@FilthyDuck 2 things one i broke my game i have one of those chest in my left hand i cant sit or open doors and i wanna make a club it will be the anime club people love anime and i think it would really help the school people could get to know eachother and have fun talking about books they had my user for MC is OnyxPanda33 thank you and goodbye
I submitted a teacher application a while back and when I go on my posts and the teacher application section on the forums its not there, do you know why this might of happened? Thanks.
i want to become a phys ed teacher i have been in this server for years and i would love to move up to a teacher i will help the students on there hygiene and they will have a great time in sports :)
Um Ducks, I posted a teacher application over a week ago and has still yet to be accepted or denied. I just thought I'd give a friendly reminder that it exists. I understand you are busy, I would just appreciate it if you'd look at it. Thanks!
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