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Recent content by ecstacee

  1. ecstacee

    miss you man

    miss you man
  2. ecstacee

    Denied Agoraphobia_'s School Nurse Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Agoraphobia_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): pyrcmaniac#4807 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Describe your activity on the server: I try...
  3. ecstacee

    Doctor Application | Agoraphobia_

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Agoraphobia_ Previous bans: None on this account, but on my main account (pyrcmaniac) i have had two previous bans from 2021, one for ooc toxicity and one for malicious behaviour, but i have drastically...
  4. ecstacee


  5. ecstacee

    Housing issue

    USERNAME: pyrcmaniac APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1768.512/57.00000/716.300 f1 313 ISSUE: blocks won't place in certain areas ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it's hard to explain where they are so once staff see this I will show them where.
  6. ecstacee

    QOTD 18:

    @ParentVibez I ONLY JUST SAW THAT BUT CSBDJAHKjb no you
  7. ecstacee

    Items gone due to basketball glitch

    IGN: Extraordinairee VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: [5x] Cigarettes [1x] pink coco chanel handbag [1x] cactus succulent [1x] Tactical knife [1x] Ballistic mask [1x] smart phone [1x] hennesey [1x] lighter [1x] spray rose bouqet [1x] bacardi rum [1x] pride vodka [1x] Daisy flower earrings [1x] flower...
  8. ecstacee


    ngl the santarossa family are a bunch of hotties tho
  9. ecstacee

    Brain go brrr

    Brain go brrr
  10. ecstacee

    i smell peepeepoopoo dog. .

    i smell peepeepoopoo dog. .
  11. ecstacee


  12. ecstacee

    I make everyone uwu

    I make everyone uwu
  13. ecstacee

    Hi nep nep!

    Hi nep nep!