Viczk! Your that guy with the video of you falling through the world in the sewers! I'm so sorry about that man! I was reviewing your thread a few days ago. That must have really sucked, But i was really impressed you were able to get footage! GJ!
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