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Recent content by Mxxkie

  1. Mxxkie

    Missing Item: Fxxkie's "Disciplinarian"

    IGN: Fxxkie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Disciplinarian" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Not entirely sure what happened, one moment I had it in my hand, the next I didn't. I thought it glitched out, but it just sorta poofed. I still have the original custom variant on my main account: Mxxkie...
  2. Mxxkie

    Karakuran Lore Characters important enough to be in a Framed Painting?

    On that note.... Bao Koji! But like- one of those torn portraits or burned portraits.
  3. Mxxkie

    Karakura Museum Exhibit (& possibly permanent installation)

    I'm trying to remember why it was denied previously. I think the argument against us was that there wasn't much of a place to put it. I think I asked for it to replace either the stadium, which is seldom used, or the skate park which falls in the same category. However, I still think this would...
  4. Mxxkie

    Accepted College Council Application | K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge | Mxxkie

    College Council Application | K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge | Mxxkie OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: My username is Mxxkie. What is your timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard). Please provide your Discord tag: My Discord tag is Mxxkie1975. Link(s) to all past and...
  5. Mxxkie

    Student Council and School Prefect Reform

    Interesting concept! In an odd way, it reminds me of an event we attempted to push back in the day. It was meant to be a lore event. At the time, crime, bullying, violence, and overall delinquency on campus was an epidemic, and so a school inspection was proposed. However, this wasn’t the...
  6. Mxxkie

    We do our best.

    We do our best.
  7. Mxxkie

    Farewell (I know this isn't an airport)

    It was a pleasure serving beside you and getting to know you! Best of luck on all your future endeavors!
  8. Mxxkie

    It was an honor to serve alongside you. o7

    It was an honor to serve alongside you. o7
  9. Mxxkie

    A very long list of players

    Hey look, it's me.
  10. Mxxkie

    Accepted The Return: Fxxkie's Governor Reapplication

    Art By: Pokuyaki PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: The account I’m applying on for this position is Fxxkie. Previous bans: I have one from years ago that can be discussed in dms if need be. Discord Tag: My Discord tag is Mxxkie#1975. Do you have a working microphone?: I do have an...
  11. Mxxkie


    Needs Bao Koji, every EMS knows that's a part of their day
  12. Mxxkie

    "The Dichotomy" By Pokuyaki

    "The Dichotomy" ft. Former Governors Art by Pokuyaki Annabell Sturm/Aania, Bao Koji/Fxxkie
  13. Mxxkie

    All that's missing is the "Man" in meme Impact font

    All that's missing is the "Man" in meme Impact font
  14. Mxxkie

    Possible map expansion

    Yeah as cool as an expansion could be, or would be, I doubt it'll happen due to reasons listed in previous similar suggestions. However, if the opportunity ever did present itself, I've already written small bits of lore that could take us past the tunnels, however that's always open for editing.