we listen and we don’t judge
i tried to gangrp once and was ko’d by a 100 year old character, i didn’t roll higher than a 10 / 150 and was mugged….
we listen and we don’t judge
during culinary classes i used to steal the pans and pretend it was someone else and watched them get detention and...
Category: Digital Art
Poster Title: "Spartan Cheer Strikes again!“
IGname: mistoreya
Optional Commentary: I hav ent drawn in a very long time.... VERY VERY long time.. but I love my team dearly idk howww to do magazine covers.. BUT I TRIED
The role that pings for school time! You can DM one of the leads for it, you’ll get access to a channel that pings every 7:30. You usually just have to ask for it because not everyone wants to deal with the spam ping that may follow
uhhh i don’t know if this needs to be … a TEAM — sounds more so like decency, or maybe an expectation of sort.
This isn’t something we can’t already do; it’s just not actively enforced. Introducing an entirely new unit like they’re the Avengers seems like overkill when it could just be a...
OH MY GOSH I LOOOOOVE THE SHATTER ME SERIES.. i couldn’t find the next book after imagine me sadly.. and i don’t think i’ve read the twisted one yet but ive heard of it!
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