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Recent content by erehn

  1. erehn

    Doctor Application | Tensya

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): My IGN is tensya. If I am to buy another account within the next coming days or if I am to change, said IGN, I'll update this application beforehand ( Alts: sinnp ). Previous bans: I have NOT received any...
  2. erehn

    Item Restoration

    IGN: Tensya VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Purple and Black Car, GothBoiClique Skateboard, Bun Bun Hat, Chanel Coco Perfume (?), Pocky Stick, White Camera, Spray Bottle, Fake I.D., Shrimp Plushie White Phone, White Kitty Ears, Spiked Bat EVIDENCE: Inventory clearing: As I stepped onto the basketball...
  3. erehn


    i'm eren, but most people call me the milf slayer
  4. erehn


  5. erehn

    Item Restoration

    IGN: My IGN is tensya VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Debit Card, Fake I.D, x3 White Phones, Daisy Earrings, K-POP Earrings, Cactus Succulent, Toy Katana 'Yamato', Gas Mask, Ballistic Mask, 'Richard' Chicken Ballistic Mask, White Camera, Pink JBL Speaker, Air Horn, Butterfly Necklace and 1 KHS Reward...
  6. erehn

    | Shrine Application |

    OOC QUESTIONS IGN: My IGN is BASQIAT (Alt : tensya ). DISCORD TAG: My username on Discord is erehn#9999 ( My tag is liable to change, however, I will update my application when and if the time comes ). Do you have a microphone and would you be able to joins discord calls when needed?: Yes...
  7. erehn

    Tensya | Vehicle Request

    IGN: tensya VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 'Purple and Black Car' EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: As you can CLEARLY see in the video, that joint disappeared :CRYING: