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Recent content by Gnagrp

  1. Gnagrp

    Spiked bat rework!

    +1 make spiked bats good again:(
  2. Gnagrp

    Never recieving

    IGN: GregRp Issue: I never recieved my custom car mugiwara i bought before the update which auto gave the car and just never ended up being given it
  3. Gnagrp

    Lost car

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bentley jeep ISSUE: I lost this awhile ago and just found the screen shot again.
  4. Gnagrp

    Gregrp Shrine Application

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): GregRP What is your Discord username?: GregRp What is your timezone?: Est Describe your activity on the server: I'm usually on for at least 1-2 hours per day, but sometimes far more. List your current roles on the server: [Dolphin] Flippers...
  5. Gnagrp


  6. Gnagrp

    Old soc

    Old soc
  7. Gnagrp

    Lost items in locker

    IGN: Gregrp Vehicle or Item Name: Naginata "Nights claw" Naginata "Catacylsm" Pipe wrench "Braindead" Sai, Fireaxe Tactical knife, Pipewrench Evidence: https: I have video evidence of the items being in the locker but as they disapeared while offline i have no proof of them disapearing...
  8. Gnagrp

    Vehicle issues,

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Regera EVIDENCE: So aparently theres 2 of my car around, i dont know exactly how i was banned for about a month and when i got back i didnt have it, so i made a forum request for it back, i got the car back a little while ago but just recently saw a second...
  9. Gnagrp

    Lost car

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Regera EVIDENCE: ss is old due to me not playing for awhile
  10. Gnagrp

    Vehicle bugged

    IGN: GregRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bently Jeep, Its bugged as it doesnt unlock and let players into it besides the owner EVIDENCE:
  11. Gnagrp

    nuh uh

    nuh uh
  12. Gnagrp

    Missing motorcycle

    IGN: Blueberrybleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red motorcycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost when i placed it.
  13. Gnagrp

    Apartment disown request

    USERNAME: Blueberrybleh APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: Owner has been inactive for a month ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1299 - 19 - 647
  14. Gnagrp

    Denied _Gregg's | Lawyer Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: _Gregg Discord Tag: gregrp Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. Timezone & Country: U.S.A | EST Describe your activity on the server: I'm often on 2-3 hours a day at least and over the summer it will probably be closer to 5-6 a day. APPLICATION...
  15. Gnagrp

    Denied Delete
