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What came first? Chicken or the egg?


Level 27
So I was scrolling through 'chicken facts' on google images, and I found the answer to
'What came first? The chicken or the egg?

The answer:
Scientists concluded, that the chicken came first not the egg; because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens.

There you go! That answers that question. No need to stress about that now. Glad I could get it off my chest!

Now you can tell all your friends.



Level 27
Thread starter
So I was scrolling through 'chicken facts' on google images, and I found the answer to
'What came first? The chicken or the egg?

The answer:
Scientists concluded, that the chicken came first not the egg; because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens.

There you go! That answers that question. No need to stress about that now. Glad I could get it off my chest!

Now you can tell all your friends.

Im also sorry to those who's pages I posted the answer of this on. I just felt I had to spread the word.


Level 46
but, how did the chicken come to be?

Saying that the chicken came first is like saying the humans came first before the apes. Chickens are a genetic mix of a massive amount of different types of pre-generations.
We know how life came to earth, and we know that it evolved into different species over time. This is the same with chickens. It didnt just turn from something else into a chicken in one generation. That is why the egg came first, because the difference betwhen one generation to another is made in the egg, not in the chicken.


Level 27
Thread starter
but, how did the chicken come to be?

Saying that the chicken came first is like saying the humans came first before the apes. Chickens are a genetic mix of a massive amount of different types of pre-generations.
We know how life came to earth, and we know that it evolved into different species over time. This is the same with chickens. It didnt just turn from something else into a chicken in one generation. That is why the egg came first, because the difference betwhen one generation to another is made in the egg, not in the chicken.
Evolution, Apparently the chicken is the closest living relative to the T-rex, besides, how would the egg come to be? Did it just appear, or did it evolve from another species over time?

Find Out Next Time In Total Drama Action!
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Level 19
The egg came first. The chicken must develop a good egg for the yolk, or baby chicken, to form. Then, the chicken will grow to a chick, then grow up to be a chicken!


Level 192
Chicken came before eggs.... eggs came before chicken?

Mike's brain has stopped responding. . . :0


Level 28
I'm going to be serious about this now.

Since I'm Catholic, I believe that God created the world. He created fish and birds as we know it. Those fish evolved into amphibiens and then into land animals, aka dinosaurs. It went on from there. So religiously, none of them came first.


Level 192
I'm going to be serious about this now.

Since I'm Catholic, I believe that God created the world. He created fish and birds as we know it. Those fish evolved into amphibiens and then into land animals, aka dinosaurs. It went on from there. So religiously, none of them came first.
we all idiots arguing for what came first chicken or eggs OMG XD

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