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Detention Slips Proposal


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
What's your Minecraft Username?: Customable
What's the title of your suggestion?: Detention Slips Proposal

What's your suggestion?:
I have seen some forum posts regarding detention slips recently and actually though the idea was pretty sound, so in light of Leo_14's discussion on erikfinster's custom suggestions I thought i'd show the community a prototype and gather opinions on it:

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Detentions are often taken OOCly, I believe creating IC elements to enforce the idea that detentions ARE an ICly punishment and are meant to be handled In Character will instil this idea and keep dealing and handling detentions as an in roleplay scenario, not only does this idea bring a more unique and quite frankly more efficient way to hand out detentions, it eliminates the confusion when individuals would receive detentions out of the blue.

Whilst yes this would ultimately make it harder to hand detentions out to students you are not near or unable to right click, I believe those problems should matter from an IC perspective and are not as relevant as those arguing that issue may believe, after all, you are meant to tell an individual directly they have detention.


Level 45

This is what I tried to suggest however I couldn't get the words out right, im grateful for customable, showing people how it would be introduced as a new detention plug in. Design wise you can access this forum below for any extra info on what it would be like and look like.

As customable has shown the item would be a infinite use item, so that we would not have to spawn tons of them in.



Level 33
While I LOVE this idea and debated suggesting it before, the only issue is the one you brought up. Most students run away before you can even type something out, so as faculty (I am one) we have to intercom a lot of times. Students would make the excuse of 'losing' the slip or trashing it, therefore giving yet another IC excuse to avoid detention. So unless we could potentially give it more than once if they 'lose' their slip that would help prevent that annoying little issue.
Yes this is me thinking of how I would avoid detention


Level 96
What's your Minecraft Username?: Customable
What's the title of your suggestion?: Detention Slips Proposal

What's your suggestion?:
I have seen some forum posts regarding detention slips recently and actually though the idea was pretty sound, so in light of Leo_14's discussion on erikfinster's custom suggestions I thought i'd show the community a prototype and gather opinions on it:

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Detentions are often taken OOCly, I believe creating IC elements to enforce the idea that detentions ARE an ICly punishment and are meant to be handled In Character will instil this idea and keep dealing and handling detentions as an in roleplay scenario, not only does this idea bring a more unique and quite frankly more efficient way to hand out detentions, it eliminates the confusion when individuals would receive detentions out of the blue.

Whilst yes this would ultimately make it harder to hand detentions out to students you are not near or unable to right click, I believe those problems should matter from an IC perspective and are not as relevant as those arguing that issue may believe, after all, you are meant to tell an individual directly they have detention.
+ 1

So that's why you vanished from server for weeks


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Thread starter
While I LOVE this idea and debated suggesting it before, the only issue is the one you brought up. Most students run away before you can even type something out, so as faculty (I am one) we have to intercom a lot of times. Students would make the excuse of 'losing' the slip or trashing it, therefore giving yet another IC excuse to avoid detention. So unless we could potentially give it more than once if they 'lose' their slip that would help prevent that annoying little issue.
Yes this is me thinking of how I would avoid detention
The slip is more cosmetic if anything, the plugin would still log by username that day and put them on a list infact, it simply introduces more IC elements to handing out detentions which will further instil the fact detentions are ICly and make it easier and more fun to hand slips out in the moment!

if the student runs, simply intercom them back, you’re not allowed to hand out detentions to the student without informing them regardless so it shouldn’t change much!


Level 29
If students start losing their detention slips, we can just enchant them with curse of binding and then kill the student after detention. Easy, effective, and best of all - realistic.


Level 146
This just complicates giving out detention in an unnecessary way. If you really wanted to update the command, it would make more sense to just add an effective radius to our current one; for instance, if somebody is outside of whisper range, /detention wouldn't work as realistically you wouldn't be able to hand the student a slip from that far away.

Detentions are often taken OOCly, I believe creating IC elements to enforce the idea that detentions ARE an ICly punishment and are meant to be handled In Character will instil this idea
If we want detentions to be taken ICly, we need faculty to start taking them ICly, since they usually either try optimizing the process or are otherwise uninterested in roleplaying it out. The current detention protocol could also use some work, since as convenient as it is, it's just a formulaic checklist of things to do rather than an accessory to roleplay. Sitting somebody in a room and AFKing until they finish homework doesn't make for interesting roleplay, and that's why nobody takes detention (or what leads up to it) seriously.

Fixing this issue would be as easy as addressing it in a faculty meeting and/or announcement, and integrating this kind of knowledge into training.


Level 45
This just complicates giving out detention in an unnecessary way. If you really wanted to update the command, it would make more sense to just add an effective radius to our current one; for instance, if somebody is outside of whisper range, /detention wouldn't work as realistically you wouldn't be able to hand the student a slip from that far away.

If we want detentions to be taken ICly, we need faculty to start taking them ICly, since they usually either try optimizing the process or are otherwise uninterested in roleplaying it out. The current detention protocol could also use some work, since as convenient as it is, it's just a formulaic checklist of things to do rather than an accessory to roleplay. Sitting somebody in a room and AFKing until they finish homework doesn't make for interesting roleplay, and that's why nobody takes detention (or what leads up to it) seriously.

Fixing this issue would be as easy as addressing it in a faculty meeting and/or announcement, and integrating this kind of knowledge into training.
it doesn't really complicate giving out detentions, its just a small command change, plus you'd get the training to be told how to use it anyways so it doesn't change much

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