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Muht's Shop 2 Application.

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Level 36

Happy Pills!
IGN: Muht
Previous Applications: --- [ACCEPTED] --- [ACCEPTED] --- [ACCEPTED]’s-custom-script-application.14667/ --- [DENIED] --- [DENIED]

Previous Warns/Kicks/Bans: I haven't had any bans or kicks. However, I remember getting a warning for using phones for OOC purposes. (I understand that isn't allowed, and I haven't done it since).
Shop wanted: Happy Pills. (Shop 2).

Why do you want to own a shop?: Here are the following reasons as to why I want to own a shop:

1. It means I get to meet more people. I have met an average amount of people on this server, mainly students and teachers. However, if I get this job - it will mean I get to meet a bit more of the community. The shop is very popular, meaning if I get this shop a LOT of people will come when advertised.

2. It's something new. I have never been a shop owner before, if I get this job I will learn about how to advertise, how to restock, what it's like employing staff, adding permissions to doors, etc..
(Yes this is the smallest paragraph).

3. It would show I'm responsible. I think if I got this shop, it would show that I am more responsible than you think. I would open regularly and make sure I have enough employees, stock, money, etc... I really want to be able to show that I can be responsible and that I can own a shop with no troubles, instead of being shown an immature person who wouldn't be able to.

4. It would help me get more of a good reputation on the server. I would be known more to players on SchoolRP. More people would be able to get to know what I'm like and who I am. This would help me with more opportunities in the future.

5. I would learn more about role-playing. Like I said before, I have never been a shop owner. So, role-playing as one would help me to learn more about how to role-play as a shop owner and what it is like to role-play as a shop owner. I have always been in the customer point of view; I know that it's time for a change.

6. I've always wanted to be a shop-owner. I've always wanted to own an ITEM shop. But, there was only ever cafe's on offer, and I feel like we have enough of those. I was planning on building an item shop on creative but it has recently went down. But then Happy Pills applications opened, and I knew I should apply!

What do you plan to do with the shop?: Honestly, I feel like whoever designed the shop was a good designer because I feel like it looks good just the way it is. However, there are a few things I would change:

1. I would make the prices better for the customers. To make more customers come I need to make the prices better so Happy Pills gets better reviews, which equals more people going to the shop. This will make more profits for the business, which would make it so we can get more stock, pay the staff better and make awesome shop events. I chose Business Studies as an option at school meaning I know how to segment a market, I understand prices and what customers will prefer, plus I know that some of the prices in the shop are way too expensive, and my intentions are to change that. (I.e. A surgical mask is 6k).

2. I would try my best to make the shop look more welcoming. I don't think much people enjoy going to a pharmacy considering it's got that "hospital" feel to it. If I made the pharmacy look more comfortable - people won't mind it as much. I would probably do up the interior as there are a lot of windows so that is what you'll mostly see. I'll add things like:

2a. A group therapy room. The group therapy room is a risky idea but I feel like it could pull through. There would be certain times for certain meetings. It would mean that Happy Pills is way more than the ordinary Pharmacy and that drugs are not the only way to get through phobias, depression, addiction, etc.. This shows that Happy Pills also thinks of natural treatments, which would benefit the customer.

2b. Add some more color and detail to the main area of Happy Pills. Happy Pills has many windows meaning people can look inside whenever they want. I want customers to be drawn to Happy Pills instead of being pulled away because of the look of the place. I would add more color to the area to make it look more friendly and appealing to everyone. The colors would be sort of neutral but bright at the same time to make us look comfortable. I would also put a few plants around the area. Plants, in my opinion, always makes a place feel like home. They look beautiful, healthy and colorful. This would automatically make the customers eye be drawn to the shop itself, making them want to go inside.

2c. There would be a Spanish theme. The owner is apart of a Spanish family meaning there would be a small Spanish "tinge" to the place. There would be cacti, dark oak, paintings and more. This would make the shop look more "Summery" meaning it looks more happy. It needs to look happy as the shop is called Happy Pills.

3. I would make the inside more spacious. At the minute, the shop is a little crammed in between the aisles and people can be accused of "minge-pushing". If we moved the carpet a little, we could move the aisles out a bit. This would effect the customers in a very positive way as it would give them more air to breathe because of the fact they are not being pushed around by others. It would also help the customers read the item and the prices instead of them being blocked by another purchaser. Overall, making a bit more space would bring a commendable amount of satisfaction for the people.

How will your shop be unique?: Okay, there are a couple reasons as to why my shop would be unique:

1. It'll be a family business. To add more to the roleplay, the "Valézquez" will be apart of the business. They're a Spanish family who are fairly new to SchoolRP. They won't own it but they'll be apart of it. They will help out with the shop and put their hearts into it as well. It'd mean the shop would have a sort of Spanish twist to it. I think this is an excellent addition because I don't think this has been done before, meaning it's something unique. (If it has been done, I'm sorry).

2. High school students would get their fruit and vegetables cheaper. High School students are still kids, this is why if High School students want to buy fruit or vegetables, it will have a different price stated on the sign. This is because most High School pupils don't have jobs and live off their allowance, plus if they're buying fruit it's apart of their 5 a day and we are a pharmacy meaning we encourage eating healthy foods. To elaborate on this, posters will be made and put up on the wall about healthy eating and how it is good in the long run. It is good for the future because it means less people will suffer with eating disorders, diabetes, and bad health. That is why healthy eating matter and that is why we are discounting the price of fruit and vegetables for young children. Hopefully by doing this, the children will understand how important a balanced and healthy diet is.

3. Items such as a "Cane" or "Reading glasses" would be discounted for anyone over 70. At Happy Pills, we respect the elderly and know how much trouble it could be without certain necessities. Happy Pills wants to give out a good impression to the old people in Karakura as well as the young. This is why we make certain essentials discounted. The layout on the sign would show the original prices, then the price for the elderly to make it easier for people to understand.

4. All employees will go through training sessions. If you are accepted to be a staff member at Happy Pills, you must do a small training session on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R) to ensure that all employees would know what to do in a medical emergency. There would be training sessions every month to make sure that the knowledge stays with the employees and to ensure they know what they’re doing. This would benefit Happy Pills as it shows that we care about the customer’s health and safety. This makes the customers feel safe in our store, which would make us look more comforting.

How many employees are you planning to have?: I plan on having 10 staff members/employees:

1. 1 Manager. The managers main role is to make sure everything is under control. They are to monitor the staff and stock to make sure that nothing is being stolen or if the staff are doing something wrong. The manager would be second in command and can give out orders for the rest of the staff, unless the order is corrupt. They would get front door permissions as well as the rest of the door permissions. At the end of every shift they would be payed 15k. This is the highest pay that a staff member can get. To become a manager you must be trustworthy and reliable.

2. 4 Cashiers. Cashiers are meant to stay at the till to help customers with whatever they need. They will make sure that I.D is not fake and log everything that they sell on the discord for Happy Pills. They must not be disrespectful to a customer - even if they are being disrespectful to you. You must always look professional and not make the store look bad. Receipts will be signed by the cashiers to make sure that no-one fakes a receipt. Cashiers will not get the front door permissions; however, they will get every other permission. Cashiers will pay me 45% of what they sell and keep the rest. To be a cashier you must fill out an application and send it to me.

3. 2 Security Guards. Security guards must always look professional. They must not use unneeded violence on a customer or staff. Their main job is to make sure no one is stealing anything and that everyone in the shop is always safe and not threatened. They must turn up on time and be a very active person. They would get the front door permissions but not the other door permissions, as they do not need them. They would get payed 10k every shift, if they do their job correctly.

4. 1 the******. The the****** would only be needed if the extension was made and the therapy room was installed. The the****** would help with the group therapy sessions and make sure that there are no sudden outbreaks, no injuries and basically help people get through what they're trying to get through. They would look practised and friendly at the same time. They must keep everything confidential, even if they are owning up to breaking the law. They would get payed 8k every session. and get permissions to the front door and the therapy room. This is so that they can make after hour sessions. They must also log when they have made a session and produce evidence like a screenshot with the time on it.

5. 2 cleaners. As it is a pharmacy we must have a clean store. This is why we need cleaners so that the store is spotless all the time. Their job is too clean straight after the store closes so that they do not get in the way. They must turn up on time anyway just in-case any mess is made. They must always be clean when they turn up to work so that they look hygienic to the customers and so that the store will stay cleansed. They will get every door permission, including the front one, so that they can clean after hours and clean everywhere. They would get payed 5k every shift.

There would not be a uniform unless you are a cleaner, who must wear an apron and gloves at all times to stay untainted.

Why should "Muht" be chosen instead of everyone else?: I feel like I should take Shop 2 because:

1. I am a very active player. The fact I am a very active player helps this application out a lot. The shop will be open a lot because of how active I am on SchoolRP. It will always be restocked on time so that customers can buy any item they want without being turned down.

2. I have done all the research. I have researched every single drug that is sold at Happy Pills. It's all on my notes on my phone, and if I get the job it will be transferred to a book and quill for the cashiers. As I have done my research about the drugs, it means I'll be able to know if the drugs can only be taken if you have a prescription or not, if they're dangerous from a certain age, etc...

3. I have already been a worker at two stores. I have worked at Kiyoura and The Redhouse meaning I already know the basic information about how shops work and the rules that come with them. I don't have any experience being the owner of a store but I do know how to work at one, which helps a lot in my opinion.

Why is Happy Pills important to SchoolRP?: Happy Pills has a very important role in the SchoolRP community. The fact that it is the only pharmacy in Karakura is one of the main reasons for this question. This makes Happy Pills different from the rest of the store It is important because you cannot get drugs from any other store. This implies that all the GangRP'ers and DrugRP'ers will go to the store. A lot of the community GangRP which is why Happy Pills is a big part of the SchoolRP Network.

Do you have any additional information?: I have tried my hardest to keep my application compact and not to spaced out. The fact that I like to use lists to express myself does not help the "spacing out" problem, plus I like to make it so my application is easy to read and neat. Also,
Muht is an alt I recently got so it says that I haven't played very long, please ignore that. Finally, there is 2408 words approximately - including the additional info. (Microsoft Word did my word count).

Any questions?:
What is the maximum age you can be for this role? (I would like to be 91)

Thanks for reading!~
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Level 119
Very good application, lots of juicy detail.
I like the plans you included and I will try to implement the changes as soon as possible.
Contact me on Discord if you have any questions or need some help. As well as to notify me for when you are online on Muht, so that I can give you your permissions.
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