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Recent content by noodlething

  1. noodlething

    noodlething | Priest Application

    IGN (In-Game Name): noodlething What is your discord username?: somenoodledude What is your timezone?: AEDT Describe your activity on the server: Weekday Weekend Often I am online after 12 PM or so. Depending on the day or events I could stay on for a long while or get after a few hours...
  2. noodlething

    How to create a fun college class

    You constantly make fun classes even though Art is Nu's worst subject. This is good!
  3. noodlething

    My favorite single father with two disappointing children

    My favorite single father with two disappointing children
  4. noodlething

    sketch/ booop-

    That's fabulous
  5. noodlething

    Location rebrand to america

    - 1 Karakura already has massive amount of lore and buildings reminiscent of traditional Japanese tradition. Changing it to America would mean to change EVERYTHING.
  6. noodlething


  7. noodlething

    If You Ever Quit SRP in the Past, What Made You Come Back?

    I have realised that a lot of people I've become friends with had actually quit due to hardware issues or burn out and did return recently. When I first joined a few months ago. I never expected to stay for as long as I did. I've roleplayed in so many other media in the past and so many of them...
  8. noodlething

