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The Black Market


Level 137

The Black Market
The Black Market is primarily known for distributing weapons, services, or drugs to the public. Now before I go into this, most of this is OOC so you CAN NOT use some of this ICly.
Black Market dealers have one job and one job only: Selling illegal or legal items to the public.
"an illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled or scarce commodities."

The market is spread all across Karakura, it could be anyone at anytime. Even a teacher! These dealers will most definetly keep their jobs secret, hiding it from anyone they know. The dealers can have any personality, any look, any style, any job.
"A black market, underground economy, or shadow economy is a clandestine market or transaction that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behavior with an institutional set of rules." - Wikipedia
The black market can be said to control Karakura, they are one of the most powerful markets in the town, other than the Herringtons, they can control the public by making some fear something. They do it for the money. Money is the most important thing to get something, you need to exchange.
Now there are many other types of markets (Grey Market, White Market) but the Black Market holds the power of all of them. More about the Black Market will be found once you dig deeper, it is all about trust.
"Power is the way to be on top."

This can't and wont be used ICly, if you use this information ICly you may get a punishment.

Luke Herrington

[Black Market Lead]
[P.E Teacher QT]
"King of my own creation."

Known for being the most powerful man in Karakura due to his family.

Chris 'Lee' Herrington

[Black Market Dealer]

"The police don't have to know."

Known for ?

Danyl 'Develi' Imagnus

[Black Market Dealer]

"More people, more money."

Known for drug support and trafficking
Wow this took a while. I will most likely add more things into here later on.
Please feel free to put any criticism on this, I do appreciate it.


Wooden baseball bat - 100k

Metal baseball bat - 115k

Pills - 10k each

Spiked bat - 175k

Welding mask - 50k

Pocket knife - 300k

Katana - 600k

Kurika Katana - 725k

Knuckle dusters - 95k

Gas Mask - 90k

Sai Blades - 450k

Crowbar - 150k

Hunting Dagger - 325k

Bloodsucker Mask - 90k

EXCLUSIVE: Police Baton - 500k

EXCLUSIVE: Syringe - 125k

Karakura City, Japan
Takashima City, Japan
Illinois, United States
Florida, United States
California, United States
Texas, United States
Tokyo, Japan
Kyoto, Japan
Nagoya, Japan
Yokohama, Japan
New York, United States

Moscow, Russia
Kazan, Russia
Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy
Palermo, Italy
Venice, Italy
Last edited:


Level 137
Thread starter
- Added quotes
- Added what they're known for
- More will be added later in the future


Level 11
where do i find the black market is there a certain area?
there's not a "specific area" for the black market, but if you're looking to make a purchase pings go out for when a dealer is open in the crime server. the new list of weapons w/ updated prices is also in the crime disc \(^_^)/

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