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Detention Slips Proposal


Level 14
+1 As a former employee, people also complain about you being too far away when you action to hand the students detention then they run away. So this would also eliminate that undeserved pain for faculty. ..


Level 45
For reference if someone does run away you would usually just have an SLT intercom made, for avoiding detention which they would have to FEARRP therefore them HAVING to come to the area that you tell them to come to give them that detention


Level 149
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This just complicates giving out detention in an unnecessary way. If you really wanted to update the command, it would make more sense to just add an effective radius to our current one; for instance, if somebody is outside of whisper range, /detention wouldn't work as realistically you wouldn't be able to hand the student a slip from that far away.

If we want detentions to be taken ICly, we need faculty to start taking them ICly, since they usually either try optimizing the process or are otherwise uninterested in roleplaying it out. The current detention protocol could also use some work, since as convenient as it is, it's just a formulaic checklist of things to do rather than an accessory to roleplay. Sitting somebody in a room and AFKing until they finish homework doesn't make for interesting roleplay, and that's why nobody takes detention (or what leads up to it) seriously.

Fixing this issue would be as easy as addressing it in a faculty meeting and/or announcement, and integrating this kind of knowledge into training.
This suggestion addresses the issue of students taking detentions OOCly, faculty and SLT receive OOC complaints regarding detentions when the issue should be handled ICly, whilst we can just tell them to take it ICly every time its said, theres no harm in fine tuning the process to feel more unique and in character with this change, and maybe from this the SLT can find more interesting but still punishing ways to host said detentions.

as for how this complicates the process further, i'm unsure of what you mean; if anything this actually simplifies it, the command will introduce realistic limitations, enforced roleplay scenarios and will drastically decrease the time it takes to hand an individual a detention, allowing you to simply right click after typing a command, instead of right click, or /fn to find the individuals username, then type out the long command it takes to provide that individual with said detention.

Plus with all due respect to the additions SchoolRP has received, we as a community have strayed further and further from the path of roleplay, I think a change like this will ground things more in character, i'm a firm believer that plugins should be an addition to host roleplay and become a catalyst for it or build upon what would be hard to roleplay out, not limit it or make it stale.
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Level 206

I low-key despise itemRP - one of the reasons why I love ordering customs - and handing out/receiving Detention this way feels more immersive. (Not that I have experience with that - Erik never got Detention - but I imagine it much more immersive)


Level 73
Sometimes I have to stand idly while typing out the command and students don't realize and just run off assuming I'm afk or done speaking with them


Level 146
it doesn't really complicate giving out detentions, its just a small command change, plus you'd get the training to be told how to use it anyways so it doesn't change much
as for how this complicates the process further, i'm unsure of what you mean
The reason this system would complicate things is because there is much more room for error and abuse. To list a few examples:
  • Students can run away from faculty when they write a slip, avoiding them until the item times out.
  • Faculty can have bad aim and accidentally gives the detention slip to the wrong person (meaning they'd have to request to remove the detention).
  • Students can have their friends block their bodies, making it more difficult for faculty to give the slip to the correct person.
The only means of abuse / error in our current system comes from the faculty side, that being the range issue. While abuse from the student side would fall into the boundaries of breaking OOC rules, it's still something that can potentially make both faculty and staff members' lives a bit more difficult. The command you are proposing has flaws on both faculty and student ends, and I would much prefer our current system, where the only issue could be eliminated with either a range limit or better training.

In regards to speed, it seems like there wouldn't be much of a difference. This new command would require you to type one command and click on the player, whereas with our current one you can either choose to type two commands (/fn, /detention) or click on the player to see their IGN and use the detention command; the only difference is the inclusion of an item, which I'm not entirely against but still don't see much of a reason for.

This suggestion addresses the issue of students taking detentions OOCly
I think it's important to address the fact that faculty do the same thing, and that it's part of the issue. More often than not, faculty will do the bare minimum when it comes to delinquency and detention roleplay, enough so that it makes you wonder why they engage in it to begin with (for example, the peanut gallery at the front of detention most days). I believe that we can make detention roleplay a lot better than it currently is, but it's faculty's side that has to take the first step. A change of commands won't do anything, rather it will require a change of both protocol and attitude in regards to delinquency roleplay.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
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The reason this system would complicate things is because there is much more room for error and abuse. To list a few examples:
  • Students can run away from faculty when they write a slip, avoiding them until the item times out.
  • Faculty can have bad aim and accidentally gives the detention slip to the wrong person (meaning they'd have to request to remove the detention).
  • Students can have their friends block their bodies, making it more difficult for faculty to give the slip to the correct person.
The only means of abuse / error in our current system comes from the faculty side, that being the range issue. While abuse from the student side would fall into the boundaries of breaking OOC rules, it's still something that can potentially make both faculty and staff members' lives a bit more difficult. The command you are proposing has flaws on both faculty and student ends, and I would much prefer our current system, where the only issue could be eliminated with either a range limit or better training.

In regards to speed, it seems like there wouldn't be much of a difference. This new command would require you to type one command and click on the player, whereas with our current one you can either choose to type two commands (/fn, /detention) or click on the player to see their IGN and use the detention command; the only difference is the inclusion of an item, which I'm not entirely against but still don't see much of a reason for.

I think it's important to address the fact that faculty do the same thing, and that it's part of the issue. More often than not, faculty will do the bare minimum when it comes to delinquency and detention roleplay, enough so that it makes you wonder why they engage in it to begin with (for example, the peanut gallery at the front of detention most days). I believe that we can make detention roleplay a lot better than it currently is, but it's faculty's side that has to take the first step. A change of commands won't do anything, rather it will require a change of both protocol and attitude in regards to delinquency roleplay.
You have valid points and concerns that I will admit I did not consider, however, I'm still in strength of my idea, I believe it would be a soulful and interesting change in the way detentions work in a subtle fashion.

To add onto you delinquency claim though, your issue actually lies more within the community itself as a whole, which is why it is such a hard issue to counter in the first place; the problem is people simply do not know how to roleplay delinquency properly at times. There is a very fine line between delinquency and failure to FearRP which can be breached, decreasing the regulations against it introduces elements that demotivate faculty further and make it a task for them to roleplay their jobs, whilst increasing the regulations and restrictions on it chokes the student community and takes away an element of character choice and freedom, this is unfortunately, as much as you'd like to believe it is, not fixable through just extra training or difference in how we treat certain scenarios, it is a balance that is hardly maintained that would require swaying a fair amount of the community to change for the better; somethings can not be done over night, but I am more than sure that changing an entire communities ideals without restricting them further wont be done at all.

It is partially the reason why detentions are so unfun in the first place, it's a deterrent; we can handle a few discrepancies but there are individuals who will purposely put themselves forward on the targeting board to receive detentions already, and that's in its boring state, if we make detention in anyway a good thing, it defeats the purpose entirely and encourages that delinquency more, which overwhelms factions and forces staff to decide that fine line between delinquency and failure to FearRP.

Every action has a consequence.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I must say i am in favor of Mr Philbertman42’s argument. Instead of adding a whole new plugin, we should attempt to fix the problem without it and see if we even need it in the end! I believe all it takes is a little more Faculty/Councillor training in terms of giving more roleplay opportunity to students with detention, rather than treating it like a chore :D


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Thread starter
I must say i am in favor of Mr Philbertman42’s argument. Instead of adding a whole new plugin, we should attempt to fix the problem without it and see if we even need it in the end! I believe all it takes is a little more Faculty/Councillor training in terms of giving more roleplay opportunity to students with detention, rather than treating it like a chore :D
I have addressed why this will be near impossible above.

but do take note, I’m not suggesting an entirely new plugin here, it would use the same detention list, per username detention that day and detention system as the current plugin; it’s simply altering the way they are handed to students!


Level 146
It is partially the reason why detentions are so unfun in the first place, it's a deterrent; we can handle a few discrepancies but there are individuals who will purposely put themselves forward on the targeting board to receive detentions already, and that's in its boring state, if we make detention in anyway a good thing, it defeats the purpose entirely and encourages that delinquency more, which overwhelms factions and forces staff to decide that fine line between delinquency and failure to FearRP.
Detentions shouldn't be seen as a deterrent, but rather the in character consequence of in character actions. If people go out of their way to seek out disciplinary roleplay for their characters because that is the type of roleplay they are interested in doing, who are we to say no? It shouldn't feel like a chore for either student or faculty, but rather an opportunity for two people to roleplay. If we actually provide options for players who might want to participate in actual roleplay, rather than defaulting to giving them a pre-made worksheet, we'll see less of the worst of people; and if players still want to be difficult or opt to FailRP during detention, we can still hit 'em with the classic task #01 and let them be bored.

To add onto you delinquency claim though, your issue actually lies more within the community itself as a whole, which is why it is such a hard issue to counter in the first place; the problem is people simply do not know how to roleplay delinquency properly at times. There is a very fine line between delinquency and failure to FearRP which can be breached, decreasing the regulations against it introduces elements that demotivate faculty further and make it a task for them to roleplay their jobs, whilst increasing the regulations and restrictions on it chokes the student community and takes away an element of character choice and freedom, this is unfortunately, as much as you'd like to believe it is, not fixable through just extra training or difference in how we treat certain scenarios, it is a balance that is hardly maintained that would require swaying a fair amount of the community to change for the better; somethings can not be done over night, but I am more than sure that changing an entire communities ideals without restricting them further wont be done at all.
Improving disciplinary roleplay doesn't mean increasing or decreasing regulations for either party, but rather a simple change in protocol; while I understand you disagree with this sentiment, I have experienced it first-hand. Mutual engagement is the essence of roleplay, and if you think the little guy in the teacher/student power dynamic is going to bridge the gap first, you won't get very far. It's very easy to roleplay with delinquents if you isolate them from the detention crowd and get a conversation going. Show interest in their situation and actually try to counsel them, and you'll have more success than when you toss them a pre-written homework assignment. Of course this doesn't have a 100% hit rate, there are some players who aren't interested in roleplaying out their delinquency, which we can't do anything about; but these are the players we should be reserving tasks for, not those who might genuinely want to engage in disciplinary roleplay.

It won't take a community-wide shift in perspective, but rather a change in how faculty perceives and handles detention. If you don't believe me, I encourage you to try it for yourself; in your next few detentions, single out a student (preferably one you've personally put there) and bring them to a private area (such as a classroom). Engage with this character and actually try to counsel them, I guarantee you'll get a few hits within your first few tries.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- We'll implement this with some minor tweaks.​

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