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Recent content by robinzee

  1. robinzee

    Hey Howdy!

    Welcome to the server :]
  2. robinzee

    the age old question

    This is a tough one. I like bacon, but having an unlimited supply would kinda spoil it for me. On the other hand, whenever I get games for free (like when I used to have Xbox Game Pass) I tend to not value them as much... I'm gonna have to go with no bacon and no games
  3. robinzee

    Minecraft Physics

    NASA would like to buy your computer
  4. robinzee

    Bring back FREE paper walls

    I agree with the suggestion. Even disregarding that it used to be free, it became a furniture item, which makes it more fussy and less flexible to work with. It limits the creative freedom of not just apartment builders but also server builders in general. I hope this post can make the staff...
  5. robinzee

    Custom Horns for Custom Vehicles

    I'm on the fence when it comes to this, as I'm not quite sure how the "horn" sound effect is implemented, whether it's a noteblock-like system (with different pitches of the same noise, just played once right now) or whether it's a singular sound from vanilla Minecraft which has been changed in...
  6. robinzee

    Bring back rolling for Initiative.

    I agree with the suggestion -- in so far as that people should be more aware of initiative and how it works. However, suggestions are not the greatest place to "promote" problems, as suggestions in this forum should be directed at the staff team, in my opinion. As has been said above me, there...
  7. robinzee

    What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?

    I have no issues with older people spending their time on SRP -- it's just a hobby like any other. What does make me raise an eyebrow is when they do questionable things such as RomanceRP with minors and/or less mature people.
  8. robinzee

    What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?

    I think a lot of my issues with SRP come down to the tribal aspect of it all. The way that inter-faction roleplay rarely occurs, groups being wary of accepting other players, an us-vs-them mentality, an almost insatiable urge for some people to point towards new players ("greenies") and dislike...
  9. robinzee

    Who is Simpl3z and "wave stalker" ?

    But what about stalking waves, weth? That seems pretty awkward and "cringe" to me. Not sigma at all @uta
  10. robinzee

    2 years of service: Introduction

    I still find it so fucking funny that the term "The Money Game" comes from an obscure Japanese stock market simulator for the NES that we just liked the aesthetics of.
  11. robinzee

    /time discord bot new command

    I agree with this suggestion. I think there it's in the server's interest to provide a means for finding future IC times so people can plan roleplays accordingly. If coding new functionality into the Discord Bot would be too difficult, at least some sort of online calculator application would be...
  12. robinzee

    The horror | Sewers update.

    I like the amount of effort you put into this, but I disagree with this suggestion, as it seems to make the sewers something which they are not. They are not a paranormal hotspot, nor are they particularly horror-centric in my opinion -- rather they're just a place in Karakura that has been...
  13. robinzee

    REMOVE keybinds - tippie

    Good news for those who supported this suggestion: it's already been implemented. (from Karakura Crime Discord's #announcements, message by NoZinth)
  14. robinzee

    Small Discord Suggestion | Pings

    I agree with the sentiment of adding a tryouts role instead.
  15. robinzee

    SchoolRP Frequently Asked Questions / "If I knew then..."

    Hey everyone, thanks for your input so far. I'm gonna respond to some of the comments with my own thoughts and/or elaborating questions. The guide is still in production, though, so feel free to keep them Qs comin' :] Both of your topics to talk about are very good and I'm thankful you brought...