players online

Recent content by robinzee

  1. robinzee

    Longer snow time!

    If there was some moderation to the snow, sure! But snow is a PAIN. The roads get difficult to drive on, it's hard to walk around... Maybe if there was a special version of the map instead of turning the map to the Taiga biome and having it /weather rain every 30 minutes, I'd be down, but I...
  2. robinzee

    That's against the rules

    That's against the rules
  3. robinzee

    Shops aren't working.

    This is not a bug. The only stores where you can buy things from signs are Mori's Mini Mart and ONIQLO Clothing. These are NPC-run! If you find yourself at an open store with a lot of people, chances are it's a player-run store. In player-run stores, you have to walk up to the desk and ask for...
  4. robinzee

    [UNOFFICIA] Minecraft taking up too much space?

    Alternatively; Search "Add or Remove Programs" -> Find and click on "Minecraft" -> Click on "uninstall". Saved you a whole lot of time! /j
  5. robinzee

    Restraining Order Notification

    I agree with this instead.
  6. robinzee

    Replacing Posters Around School With Custom Furniture!

    I disagree with adding more non-essential furniture to the spaces... as has already been said, it's all barreling down to a performance meltdown on some people's machines, including my own.
  7. robinzee

    Adding Police-issued Recording Devices

    This seems like a cool addition. It also wouldn't be anything else other than a rule-based addition (in a similar way phones are capable of recording things), so it wouldn't clog up the development pipeline. The Blow Out (1981) fan in me would be very happy.
  8. robinzee

    gaslight gatekeep girlboss

    gaslight gatekeep girlboss
  9. robinzee


    When I was a new player, I used to have it in my /nickname. One Fight Club opening, I was asked by a staff member to remove it -- I'm surprised this isn't actually enforced?
  10. robinzee

    DarkxWalker: 7 Years & More to Come

    lol nice
  11. robinzee

    Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules"

    That's the ideal, ain't it? Or, atleast link to the pertinent thread, like the city laws.
  12. robinzee

    Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules"

    Perhaps I worded it wrong; I fear that it sometimes may be a fucked-up game of telephone between "generations" due to which stuff can get voided pretty quickly. You've of course done a good job explaining it in your guide, but it is important to me that it is in the rules and people do have...
  13. robinzee

    Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules"

    What's your Minecraft Username?: robinzee What's the title of your suggestion?: Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules" What's your suggestion?: As it stands right now, the Power Plant Danger Zone (or Danger-Zone, or Dangerzone) has no codified rules in the Terminology...
  14. robinzee

    Adding a system of daily quests to SRP

    There already are multiple systems in place for getting money daily -- there are streaks from just logging in and interacting with Whatshisface at spawn, then allowance, and fishing. Once you can't sustain yourself with those activities, there's always the opportunity to get a roleplay job...