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Recent content by stxckinthmxtrix

  1. stxckinthmxtrix

    Bring back Kill Permissions *NOT CLICKBAIT*

    +1 If you don't want to get your character killed just simply play it smart, or don't gangrp because lots of people complain, its your fault your character died, you took the risk so stop complaining, it makes no sense that KPS was removed as the main point of the server is to roleplay...
  2. stxckinthmxtrix

    Valentina Tanaka biography

    Basic Information First Name: Valentina Surname: Tanaka Preferred Name: Val...
  3. stxckinthmxtrix

    lost stuff

    IGN: melonlmao VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: a ton of stuff in a chest it all vanished when i broke it EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Item list. Ballistic"killer bunny" 2 fake i.d's 2 spray cans fire axe...
  4. stxckinthmxtrix

    Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022

    -1 Perms have already been nerfed enough and its already extremely hard to actually do anything crime related with the already dulled perms.
  5. stxckinthmxtrix

    Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022

    -1 Perms have already been nerfed enough and its already extremely hard to actually do anything crime related with the already dulled perms.
  6. stxckinthmxtrix

    Wiped inv

    IGN: melonlmao VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: my entire inv EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i was on the basketball court and the items that are crossed out i didnt have on me at the time
  7. stxckinthmxtrix


    imagine cops shoot all the cobra people
  8. stxckinthmxtrix

    lost car

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: BMW convertible EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had logged off and forgot to do /qav callback and it vanished. This happened last night at about 1:32 AM PST im not 100% sure though.
  9. stxckinthmxtrix

    Glitched grade

    IGN (Minecraft Username): MelonPuncher123 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): grade-11 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): grade-7 EVIDENCE: Extra: Its kept on saying that about 4 times and isnt taking me any higher of a grade than seven.
  10. stxckinthmxtrix

    Lost car

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: BMW convertible EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had logged off and forgot to do /qav callback and it vanished.
  11. stxckinthmxtrix

    Despawned Katana & Reaper

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Katana Reaper (Sword) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It had despawned after i dropped it and couldnt find it
  12. stxckinthmxtrix

    Glitched shades request

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Club Master Raynans EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I somehow drank them when i had this on my head
  13. stxckinthmxtrix

    AyoLilMelon glitched item Thread

  14. stxckinthmxtrix

    MelonRP Despawned item Thread

    IGN: MelonRP Vehicle or Item name: Medal bat "Lucifer's bat" Evidence: Additional information: I accidentally threw my bat and we are thinking it despawned, as I mean we I mean a staff member and I.