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Recent content by Cap

  1. Cap

    Dorms changes

  2. Cap

    Ask me Anything | Aania addition!

    why you such an opp (love you really Aania)
  3. Cap

    Accepted Sunglasses "Arguello" Copy Request

    Username: Cap What is your Minecraft username? Cap7ainDes7roy Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-20026524a38929-7d85a8 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Sunglasses "Arguello" What type of item are you...
  4. Cap

    Need my car <3 (first copy)

    IGN: Cap7ainDes7roy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Skyline GT-R 2000 "Blanc" EVIDENCE: INFORMATION: N/A
  5. Cap

    Accepted Sunglasses "Arguello" Copy Request

    Username: Cap What is your Minecraft username? Cap7ainDes7roy Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-20026524a38929-7d85a8 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Sunglasses "Arguello" What type of item are you...
  6. Cap

    Crime and KPD suggestion

    -1 for me. Reasoning behind it is because of what Mo said its an a channel approved by the owner to have it icly.
  7. Cap

    Nerfing Bounty Hunters

    Yes! that was the case, myself and bheom talked about this recently. If people are just joining for the weapons that they can get at a discounted price. We will completely scrap the 50% discount. As bheom said mine and her dms are always open to speak about BH and what we could change and what not.
  8. Cap

    Adding Police-issued Recording Devices

    I agree with this, so +1 since it adds more interactions between GangRpers and KPD.
  9. Cap

    Detention Slips Proposal

    +1 i like this idea
  10. Cap

    Adding prices to Police Visitations

    +1 i agree personally i feel depending on what they have been arrested for that should determine the amount of yen they should pay .
  11. Cap

    Apartment Disown!

    I need someone to disown an apartment S. 104 the player has been offline for awhile now.