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Student Council and School Prefect Reform

Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 15
Like Leo has stated, I am also a member of the school council, by removing our displinary actions, you might as well get rid of displinary actions for students all together and give it all to faculty, putting more strain onto them as a faction. Mind this you will have to add in more faction leads for the prefect branch, if you were to. Prefects are a new implemented issue that were given to them whilst council, you need to write an application for an be accepted, like a faction would. This ensure that everyone in the council actually understands the rules of fearrp and school displinary actions, before even heading into the council. So this is a solid no for me, I am fine with the system that we have in place currently and I think it is very effective.



Level 45
As of right now, disciplinary roleplay is the bulk of what the council does (outside of events, or when individuals choose to contribute in other ways on their own). That said, it would be inaccurate to say that it's objectively boring. I agree that some people can certainly make it boring, but is more to it than you've described. Discipline doesn't have to be hunting students down, sitting them in the detention room, and silently watching them as they do homework. You could try interacting with or counselling the students, to see if something's up that's causing their behavior. You're not going to "fix" anyone with just one conversation, but if the student is willing to work with you it can make for some interesting roleplay regardless.

I won't go as far as saying that it's the best thing ever, because sometimes it does suck. People can be difficult OOCly, either by being unrealistically uncooperative ICly or just FailRPing. It's definitely not the type of thing for everyone, and that's okay.

There are new players wandering around all the time that could probably use some in-character help to get a decent foothold on the school aspect of the server. It wouldn't be difficult to occasionally fun little seminars in the council room to get them accustomed to roleplay. Helping people doesn't just mean helping when somebody is breaking the rules, it applies to little things, to.

Supervision does not equal discipline, discipline is just one aspect of supervision. To supervise is to observe. Watching the students to make sure they're behaving or to help them if they are struggling is certainly a part of that, but it could also mean a lot more; the council could be watching the teacher as well, to make sure nobody's being domed in the skull with a collapsible metal chair. It could mean going around events, helping out if something goes wrong. It could mean getting involved with club and sports meetings, to ensure they are doing what they're meant to or just getting involved. And in all of these cases, there is opportunity for you to roleplay and interact with other people. Is one of these people being naughty? Talk to them, see what's up, and compile an official report if necessary.

I wouldn't go as far as saying it will "destroy" the council, but I agree that it could make things more difficult, at least initially. Personally, I would prefer this proposal instead (which I didn't know the link for was broken in the original post, damn you SRP forum filter), as then we would have the functionality of both, all under one role, while still maintaining individual focus on each important aspect of the faction. The reason I didn't outright suggest them to "remove prefects, my idea is better" is because it has been just a few days, and we haven't seen much from them. Things could get better for them, we don't know.

That said, assuming the council and prefects stay separate, I think the pros of re-evaluating what the council is and giving the disciplinary related tasks to the prefects will outweigh the cons. It will give prefects more to do than be hall monitors and tattletales, and it will allow the council to focus their efforts on contributing to the school experience.
your saying that disciplinary is a bulk of the council, what your implying is to give the prefects a bulk of disciplinary permissions meaning that all they will then do is disciplinary meaning that then prefects become a bulk of discipline, furthermore council help out in many other ways than disciplinary it just depends on what you see, you may not see the counselling/mentor side of it due to student confidentiality which is what we want.


Level 45
Like Leo has stated, I am also a member of the school council, by removing our displinary actions, you might as well get rid of displinary actions for students all together and give it all to faculty, putting more strain onto them as a faction. Mind this you will have to add in more faction leads for the prefect branch, if you were to. Prefects are a new implemented issue that were given to them whilst council, you need to write an application for an be accepted, like a faction would. This ensure that everyone in the council actually understands the rules of fearrp and school displinary actions, before even heading into the council. So this is a solid no for me, I am fine with the system that we have in place currently and I think it is very effective.

I agree, maybe giving the prefects the ability to fearrp but besides that the current system works and is very effective, in addition the current system has been how it has been for a long time and many people are happy with that and want to continue with how it is.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

As stated on the Academics discord where prefects make their reports. They are just hall monitors that report rule breaking, they are just students who professionally snitch. Yes, they can get involved in situations but they are not allowed to threatened Detention, SLT, or even FearRP in form. Therefore, them having any type of able to handle disciplinary affairs would break their own rules that Kimi had set up in the first place. If they wish to have authority then have them apply and join Student Council.

Student Council, as said on many occasions are just students in classes. Them assisting in classes as a 'teaching assistant' or otherwise is not something they can do, reason why we have the Tutoring assisting form on the discord. Yes, they can assist in making sure the students are following by the school rules and making sure that the classroom rules are upheld, but it shouldn't go past that. Council already host large scale events(as I think the last one was the Valentines Dance, which was a HUGE event). And if they wanted to supervise Sport/Club meetings, all they have to do is just ask the Captain/Club Leader to do so, if they wish to get involved then that is up to the Councilor/Captain/Club Leader together to decide. And I am pretty sure they are already able to host flash events if they get approval from Jayla.

In short, Prefects are just hall monitors that report fights and they have their own set of rules. No need to give them something that Student Council can already do and have the people to do so.


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
prefects... they are just students who professionally snitch.

Kinda here for it, honestly. -1 to the suggestion

Allow the Average SRP Prefect to be a caffeine-pumping, note-taking, lil' vampire potbelly goblin HOBBLING AROUND coming after you for the slightest infraction of the rules.



Level 45

As stated on the Academics discord where prefects make their reports. They are just hall monitors that report rule breaking, they are just students who professionally snitch. Yes, they can get involved in situations but they are not allowed to threatened Detention, SLT, or even FearRP in form. Therefore, them having any type of able to handle disciplinary affairs would break their own rules that Kimi had set up in the first place. If they wish to have authority then have them apply and join Student Council.

Student Council, as said on many occasions are just students in classes. Them assisting in classes as a 'teaching assistant' or otherwise is not something they can do, reason why we have the Tutoring assisting form on the discord. Yes, they can assist in making sure the students are following by the school rules and making sure that the classroom rules are upheld, but it shouldn't go past that. Council already host large scale events(as I think the last one was the Valentines Dance, which was a HUGE event). And if they wanted to supervise Sport/Club meetings, all they have to do is just ask the Captain/Club Leader to do so, if they wish to get involved then that is up to the Councilor/Captain/Club Leader together to decide. And I am pretty sure they are already able to host flash events if they get approval from Jayla.

In short, Prefects are just hall monitors that report fights and they have their own set of rules. No need to give them something that Student Council can already do and have the people to do so.
we have hosted a good amount of events, currently have 3 being planned, with 2 getting the green light to happen, its just the approval stage takes awhile. Furthermore if you look at events, we have hosted/planned events 5 times in 5 months, meaning that we are fairly consistent when it comes to events. I currently have 1 planned and waiting to be approved due to the amount of involvement it requires and another 2 planned but I haven't put them in the event request yet.

Building on the first part of DarkEclipic's statement, they are Hall monitors, once again being stated on the academics discord that are snitches, therefore giving them disciplinary. Furthermore sport meetings such as training in my experience have never required the need of a councillor present, therefore I think that in itself that idea is just not needed, and for club meetings as of right now there is not many active clubs that even require councillors present, all I know mainly is of the occult and photography, which both clubs have councillors present as members. Like dark said, if they wish to have that authority they should apply for council.
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Level 40
neutral after philbertman42 replied to my msg idk where i stand on this honestly

I'll be so real right now, the school does NOT need another role at all. The prefects literally do the same thing the council has been doing for ages; reporting & discipline, hallway monitors, being the 'perfect' student and just another student other students can reach out to - do correct me if i'm wrong though, I left a long time ago and all of your duties might've changed a whole bunch after Mookie. Regardless, there is no need to make a completely new role for this, especially when it's taking away from the already-kinda-dead-council (with love and respect ofc, nothing personal!!) All in all,I have a strange feeling this prefect role will end up being another lifeguard-role situation, meaning, you can't really apply for it? And it'll die down :( Just a hunch though just a hunch I might be very bad at reading the future who knows

As for the actual duties & suggestion, again, I don't think any duties should be taken away from the council, even if those were passed down to the prefects. Like I said earlier, the council is a little inactive and not applied for reasons I'm too lazy to look into, and taking those duties away will only make it less interesting and unique. Also this might be a little rant and besides the point but if you're going to keep this role, can you PLEASE make it more official bc we know damn well these jocks are NOT going to be snitching everything and doing what they're supposed to

In simple terms: make another role that's literally just a council division -> less work for the actual council -> less ppl are interested to apply for council -> less activity within the council -> no council and we're likely below the starting point

TLDR; Prefect shouldnt exist as a role altogether bc council is literally supposed to do all of that. Instead of shoving another role to the roster, more work needs to be put into making the council a more attractive & exciting faction to join and this way everyone is happy!!
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Level 1

The point of there being councilors is much better aspect cuz its actually alot funner there being a "prefect" will just ruin it to the old ppl who are use to the councillors being there to tell you if u did wrong and give detention cuz if there is now a prefect its just gonna rule detention off and turn to everyone just being suspened over and over and also just lead to most the ppl prob getting expelled and get bored at the game and no longer feel like playing it. Cuz if prefects just automatically went to tell higher ups it also ruins the point for councillors to know how to handle stuff themself or for student to learn how to handle stuff on their own cuz taking it to someone else is just like making your problem someone elses problem? And plus the new prefect will now be unfair to councillors who put their hard work and effort into getting there rank/role just be be useless now and be treated like they are suppose to be tutors that are already a faculty's job and that doesnt even seem fair to the councillors at all like there is already a tutor role on faculty to help students if they have issues and them monitoring classes/events/sport stuff arnt the faculty that are present suppose to do it?it makes faculty that have assigned jobs feel useless and also councillors even tho useless is a strong word but thats what its going at but thats my opinion on it!
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Level 7
As of current I personally dont like this idea, we have Councilors, who do pretty much the same thing, So if we are just making a role that is suppose to be seen as the same thing why not just give Prefects the role of Councilor? With that iincluding the power that can be given I think its more of realism that would fit into Prefects having hall monitors that cant be fearRP'd would be nice since in reality many people who ARE hall monitors arent fear'd. plus adding onto this having extra people who are apart of prefects who can withhold power that councilors can do It ruins the fun for councilors, making it harder for counilors and or just normal school faculty to even roleplay with. Its already hard enough to walk around the halls and not really find much but adding more people who do it just will cause those who use to walk the halls just to go sit in a room AFK plus many people dont usually go to detention due to how much faculty is on!
Sorry but this one is a no go for me guys!!
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