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Recent content by BlackMarketRP

  1. BlackMarketRP

    pomf :p

    pomf :p
  2. BlackMarketRP

    General Guide on the Basics of Traumatic Brain Injuries

    ok now do a guide for those characters who are living with the leftover physical/mental side effects of these brain injuries cause sometimes ppl will have chars with like 1000 concussions n be thriving
  3. BlackMarketRP

    sigh, i remember when we used to read the ban appeals...

    sigh, i remember when we used to read the ban appeals...
  4. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    bro.. ima be so fr but tokito doesnt even interact with ppl like that... he's only really talked to one in-law
  5. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    UPDATED! Name, Relationships, minor bio changes and some grey text updated! Katakana Tachitsu Fiance → Husband! Remember: This is a WIP! I may be missing a LOT of people!! If you're missing and want to be added, DM me or make a reply on here!
  6. BlackMarketRP

    Disowning Apt

    USERNAME: Clovertheflower APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1833, 30, 1351 ISSUE: Apartment Owner (Ayolil8girlhere) has been offline for a month, is it possible to evict/disown said apartment? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  7. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    UPDATED! Minor things (grey speech) have been updated! Some relationships changed too! Remember: This is a WIP! I may be missing a LOT of people!! If you're missing and want to be added, DM me or make a reply on here!
  8. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    UPDATED! Katakana T. Soshi-Keimei Lover → Fiance?! (WHOA?!) Remember: This is a WIP! I may be missing a LOT of people!! If you're missing and want to be added, DM me or make a reply on here!
  9. BlackMarketRP

    disowning :3

    USERNAME: BlackMarketRP APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1863, 57, 596 ISSUE: uuh uuuh they've been off for a month now :3 is it able to be disowned? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  10. BlackMarketRP

    Inactive Owner

    USERNAME: BlackMarketRP APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1568, 57, 613 ISSUE: uuuh they're inactive, pls disown it :3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  11. BlackMarketRP

    Glitched Apt Sign.

    Hello! This apt, 102 in O block, (1208, 27, 932) is glitched and won't let anyone buy it, even after the server reset. I asked in the help channel and was told to make a forum post since there's no Admin+ on.
  12. BlackMarketRP

    Character Soundtracks, but in a moment.

    Tokito 'Neo' Kurabu You never know what you're gonna get from this lil dude! USUAL AMBIENCE - "Mood" - Cort 'AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??' - "People I Don't Like" - UPSAHL REALIZATION : "Overdose" - grandson BETRAYAL : "Alone - Unplugged" - sayk_ GIVING CHASE! : "Boss Bitch" - Doja Cat...
  13. BlackMarketRP

    Denied School Nurse Application - BlackMarketRP

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: BlackMarketRP Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): ilovekurtworld How old are you? (Optional): 16 What is your time zone?: CST Describe your activity on the server: Usually I'm on almost all days of the...
  14. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    UPDATED! Katakana T. Soshi-Keimei Love Interest → Lover (Who woulda thought?) Remember: This is a WIP! I may be missing a LOT of people!! If you're missing and want to be added, DM me or make a reply on here!
  15. BlackMarketRP

    ⟦Tokito 'NEO' M. Kurabu⟧ . . A Character Biography.

    UPDATED! Pets section has been added! -Mews -Poro -Kachinonai -Pancake Remember: This is a WIP! I may be missing a LOT of people!! If you're missing and want to be added, DM me or make a reply on here!