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Level 73
What's your Minecraft Username?: DarkxWalker
What's the title of your suggestion?: CRIME ¬ AN ECCENTRIC FACTION

What's your suggestion?:
Esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the illustrious SchoolRP community, I beseech thee to lend thine ear to my message, as I present before you today a noble proposition—a remedy for the crime faction, one which may indeed prove advantageous for us all in the days to come. This proclamation is a counsel directed solely towards the esteemed crime faction. Shouldst, thou find thyself disinterested in this noble faction or choose not to impart thy valuable thoughts upon this discourse, thou mayest depart in an air of ignominy.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night to the reader— you.
Crime, an eccentric faction. How come, why did I decide to name my suggestion in such an unusual fashion?

I have been an active participant within this faction for years, almost a decade within the couple next of years, absolutely insane, I acknowledge that. I have seen the crime faction with its ups and downs, yet all I have been seeing as of recently was the faction going "downhill" in accordance with some people.
Nevertheless, I can't blame the staff nor the community, here are a couple of reasons as to why the faction may have gotten significantly less active over the past two years:
- Disintegration of Keybinds within the combat systems by all means
- Disintegration of many crime faction players within the server; whether that's them quitting the faction, quitting the server overall, or getting banned (which has been a common pattern this year.)
- Reformation of the flawed permissions system; some may have preferred the ability to remove limbs using majors or easily accessing KPS prior to hebwig being the one behind crime leadership.

Not all of these updates are negative, a majority of them ultimately pushed the agenda of the crime faction to be much more roleplay oriented which led it in a positive direction. However, are we now moving forward or slowly devolving into a devoid faction with not as much entertainment as before? It's something subjective & nevertheless, I cannot answer that question on my own.

I will list out a few ideas or concepts that are relatively new, were previously suggested, or were previous concepts on the server which are outdated/removed.
- Old fashion, staff-approved advertisement
- Reinstatement of the 'Crime Associates'
- Concept: Payphone; no caller ID.
- Concept: Burner phone, no caller ID.
- Officers on tab, let's end metagaming.
- Turfs; alleyways, bowling alley, abandoned houses, etc.

It was not uncommon to advertise two rival gangs, families, or crime syndicates two to four years ago. Due to the complexity of getting staff approval for a gang war in order to have more official, non-scuffed events, the previous crime leads advertised the oppositions with a tense message that included the end goals, assessing both gangs, etc.

I would like to assess the validity of this message on my own, two of the former crime leads, Prosthettics & hebwig were involved in the Bonten v. Kaku-Kai altercations, advertising them not within one instance— but two instances to increase the tension and garner the attention of outsiders. Alongside this, Minobu, a former crime lead also advertised the tension between the Kishi Division and the Akihito family, where the label of a 'dangerzone' became official and strictly profounded for powerplant.

I believe that whilst this may sound condescending, it is not, I would like to see clearer efforts from the crime leads which are visible to the entire faction— not just the other black-market dealers, and the black-market associates. This could be a way to engage more with the community whilst understanding that it may also push certain organizations to develop a gang war which may turn official within the next couple of weeks.

This idea is not mine; the origins are from former influential crime players: F1F4, llSockll. I greatly appreciate the efforts that were put by them whilst they partook in the faction as black-market dealer & associate respectively, and it is important that credit is given where it's due.

The concepts are relatively straightforward and simple. Payphones will be the remedy behind burner phones, where it will only cost you a relatively small amount of money to use payphones (i.e. 300-500 yen) spread around the city— It's very logical to have around 4-6 of them within areas such as: the entrance of Zen Garden, the plaza, the business district, nearby the hospital, and at apartment complex A.

Whilst these regions are likely supervised using cameras, the payphones will provide the receiver with a call behind 'No Caller ID,' answer at your own discretion. In any case, if the call behind the payphone poses a risk to the caller after threatening the receiver, forcing officer intervention, they will not be able to locate which exact payphone was utilized at the time. They can check the CCTV footage at the exact time the phone call was recorded, however, seeing anyone using the payphone would result in.. nothing.

The existence of burner phones would be the cause of this: It can be entirely coincidental for someone to be using the payphone at the same time as the threats given to the receiver. Burner phones will be strictly purchasable from the black market as a nonexclusive item at the price of 25,000-35,000 yen.

The way a burner phone would operate is similar to a payphone: It will ping the exact location once the call is received & answered, however once the phone call ends, the police department will not be able to locate the burner phone after its initial ping. It will also provide the receiver on the opposite end with a 'No Caller ID' calling.

Hebwig's initial idea when formally creating the crime associates was to garner the attention of influential criminals through IRP (IC) means. They would have privileges in comparison to your average bottom of the chain criminal, including the ability to create an official crime business.

It's a bit iffy; I get it. However, black market associates aren't really unique like before, they don't garner the same attention nor is it a necessity to progress within the faction. I would love to see black market associates have the privileges that crime associates once had before they were rebranded. It would be great if black market associates could propose a business idea where they're the ones directing it in the meanwhile (of course, requiring approval, making sure the idea is viable, not scuffed, etcetera.)

Metagaming is a serious issue across every roleplay server Minecraft has to offer. A lot of roleplay servers downscale on it entirely, whilst I don't exactly see metagaming as a famous term anymore for SchoolRP— I barely see it, in fact.
However, that's not what I'm trying to insinuate. I would like to propose the idea of either:
- Moving officers below adult roles, where they can't be seen during peak hours.
- Removing the officer tag entirely from tab & replacing officer and detective with the adult tags to blend in (with the exclusion of the commissioner role).

It's very common for GangRPers & CrimeRPers alike are very likely to take a gander at the tab whenever they wish to commit a crime. This is to ensure that their risk is relatively low & that they're unlikely to get arrested in the middle of the interaction due to officer intervention.

I already know this may already be very conflicting for the current (nonexistent) verified gangs that own a hideout. However:

Currently a section of the Crime faction that has gone to complete waste whilst not being utilized properly. Gang turfs are small sections of the city, or the underground that are only owned by VERIFIED ORGANIZATIONS. I am not against that at all, nor am I saying that we should give UNVERIFIED organizations the rights to turfs as well.

What I wanted to suggest is returning to the old system of contesting turfs. Seeing as verification for organizations is a completely OOC-process, it shouldn't make as much sense for verified organizations to have access to turfs with ease. Yes, ICly and OOCly wise, they deserve it. Yet, I believe it's better to allow organizations to claim certain turfs for their ownership whilst opposing the concurrent turf owners (unless a turf is unclaimed).

EXAMPLE: UV Gang #1 wants to claim the laundromat nearby the shopping district for themselves. This is currently a turf owned by VG Gang #2. Gang #1 decided to increase the tensions by approaching the contested turf and attacking a couple of members belonging to the second organization.

Following this, there could be a set of wars and brawls between both opposing sides. These brawls/wars will lead up to a final brawl to conclude the battle between both organizations whilst also confirming who will contest and own the turf now.

OUTCOME A: UV Gang #1 wins the final brawl and finally contests the turf, they will gain ownership of it and VG Gang #2 will lose their rights to that turf. Conclusively, the turf will not be able to be contested for a period of time.

OUTCOME B: VG Gang #2 wins the final brawl and continues to contest their own turf without losing ownership of it. In return, there will be consequences for UV Gang #1; that outcome and sequence of consequences will be decided by the black market. (i.e. Having to pay a sum of money to the VG organization, losing their unverified status, etc.)

Under all of this, the Karakura Police Department can still be involved regardless of the circumstances and the brawls can still be shut down.

This is very brief and straightforward. I wanted to discuss events, but I acknowledge a few things:
Previously, events were tense and had a lot of drama buildup behind them. This is exclusively due to SchoolRP loosely following the EULA of Minecraft (or otherwise, before the EULA became very restrictive for players and servers alike). I don't expect the staff team to be able to push out events consecutively every week or even every month with the current restrictions.

However, I would love to see that the faction is still being taken care of outside of the occasional update announcements & black-market slots being open. This faction has a lot of potential with its current roleplay orientation, I would love to see that not go to waste yet.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I will keep this empty; I gave my two cents within the actual suggestion itself.


Level 82
well written, wonderfully organized and over all makes sense. Even though I no longer roleplay, I was involved in the Bonten vs Kaku-Kai War which wiithout a doubt was one of the most exciting events. What was better is the announcements and events that led up to the actual war and the eventual win and verification of Bonten.

I 100% agree with this. The announcements led to the community being involved and aware of the rising danger around them, almost like an audience during that theater show that was the war.
Last edited:


Level 11
Community Team
Event Team
sure +1

i stopped reading after “ Shouldst, thou find thyself” looks great bud, keep it up..


Level 115
+1, but I have some notes of my own

I advise you to be more specific under this header: what exactly do you want? Do you want the Black Market Associates (BMA's) to be changed back to the previous,—somewhat not worked out—version of Crime Associates (CA's), or do you want to have the whole concept of BMA's be remodelled and inspired by how the CA's used to work? Right now all I can really tell is that you want to bring change to it, and preferably have the option for BMA's to be more involved with crime businesses, but more concrete than that it doesn't get.
- In general, I am all for changing the concept of BMA's; it has just become kind of a lifeless concept with no direct benefits other than getting to RP with the BMD and BM team as a whole.

- Moving officers below adult roles, where they can't be seen during peak hours.
Possible but... not really?
The way the tab order works is via colour codes. If you can remember, shrine members used to have a red tag. This is a colour below green, however, so they kept being pushed off of the tab. Hence why the colour later got changed to a slightly more tinted version of green to push it above the adult role. To still keep officer tags as a whole, you'd need to give them a (quite honestly) disgusting colour code.

- Removing the officer tag entirely from tab & replacing officer and detective with the adult tags to blend in (with the exclusion of the commissioner role).
This is a big idea, although you could perhaps explain it a bit better.
The first thing I thought of when I read this was BMD's because that is how that tag works as well: BMD is a sub tag that can be given on any role and doesn't 'visibly' show. (In game I think it is called the Criminal tag) A similar tag like this can be created to make this idea reality for officers; making a custom sub tag that offers all the KPD still the technical permissions to execute commands, whilst being hidden under the adult role.

Small note on the turfs to add on to your suggestion:

That's all.


Level 3
- Removing the officer tag entirely from tab & replacing officer and detective with the adult tags to blend in (with the exclusion of the commissioner role).
people can remember rpnames, better to just remove them from tab alltogether

bigbigbig pluswun doe


Level 73
Thread starter
I advise you to be more specific under this header: what exactly do you want? Do you want the Black Market Associates (BMA's) to be changed back to the previous,—somewhat not worked out—version of Crime Associates (CA's), or do you want to have the whole concept of BMA's be remodelled and inspired by how the CA's used to work? Right now all I can really tell is that you want to bring change to it, and preferably have the option for BMA's to be more involved with crime businesses, but more concrete than that it doesn't get.
- In general, I am all for changing the concept of BMA's; it has just become kind of a lifeless concept with no direct benefits other than getting to RP with the BMD and BM team as a whole.
It was kept very vague; I don't want to be the decisive factor behind my suggestion being optimal for concurrent black-market associates or not.
I would like to see a rebrand to rework around the version of Crime Associates that weren't directly bossed around by the black market, nor did they have lacklustre privileges compared to now. I agree, however, that BMDA conceptually isn't that great at the moment and is just a role to hold onto.
This is a big idea, although you could perhaps explain it a bit better.
The first thing I thought of when I read this was BMD's because that is how that tag works as well: BMD is a sub tag that can be given on any role and doesn't 'visibly' show. (In game I think it is called the Criminal tag) A similar tag like this can be created to make this idea reality for officers; making a custom sub tag that offers all the KPD still the technical permissions to execute commands, whilst being hidden under the adult role.
The idea was to completely remove the officer and detective tags whilst turning them into "subtags" that could essentially blend in with the rest of the adult roles.
(i.e. They will have the officer role in person, they will have the privileges of any normal officer whether on or off duty, but their names will have [Adult] next to them on tab to blend in with the rest.


Level 115
The idea was to completely remove the officer and detective tags whilst turning them into "subtags" that could essentially blend in with the rest of the adult roles.
(i.e. They will have the officer role in person, they will have the privileges of any normal officer whether on or off duty, but their names will have [Adult] next to them on tab to blend in with the rest.
That is exactly what I wrote...yes...

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