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Student Council and School Prefect Reform

Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 8
As an ex-member of the council, we do NOT need any more roles within the school. There is no point in replacing an already existing, thriving, evolved FACTION with a completely new role (prefect), which, frankly, is unnecessary.

Although I do love you Philbert, (begging your pardon) I don't think this idea is the best choice in the longrun for SRP. My prediction is that - if implemented - it will soon be removed and switched back to normal.

You (Philbert) list the responsibilities/activities that will be carried out by prefects/councillors. I think your reasoning and strong and with backbone; but the overall idea is (begging your pardon, again) foolish, considering the councillors already handle all of the student disciplinary actions.

We need to leave the councillor and prefect roles alone. I will admit, the Prefect role does look promising; again, replacing the councillors with them is not a good idea. Please, I beg, do not defeat the whole purpose OF a councillor.

Also, in your list of duties/responsibilities, a lot of them are highly unlikely to actually encounter in everyday roleplay.

For example, the only students you'd probably find would be greenies/new players. We all are aware that many new players FailRP, making it difficult and potentially impossible to actually roleplay with these people.

Don't make the mistake of replacing a pen of committed, eager councillors with a completely new role.

Last edited:


Level 45
-1 sorry philbertman42 alimoninononio

I'll be so real right now, the school does NOT need another role at all. The prefects literally do the same thing the council has been doing for ages; reporting & discipline, hallway monitors, being the 'perfect' student and just another student other students can reach out to - do correct me if i'm wrong though, I left a long time ago and all of your duties might've changed a whole bunch after Mookie. Regardless, there is no need to make a completely new role for this, especially when it's taking away from the already-kinda-dead-council (with love and respect ofc, nothing personal!!) All in all,I have a strange feeling this prefect role will end up being another lifeguard-role situation, meaning, you can't really apply for it? And it'll die down :( Just a hunch though just a hunch I might be very bad at reading the future who knows

As for the actual duties & suggestion, again, I don't think any duties should be taken away from the council, even if those were passed down to the prefects. Like I said earlier, the council is a little inactive and not applied for reasons I'm too lazy to look into, and taking those duties away will only make it less interesting and unique. Also this might be a little rant and besides the point but if you're going to keep this role, can you PLEASE make it more official bc we know damn well these jocks are NOT going to be snitching everything and doing what they're supposed to

In simple terms: make another role that's literally just a council division -> less work for the actual council -> less ppl are interested to apply for council -> less activity within the council -> no council and we're likely below the starting point

TLDR; Prefect shouldnt exist as a role altogether bc council is literally supposed to do all of that. Instead of shoving another role to the roster, more work needs to be put into making the council a more attractive exciting faction to join and this way everyone is happy!!

On another note, I hope the veterinarian tag was added to the tab too since we got the prefect too heh
Not combating what you said at all, but regarding the making the council more active, was just that due to the team hopping rule never being applied to council we had a constant of people joining council to look better for team trials bc most council can detail rp etc, then they would join a team, this is the only factor due to some councillor activity, besides that we are a active faction and have a active roster. I did bring it up and had the team hopping rule implemented into council and since that no one has left the council regarding that :))


Level 30
+1 you nerds can't relate, it was Madara x Ayako (or whatever the fu-) before yall were on that Philbertman42 fan type shi


Level 146
Thread starter
In order to respond to as many people as possible while still maintaining a clean and legible message, I've simplified the criticisms of my suggestion into their main ideas and will respond to them in bulk, rather than replying directly to people.

Realistically, prefects / the student council wouldn't do these things.
@Leo_14 @MissLadyWho
SRP is a roleplay, which is an emulation of reality, not a perfect reflection. There are many aspects of SRP that don't make sense if you think too hard about it, and it's like that by design. Not everything needs to be realistic, if it was then playing the server would be no different than going to actual real life school every day (and nobody wants to come home from a long day of work / school just to do more work).

The general consensus is, as long as something contributes to making the server more enjoyable and makes just enough sense to be believable, then it's fair game to implement it. I think everything I suggested meets the criteria.

The council is already doing well with events.
In the past 6 months, there have been two major events which involved the student council, and a handful of minor flash events. In my opinion, the council thinks too hard over small-scale events, which is why they happen as infrequently as they do. I think we could realistically be doing small flash events on a weekly basis, if not more. If you look at the teaching factions, you'll see two rosters full of individual people that are expected to hold 20 minute activities at least 10 times in the span of a month. Is it so unrealistic to say that the council, a group of a dozen people, could easily do at least one activity per week? We don't even have to be restricted to subject matter, like the teaching factions are.

Back when Lara (the former HS President) was around, she'd plan games out 30 minutes in advance and announce it like it was a class. She just did this whenever she was bored, too; there was never any drawn out process, just a notification in council chat that she's doing something soon and that anyone is welcome to help. This is the way we should be doing it, just a casual fun thing, rather than planning something out weeks in advance for the sake of a 30 minute activity.

In regards to large-scale server events, I think we're doing mostly fine. It's cool that the council does get involved with larger events every now and then, but we have an OOC event team to handle the bulk of them.

Council isn't FearRPd until SLT is mentioned. Councilors are assaulted too.
The council has identical FearRP to the faculty, according to Rule 5.6A. You follow the 3 warning rule (described in this official guide), after which they must FearRP or it is considered FailRP. Delinquent students don't get any perms on councilors for doing their job, so it is entirely the councilor's decision whether they allow their character to be assaulted or not.

People will stop applying for council if you take away what it is known for.
@Leo_14 @__Yuki9670__ @MissLadyWho
This is half correct. People who want to do disciplinary roleplay with delinquents will stop applying for council, and would instead would try to become a prefect. Assuming the council adopts more responsibilities to replace what they've lost, there would be plenty of new reason for players to apply for the student council. Don't think of it as the council losing its identity, but rather as the council changing its identity. The council wouldn't lose anything, it would just be shifting its focus onto different things.

Prefects are meant to be "this," council is meant to be "that."
@DarkEclipic @Leo_14
Prefects are meant to be hall monitors, in addition to acting as model students; I am aware of this fact, but the reason I made this suggestion was because I wanted to change things. I think prefects could contribute more to the server than just being good students and reporting bad ones, which is why I am suggesting they should be given more authority.

Additionally, I know and understand all the current responsibilities and limits of the student council, since I've been a part of it for over two years; my goal here is to change that, in the hopes it will provide more unique roleplay opportunities for councilors that otherwise aren't done at the moment.

"This" faction already does "that" thing, that would create overlap.
@SigmaHater @DarkEclipic @MissLadyWho
In regards to my usage of the word "counselling," I am aware that there are official school counsellors, and I am not saying that students take over this role; rather, I am saying that prefects could offer advice to delinquent students as part of their discipline, based on whatever might be causing the poor behavior. It's something I'll usually do myself if I can get some alone time with somebody in detention and they're willing to roleplay, it's pretty cool and fun (and way more meaningful than giving them a pre-made detention task).

Tutors are able to assist teachers, but it isn't something they have to do; even if that wasn't the case, there are only four slots for tutors, meaning the overlap between councilors and tutors would be minimal regardless.
In case it's brought up, I don't consider the one to three random faculty friends of the teacher loitering around in the room to be assistants. An assistant actively contributes to the activity, whereas the people I'm describing usually just show up because they're bored.

It is unlikely that councilors could do the type of roleplay you described.
@Leo_14 @lovelyric
I think my weakest argument is that they could attend sports practice, and looking back I agree that it isn't a good idea; sports practices are mostly OOC (other than track, swim, and cheer), so participating in them would basically just be watching people play the sports plugin for an hour or so without doing anything else.

Other than that however, I could see every other thing I've described happening on a regular basis.

Assisting in classes is something that regular students can already do, they just don't gain any authorities that faculty have and can't do 100% of the teacher's job for them. I don't think it would be unrealistic for this to become one of the council's tasks, as it's beneficial to the teacher and gives councilors something cool to lord over the common folk.

Attending club meetings would be 100% doable, as club meetings are usually more grounded in roleplay. Regardless of anyone's opinions on the current state of the club faction and their overall activity, having councilors interact with clubs is just a great way to get roleplay going between different groups, and a great way to check in with clubs ICly on a regular basis.

"Helping students" is very vague, which was deliberate on my part; the act of helping students could vary between a million things, and there is a broad range of things which could be considered "helping students." Looking back, I wasn't clear enough; I'm not suggesting councilors run around campus to look for students that might need help, I'm saying that the council should come up with things to do which help students who might need it.
It might seem like a cop-out, but I'd rather not get into discussing every idea I have for what constitutes as "helping students." When initially creating the thread, I thought including a large section to suggest ideas for this would detract from my main idea, and I still believe this is true. Regardless, I think it would be better as a topic for discussion in one of the council's meetings, rather than in a public forum post.

Prefects shouldn't exist / Prefects should become a branch of council.
@Leo_14 @MissLadyWho @lovelyric
Yeah, I agree. I said it in my original post, the responsibilities of the prefect role are already being covered by the council and school faculty. This is why I included my proposal for council committees that I made six months ago, because implementing it would allow for the council to have people who are dedicated to specific tasks, rather than having a group of people that just do whatever they want as long as it's vaguely council-like. In other words, people would have concrete goals to work towards, and if we went as far as introducing quotas (like every other faction in the server), things would get actually done and our activity would skyrocket. The role of "prefect" would be covered by the "disciplinary committee," who would essentially do what our prefects do now, plus what I suggested for them in this thread.

The reason this isn't my main suggestion is because I don't think it's completely impossible for prefects and the council to exist separately, and also because prefects are a very new role. I do think there is benefit in having prefects be their own separate thing, and outright shutting it down because it has a rough start would be a bit much.

If you told me which option I would prefer, it would be to keep everything as part of the council, and give prefects their own dedicated responsibilities within the council (like I listed in my proposal document).

Anyway, pay no mind to the comically large and definitely not suspicious gap at the bottom of this message.


Level 30
In order to respond to as many people as possible while still maintaining a clean and legible message, I've simplified the criticisms of my suggestion into their main ideas and will respond to them in bulk, rather than replying directly to people.

SRP is a roleplay, which is an emulation of reality, not a perfect reflection. There are many aspects of SRP that don't make sense if you think too hard about it, and it's like that by design. Not everything needs to be realistic, if it was then playing the server would be no different than going to actual real life school every day (and nobody wants to come home from a long day of work / school just to do more work).

The general consensus is, as long as something contributes to making the server more enjoyable and makes just enough sense to be believable, then it's fair game to implement it. I think everything I suggested meets the criteria.

In the past 6 months, there have been two major events which involved the student council, and a handful of minor flash events. In my opinion, the council thinks too hard over small-scale events, which is why they happen as infrequently as they do. I think we could realistically be doing small flash events on a weekly basis, if not more. If you look at the teaching factions, you'll see two rosters full of individual people that are expected to hold 20 minute activities at least 10 times in the span of a month. Is it so unrealistic to say that the council, a group of a dozen people, could easily do at least one activity per week? We don't even have to be restricted to subject matter, like the teaching factions are.

Back when Lara (the former HS President) was around, she'd plan games out 30 minutes in advance and announce it like it was a class. She just did this whenever she was bored, too; there was never any drawn out process, just a notification in council chat that she's doing something soon and that anyone is welcome to help. This is the way we should be doing it, just a casual fun thing, rather than planning something out weeks in advance for the sake of a 30 minute activity.

In regards to large-scale server events, I think we're doing mostly fine. It's cool that the council does get involved with larger events every now and then, but we have an OOC event team to handle the bulk of them.

The council has identical FearRP to the faculty, according to Rule 5.6A. You follow the 3 warning rule (described in this official guide), after which they must FearRP or it is considered FailRP. Delinquent students don't get any perms on councilors for doing their job, so it is entirely the councilor's decision whether they allow their character to be assaulted or not.

This is half correct. People who want to do disciplinary roleplay with delinquents will stop applying for council, and would instead would try to become a prefect. Assuming the council adopts more responsibilities to replace what they've lost, there would be plenty of new reason for players to apply for the student council. Don't think of it as the council losing its identity, but rather as the council changing its identity. The council wouldn't lose anything, it would just be shifting its focus onto different things.

Prefects are meant to be hall monitors, in addition to acting as model students; I am aware of this fact, but the reason I made this suggestion was because I wanted to change things. I think prefects could contribute more to the server than just being good students and reporting bad ones, which is why I am suggesting they should be given more authority.

Additionally, I know and understand all the current responsibilities and limits of the student council, since I've been a part of it for over two years; my goal here is to change that, in the hopes it will provide more unique roleplay opportunities for councilors that otherwise aren't done at the moment.

In regards to my usage of the word "counselling," I am aware that there are official school counsellors, and I am not saying that students take over this role; rather, I am saying that prefects could offer advice to delinquent students as part of their discipline, based on whatever might be causing the poor behavior. It's something I'll usually do myself if I can get some alone time with somebody in detention and they're willing to roleplay, it's pretty cool and fun (and way more meaningful than giving them a pre-made detention task).

Tutors are able to assist teachers, but it isn't something they have to do; even if that wasn't the case, there are only four slots for tutors, meaning the overlap between councilors and tutors would be minimal regardless.
In case it's brought up, I don't consider the one to three random faculty friends of the teacher loitering around in the room to be assistants. An assistant actively contributes to the activity, whereas the people I'm describing usually just show up because they're bored.

I think my weakest argument is that they could attend sports practice, and looking back I agree that it isn't a good idea; sports practices are mostly OOC (other than track, swim, and cheer), so participating in them would basically just be watching people play the sports plugin for an hour or so without doing anything else.

Other than that however, I could see every other thing I've described happening on a regular basis.

Assisting in classes is something that regular students can already do, they just don't gain any authorities that faculty have and can't do 100% of the teacher's job for them. I don't think it would be unrealistic for this to become one of the council's tasks, as it's beneficial to the teacher and gives councilors something cool to lord over the common folk.

Attending club meetings would be 100% doable, as club meetings are usually more grounded in roleplay. Regardless of anyone's opinions on the current state of the club faction and their overall activity, having councilors interact with clubs is just a great way to get roleplay going between different groups, and a great way to check in with clubs ICly on a regular basis.

"Helping students" is very vague, which was deliberate on my part; the act of helping students could vary between a million things, and there is a broad range of things which could be considered "helping students." Looking back, I wasn't clear enough; I'm not suggesting councilors run around campus to look for students that might need help, I'm saying that the council should come up with things to do which help students who might need it.
It might seem like a cop-out, but I'd rather not get into discussing every idea I have for what constitutes as "helping students." When initially creating the thread, I thought including a large section to suggest ideas for this would detract from my main idea, and I still believe this is true. Regardless, I think it would be better as a topic for discussion in one of the council's meetings, rather than in a public forum post.

Yeah, I agree. I said it in my original post, the responsibilities of the prefect role are already being covered by the council and school faculty. This is why I included my proposal for council committees that I made six months ago, because implementing it would allow for the council to have people who are dedicated to specific tasks, rather than having a group of people that just do whatever they want as long as it's vaguely council-like. In other words, people would have concrete goals to work towards, and if we went as far as introducing quotas (like every other faction in the server), things would get actually done and our activity would skyrocket. The role of "prefect" would be covered by the "disciplinary committee," who would essentially do what our prefects do now, plus what I suggested for them in this thread.

The reason this isn't my main suggestion is because I don't think it's completely impossible for prefects and the council to exist separately, and also because prefects are a very new role. I do think there is benefit in having prefects be their own separate thing, and outright shutting it down because it has a rough start would be a bit much.

If you told me which option I would prefer, it would be to keep everything as part of the council, and give prefects their own dedicated responsibilities within the council (like I listed in my proposal document).

Anyway, pay no mind to the comically large and definitely not suspicious gap at the bottom of this message.
That's a big gap


Level 155
Interesting concept!

In an odd way, it reminds me of an event we attempted to push back in the day. It was meant to be a lore event. At the time, crime, bullying, violence, and overall delinquency on campus was an epidemic, and so a school inspection was proposed. However, this wasn’t the typical school inspection. This event would last weeks, if not months, and engage not only professors/teachers, but sports teams, the student body, clubs, and council as well. In fact, the Inspector/Advisor, thought up to have been sent by the mainland, would find the disciplinarians to be ineffective and so an inquisitorial squad would be introduced. It would’ve vied for, and ultimately gained control over disciplinary actions on a student level. Basically, think of it as a stricter, more abusive council. It meant the temporary introduction of an [Inquisitor] role, but current council members could have been elected to fill these positions on alternative characters.
As previously stated, this was all meant to be one storyline in a larger narrative. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, the event was suspended indefinitely. However, I think I still have the fully fleshed out, detailed document saved somewhere. Regardless, I hardly play anymore, and I find myself lacking the time to read through every response, but my point still stands. It’s an interesting concept, and a bit of a different take on things.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- After discussing this with the council lead, we unfortunately won't be moving forward with this suggestion.​

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