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  • no shot, he deleted it LOL
    @PrideKyle i was lowkey bein an asshole and a hater cause like... im not a fan of greenies/newer players, since i believe that most are just trying to get roles, but i can see you genuinely want to improve, and have a place on the server, not for the yen. sorry for being so rude, and i wish you good luck on your apps! - sincere apologies, dio.
    also ps: Canva is a great resource for applications! (if ur not already using it.)
    I accept your apology and I understand and I hope the best for you on Schoolrp <3 @NikTalks
    hey gangster i have bajillion denied apps its okay, if your denied, always try again. overtime you'll improve dw abt it
    Hey mate, not everyone starts off perfectly nor can everyone write in a fluent or proficient matter. You are doing great and you should embrace your application without letting any narcissistic, ignorant, and egotistical individual(s) affect you in a negative manner. You shouldn't take anyone's negative opinion at face value as it's your own style.
    thank you for being so kind you've made my day <3
    Don't listen to mean or hurtful comments Gamer!! We all started somewhere and all you can do is improve! You are always more than welcomed to DM me over on discord(Like you already do!!) if you need any pointers when it comes to writing or just reviewing bits of dialogue!!

    You have me in your corner to help you! New or not, you are part of this community and as a player of this community, I help my own!
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