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  • Chars in order: Pandora 'Pando' Bamboo (dead soon ig) William 'Will' Bamboo (alive) Scarlet Yoko (Arrested but alive) Eun-Kyung Y. Jahii (alive) Suki Yoko (alive) Mei yoko (soon announced when arriving to karakura) Yuki Yoko (same as Mei) Mai Yoko (same as Yuki) Some are the chars are if the chars die ^^
    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Yoko&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. She has many siblings but her favourite ones are still in Ukraine. &6[&4<3&6]
    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Phonk&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. &6[&4<3&6]
    /setdesc &6[&7&lSuki Y. Burton&6] &3&o A 6'5 Ukrainian young woman with whispy white hair that framed her face. Her cookie dough-like smell could be smelt from miles away. &6[&4<3&6]
    &6[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii&6] &3&o A 6'1 female.Apart of the Jahii family she adores her siblings and spends time with all of them.Shes from ukraine. and she has whispy ginger hair that framed her face. Known as mask girl &6[&4<3&6]
    The FJ
    The FJ
    &6[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii&6] &3&o A 6'1 female.Apart of the Jahii family she adores her siblings and spends time with all of them.Shes from ukraine. and she has whispy ginger hair that framed her face. Known as mask girl &6[&4<3&6]
    /setdesc &6&l[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii]&3&o A 6'1 tall ginger woman. Her heavy sent of &4&l&oRoses &3&ocarried with her. She spoke with a high child-like tone. Her bright ginger hair noticeable from a mile away, Blue mask on her arm also recognisable.
    The FJ
    The FJ
    setdesc &6&l[&7&lEun-Kyung Y. Jahii]&3&o A 6'1 tall ginger woman. Her heavy sent of &4&l&oRoses &3&ocarried with her. She spoke with a high child-like tone. Her bright ginger hair noticeable from a mile away, Blue mask on her arm also recognisable.
    &6[&7&lPandora 'Panda' Bamboo&6] &3&o A 6'1 Spanish female with smooth black hair and heterochromia eyes however.. One of her eyes are prosthetic due to it getting scooped out with a shovel. Her rose sent could be smelt from miles away. &6[&4<3&6]
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