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sketch/ booop-


Level 5
thank you all for today btw-
like ı promised, ı tried to draw you all and added one of your friends who was there a while ago, btw pls dont get mad at me the guy on the ground..
note: its a quick sketch, so it might look awkward, pls dont mind that!!
Note 2: btw, you might want to Enlarge the image, to see it more clear!


  • guys who made me smile in my birthday.jpg
    guys who made me smile in my birthday.jpg
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Level 5
Thread starter
wut drawing app do u use!?! looks so nice!!
Oh- sorry for replying that late (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
I draw this one with krita, on pc. Some app stores shows that you need to pay for it, but if ı remember correctly, its free from its official site. İf you're planning to draw from a mobile device, you can use ibispaint! I also use that one for mobile devices. Except that, ı'm using a graphic tablet to draw from pc, to make it more easy to draw. I'm sorry for replying that late once again!
( >-<)
/>Gives flowers* here, have a nice day!

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