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What to do when you're bored on SchoolRP.


Level 8
Hey you! Yes, you! Playing on SchoolRP? Got nothing better to do?!

Here's a list of the top 5 things you should do in the event you're bored.

Call up your friend ICly!

I do this all of the time. Just like, ask them what they're doing and then just f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶d̶e̶e̶p̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶s̶ do something together. Contacts deleted? All of them offline in the real world with their pathetic, real friends?


Roleplay inhaling and exhaling, to creep out everyone nearby!

Make friends!

Do the classic high-school trick by bumping into someone with a plot-convenient stack of papers and wait until they help you, then introduce yourself and ask for their number! Revert to #1!


You already do this... right?

All of the above!

this is a joke don't be mad please thank you



Level 142
The Top 5 things that I do when I am bored are and are suggesting you do as well... (Not in any particular favorite order)

1. Post on forums, Check out online player profiles get a feel of a person try and relate to that person, leave some messages so that you can talk and meet new people, post applications that you have planned out, spread a little positivity and wellness by liking someone's things that you find nice, maybe leave a nice comment on someone's profile page to try and spark up a conversation, If you have questions you can always use the #help or even dm another player.

2. Plan out future character development like making job applications and language applications. Even thinking about it and writing it down so that you later have the planned out knowledge is very good and key towards creating a successful application, after all how you put it all together and how you make it look and sound is very important. A planned out application will always be better than one that is written off the top of your head.

3. Check out all of the official discords for SRP for new developments in announcements, or even Family or Gang Discords that you have been invited to stay at however be respectful and courteous of others, Try and get out there a little more talk in general, voice chats, or just straight up text have a nice and normal conversation or leave a ridiculous message to try and spark a laugh. You have the power to change someone's day and make them a little happier, I don't understand how you would ever wanna do the opposite to anyone.

4. Read up and check on rules, make sure your knowledge of the rules is superb that way you can help out and assist yourself most of all in situations that require. Having strict and key knowledge about the rules, and updating yourself on recent development in rules is a good thing, knowledge of them is pretty basic and important to have, its the number one necessity if you wish to have a prosperous time

5. Go talk to new green tags or obvious new red tags at random in roleplay, invite them to your home give them access, give them food, money, items, anything that they need to start a prosperous journey on the server so that they can have a fulfilling time as well, showing other people a good time so that they stay and maybe will make the same choices one day is good. Tell them about the rules, how to access and read them, or try and teach them a thing or two about the rules in LOOC.


Level 142
Don't be silly @Pixelatedd of course there is..


Level 142
what responsibilities
There are hella responsibilities that are forced upon you when you are an adult when you move out of the house and cant rely on your parents, when you have to get a job, get your own place. You are the adult, you no only depend strictly upon yourself, and it sucks ass honestly, but when there is no other choice but to get up and get it yourself when you're the only person to rely on there are responsibilities.
the ones in life.
the ones forced upon you.
such as doing literally anything

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