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Recent content by SIMPL3Z

  1. SIMPL3Z

    Creating More Diverse Gang RP Options

    Genuine question: What are you suggesting? You're talking about a new social norm and ideal, not a clear concept or idea. What are your actual and concrete suggestions? A new rule? A change in the rules? A policy/condition change? — This is more of a TED talk than a suggestion. ~ Former SRP...
  2. SIMPL3Z


    That is exactly what I wrote...yes...
  3. SIMPL3Z


    +1, but I have some notes of my own I advise you to be more specific under this header: what exactly do you want? Do you want the Black Market Associates (BMA's) to be changed back to the previous,—somewhat not worked out—version of Crime Associates (CA's), or do you want to have the whole...
  4. SIMPL3Z

    Favorite music artist/band?

    Frank Ocean is the only right answer, sorry y'all
  5. SIMPL3Z

    a leaving, whether it be temporary or permanent.

    You're a legend Kam. I wish you all the best and a quick recovery. Deuces! o7
  6. SIMPL3Z

    KUERT PHYSICAL FILE | GOI-K-003 (The Order of the Broken Seal)

    Live laugh, but above all, love kuert
  7. SIMPL3Z

    The Umbra Of Her World | Silence The Lamb - Chapter 2 Finale.

    Okay after reading she MIGHT be all that... The wheel decides her fate.
  8. SIMPL3Z

    Ask me Anything | Aania addition!

    sobbing, weeping, crying
  9. SIMPL3Z

    Ask me Anything | Aania addition!

    If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? Oh and also out of curiosity: how do you manage to STINK that badly?!!?! YUCK!!!!! (love you aania pls dont fire me from reporter thanks)
  10. SIMPL3Z

    KARAKURA NEWS | Yakedo Amai: Critics review.

    Get arrested so I can write another report thanks
  11. SIMPL3Z

    Felons joining teams

    +1 I don't see why we are forcing people with developed characters to make a new one so that they can even have a chance at being on the team. By trying out for the team and possibly joining it they are already giving up their right to commit crimes, meaning it is a conscious decision they...
  12. SIMPL3Z

    FISHING SUGGESTION | fish in the pool?!?!

    Still trying to find a bad suggestion by findouticly +1. #stopfishinginswimmingpools