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Recent content by 0fly

  1. 0fly

    Karakura News | Winter Tourneys

    absolute unit
  2. 0fly

    Thanks for the Memories

    glad you had a good run
  3. 0fly

    SchoolRP Best Pet Roleplayer?

    To be honest, I think most of the people who RP as animals are quite unique, so I give props to them all
  4. 0fly

    Accepted Humphh - Janitor application.

    What is your Minecraft username?: Humphh (account I am applying with: Alt) 0fly (main) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): 0fly#8153 How old are you? (Optional): 14 years of age. (April 26th 2007.) What is your time zone?: ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time) Describe your...
  5. 0fly


    Recently, a thought has come to my head.. What, you might ask. Well, the sexist man in Karakura. I had talked to a few people about it, and we all in the end came in with different answers. Personally, there are a few guys that I would deem fit for this position, such as Kaiser Beckermann...
  6. 0fly

    I just want to practice my highballs in peace

    do it, I beg.
  7. 0fly

    I'm a simp.

    I'm a simp.
  8. 0fly

    Vlog #9 | Q&A

    Mookie a little drama queen
  9. 0fly


    IGN (Minecraft Username): Jikko_ WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade-9[Volleyball-Team] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-12[Volleyball-Team] EVIDENCE:
  10. 0fly


  11. 0fly


    IGN (Minecraft Username): Kakusenai WHAT YOU NEED: [18][Grade-12][Volleyball-Team] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [17][Grade-11][Volleyball-Team] EVIDENCE: