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Recent content by GoodbyeRanden

  1. GoodbyeRanden

    Art ref for my character MWHEHEH

    NGL I think of PJSK when I see your char XD
  2. GoodbyeRanden


    Yeah she's Right on that. I actually have a thing when it comes to people who do ERP so PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OG GOD... Do Not ERP!!! I've already had to report several people for that for sexually harassing not only my friends but Me while I'm playing a female char. Also in the end of the day if...
  3. GoodbyeRanden

    whats the best day of your life ?

    On SRP: Getting accepted into Teacher faction (I love it there) IRL has to be when I got onto my dream college, and having the opportunity to what I'm passionate about as a side gig. Writing!!!
  4. GoodbyeRanden

    No more snow!

    +1 The snow will be removed sometimes March regardless (even then It doesn't make sense how the weather is still below freezing in march)
  5. GoodbyeRanden

    Fishing suggestion

    -1 I don’t think people would care if you got a legendary fish. Like you got it great, moving on. And if anything it can be pretty distracting to other players.
  6. GoodbyeRanden

    Allow Hospital Medkits to be used with the new backpack update

    +1 This wont just help EMS. As someone who works as school faculty, this can really benefit our Nurses also by any chance need.
  7. GoodbyeRanden

    Better chances on standoffs to kpd and BMD Events

    -1 What benefit would you get from fighting a Cop. It sounds pretty wrong morally Icly & oocly.
  8. GoodbyeRanden

    Map expansion.

    Mixed/-1 It'll be cool to have different parts of Karakura, but the biggest issue, is do we have enough people to where a map extension is needed? Right now it's good as it is having just the map we're on rn and expanding it would be too much of a big map. Plus if there's separate towns chances...
  9. GoodbyeRanden

    Writer Role

    -1 Instead of just having a faction or role which does all the books and such, why not write something yourself, Easy.
  10. GoodbyeRanden

    Difficult to play characters

    Easiest Character Reiji Kagami is most natural for me. He’s been a character I’ve had since day 1 of joining srp and is the character I’ve seen changed the most. Partially is because of him having the most ICly interactions and his character was long established before even joining the server...
  11. GoodbyeRanden

    Okinawa Cultural Event (Or what ever Island they want to name it)

    +1 Okinawa is nice. (Been there before irl it’s amazing) but biasly speaking I want to have a map dedicated to Hokkaido Japan. This is because both my characters are from Sapporo. That said having an event taking place on the mainland would be really nice.
  12. GoodbyeRanden

    Adding a science room

    Mixed As a fellow science Teacher I would love to have that. If anything I can see myself utilizing the science room as much for like Physics Lab and such. However there are better dedicated rooms for the school. Like a Music Room/Studio in the school would be really nice to have. And even then...
  13. GoodbyeRanden

    Making more and previous miscellaneous items wearable as a chestplate

    What's your Minecraft Username?: GoodbyeRanden What's the title of your suggestion?: Making more miscellaneous items wearable on chestplate slot What's your suggestion?: This may sounds like a redundant Idea but HERE ME OUT!! I feel like certain miscellaneous items like certain Backpacks...
  14. GoodbyeRanden

    Shaders! what shader-pack is most preferred on srp?

    Either I use Complementary Unbound or Miniature Shaders (and in rare cases BSL). But if I'm feeling really fancy Iteration 0.3.0 as the ice makes it look like the one scene from SAO
  15. GoodbyeRanden

    Our emotional Theme Song, LoreRP hit seriously hard.

    This really gives a different prespective on SRP. Whereas my characters play a more wholesome part of server this seems more serious. Like as if lives are at stake. It's good I like it :D