Hello!!! How did you learn how to build in Minecraft? Was it a lot of copying references, or did you just experiment until you found block combinations and structures you liked?
I literally met my best friend on in Hypixel housing roleplays!! It was so long ago!!!
OH MY GOD,,, I remember the days of Skype... I honestly didn't even know that was still a thing!
I enjoyed reading the intro!!! Your way of writing kept me engaged the...
Name and gender:
Glai deLorica, Male
Title of their god version:
[ 月を溺れた獣 ] | [ Tsuki o oboreta kemono ]
"The beast that drowned the moon."
Godly form:
Seemingly ever-changing with each phase of the moon, it's difficult to pin down exactly what the moon drowning beast appears as. Some say that...
Hihi!! I'd love to roleplay with you sometime, and I'd love to help develop Choji through roleplay! I'm Khrizanthemums on SRP. I love to detailRP when I'm not half-asleep, so I was delighted to see this post!
IGN: Khrizanthemums
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally left clicked piece of furniture in editmode and broke it by accident instead of right clicking since I'd assumed either click would work to rotate it. The video might take a moment to...
Cute isn't the word I would describe him with, but yes! I am open to having pretty much anyone interact with him for almost any reason. Just be aware that he's... An odd one.
◈[Glai deLorica]◈
A toothpick of an idiot with a manic smile always present on his face. His voice is rather expressive, always carrying a tone of excitement and mirth. With acid-green eyes that always seem to be open just a little bit too widely, the dark bags under his them only add to the...
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