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Recent content by Bamboopanda1104

  1. Bamboopanda1104

    /setdesc &6&l[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii]&3&o A 6'1 tall ginger woman. Her heavy sent of &4&l&oRoses...

    /setdesc &6&l[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii]&3&o A 6'1 tall ginger woman. Her heavy sent of &4&l&oRoses &3&ocarried with her. She spoke with a high child-like tone. Her bright ginger hair noticeable from a mile away, Blue mask on her arm also recognisable.
  2. Bamboopanda1104

    KARAKURA NEWS | Winter Accessories

  3. Bamboopanda1104

    Can anyone help find my name on the HS-Collage list? PandoraBamboo

    Can anyone help find my name on the HS-Collage list? PandoraBamboo
  4. Bamboopanda1104

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Burton&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that...

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Burton&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. &6[&4<3&6]
  5. Bamboopanda1104

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Phonk&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that...

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Phonk&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. &6[&4<3&6]
  6. Bamboopanda1104

    Faye Jahii | Biography

    I do not see eun.
  7. Bamboopanda1104

    suki is ur child

    suki is ur child
  8. Bamboopanda1104


  9. Bamboopanda1104

    /setdesc &6[&7&lScarlet Yoko&6] &3&o A 5'8 Ukrainian young woman with short black hair that...

    /setdesc &6[&7&lScarlet Yoko&6] &3&o A 5'8 Ukrainian young woman with short black hair that framed her face. You could smell her rose scented perfume. She'd just only gotten out of jail. &6[&4<3&6]
  10. Bamboopanda1104

    I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

    I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
  11. Bamboopanda1104

    1 quote that perfectly goes with your character

    "This place is a ocean of lies" -Eun
  12. Bamboopanda1104

    That's why I note them down it helps :D

    That's why I note them down it helps :D
  13. Bamboopanda1104

    I like making more chars >:D

    I like making more chars >:D
  14. Bamboopanda1104

    Chars in order: Pandora 'Pando' Bamboo (dead soon ig) William 'Will' Bamboo (alive) Scarlet Yoko...

    Chars in order: Pandora 'Pando' Bamboo (dead soon ig) William 'Will' Bamboo (alive) Scarlet Yoko (Arrested but alive) Eun-Kyung Y. Jahii (alive) Suki Yoko (alive) Mei yoko (soon announced when arriving to karakura) Yuki Yoko (same as Mei) Mai Yoko (same as Yuki) Some are the chars are if the...
  15. Bamboopanda1104

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Yoko&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed...

    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Yoko&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. She has many siblings but her favourite ones are still in Ukraine. &6[&4<3&6]