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  • in addition to my previous statement in general. if i have ever caused you issues or you have something against me, reach out. i want to make amends before i go
    please dont think like you're going to go, keep believing in yourself. Do not give up.
    Stay safe, stay strong.
    I believe in you
    oh em gee is that erikfinster commenting on my profile i feel so cool
    there there. you are very cool. very cool indeed.

    i love how artic monkeys can be so pretty like "only ones who know" but can go to shit like "i bet you look good on the dancefloor"
    chat i need outfit refs that are kinda grungey for a male and pintrest is annoying me. yall should dm me them at mckamsym on discord fr
    all community and staff members genuienly dont get enough praise for the shit they put up with. praise them and thank their presense. cus making suggestions for them to do things is only going to slow the process by demotivating them. the server is here because of them, and for that we praise
    honestly might get bored and write a bunch of random shit tmmrw icl [including character lore and intro and backstory bits :ooo]
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