The User Pyschopathh stole my brief case and a whole bunch of other stuff I bought, I asked for it back but she ignored me, how am I suppose to get it back?
hey ducks, theres a secret room I found that's similar to the satanic club in yanderechan simulator that I found, are you trying to keep it a secret or have you not built an entrance yet? and I'm not asking for a teaching position, but iv played for awhile and my rank hasn't gone up, I'm still grade 8 iv been stuck for awhile.
Hey ducks! I'm prolly your servers biggest fan but I was recently banned! If you could try to look at my appeal and give me a second chance I would love that! Thanks for all the fun the server has brought!
Hey so my character has red eyes and white hair because of a rare genetic disease called Albinism. Can i have permission for my character to have these traits?
My username is Terezii_Pyrope.
hey ducks I was ban for alt which is because I have 2 brothers and a sister and she was ban for advertisement which she should not have done but I was ban because saicos or something I don't know his name that well but I never would break a rule this is my favorite server and please unbann me I'm King_Cole_Bear
Hey Ducks, I have a question. My suffx is stuck on Rich-Kid for a while, while I am FamousKid. Could you perhaps fix this if posssible? Would appreciate it, thanks.
Ducks i need your help i got perma banned for advertising realm and i wasn't i was just talking to my friend and then i got off to go to the store and when i went to get back on i was perma Banned from @Kasss and that was the only server i could get on no other servers work for me
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