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Our emotional Theme Song, LoreRP hit seriously hard.


Level 15
- Acceptance -
Please take a moment for yourself and listen to this with headphones. Sometimes you just need to feel the music more to understand.

By FireHawk (Myself) for everyone

Acceptance, why's that name and why is it related to many people? Who even are these people? What does it have to do with LoreRP?

Psychosis LoreRP


Links that lead to biographies with characters involved within our LoreRP:ネオン「水」早坂.77855/

If you've already noticed, you may have come across certain names that spread a lot of hate and fear ICly, constantly switching sides and other things. However, we are developing a kind of system with permanent decisions that are either positive or negative depending on the situation, no matter how difficult or easy it is.

Acceptance is what Neko Kurosawa searches for. Nobody truly accepts a Psycho.


A system that brings us together and spreads fun in which everyone has an important role that changes and shapes a lot of our story that is being written.

However, it has brought many friends and acquaintances together and many also take part in what we do.

Yourself can fairly take part TOO! You just need to get involved somehow?


A list of players who take part in our LoreRP seriously:
(Includes Side Characters and Main Characters)

(Using my knowledge who is involved with on this, there are more people than shown.)

Main LoreRP characters
Neko Kurosawa [In Danger] - FireHawk247
Emiko Miyazawa [Alive] - RollCharisma
Neon Hayasaka [In Danger] - Vexosphere
Yurii Everett Akiyama [In Danger] - HakuriShukiKazu
Rye Chusi [In Danger] - JimboSTH


Side LoreRP characters
Sickoloski Candy [Alive] - BLo0D_M00N
Kiki Vera [Murdered] - BLo0D_M00N
Hannah Vyronov [Murdered] - FireHawk247
Charlotte O'Sullivan [Maiden/Alive] - Urrufu
Tobiah T. Chusi
[Alive] - Todobi
Jade Jebaitsume
[Alive] - laehu
Sena Taue
[Alive] - KayLoon
Damien T. Jäger [Alive] - OEightOne

Miray Miyagawa [Alive] - mikayra
Mina Akiyama [Alive] - MechanicFob6
William K. Peterson [Alive] - MisterSun3800

and Any other person involved with us.

And more people that I don't know their names from, sometimes your eyes don't see exactly everyone.
If you're already part, you can let me know and I will add you to our credits.


Hope you enjoyed the Theme Song.

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Level 29
This really gives a different prespective on SRP. Whereas my characters play a more wholesome part of server this seems more serious. Like as if lives are at stake.

It's good I like it :D

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