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Recent content by giweb

  1. giweb

    Verified Business Application | heycutejeans

    Discovering faces, defining icons. IGN: heycutejeans Discord: @giweb Describe your activity on the server: Across my years on SRP, I've been involved in many factions, teams, and clubs. With this, I've spent an extensive amount of time not only on the server but in Discord servers and on...
  2. giweb

    accident delete pls

  3. giweb

    Denied [REMOVE]

  4. giweb

    Denied Debate Club Ownership | iheartnyc

    INFORMATION "Don't play the man, play the game." IGN of Club Leader: iheartnyc RPName of Club Leader: Sophie Grace Discord Tag: bigussy#7119 Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position: Debate Club Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what...
  5. giweb

    Accepted Surgeon Application | chayiaa

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER SECTION "I could have done surgery with chopsticks." IGN (In-Game Name): chayiaa | applying account, will become my main upon acceptance all4us | current main What is your discord name & tag?: bigussy#7119 Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server: Spread...
  6. giweb

    Denied Shopkeeper Application | multimale

    OOC INFORMATION What is your Minecraft username?: multimale Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): bigussy#7119 What is your time zone?: ACDT- Australia Describe your activity on the server: Not only am I active on all three accounts, I manage to balance my role-playing...