hey ducks its me i got jailed for almost 3 years now and i got jailed for using my bat blaster as a gun, pls unjail me,i stayed in the server fro the whole day and didnt get unjailed :( my IGN Is wG_FroSty. thank you.i'll be on the server.bye.
Greetings Ducks. I got a Problem about my age. My age has been resetet for Dying in Prison. I'm stuck on 13 years old now. I cant rankup. Please fix this as fast as you can. Bye
Ducks, I have donated for Richkid++ from richkid but it isn't showing on the server
but on the website it shows me in the recently donated list. Also i got famous kid from richkid++ which also didn't work
(please fix it asap cuz I donate for famous kid and didnt work)
Hey Ducks, did you end up unbanning me on the discord? I remember you said you would, not sure if you've forgotten (IGN - Choerry_) the discord name was Sowon#7511 incase you need to know that too :D
Sadly just spent all my money on a new super deluxe FIghttyyyuyyyy spanner, soZ ploz. i ned iw ill pey liter suz (i sadly can't support the server :(, THigh i wuk dab on haters heheheheeee (Sorry) FEEL FREE TO DELETE
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