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Recent content by TrisTheWarrior

  1. TrisTheWarrior

    When can you MARRY someone

    We believe in Kettlesip. The new Kami of the Shinsei Seinaru Shrine fr fr.
  2. TrisTheWarrior


    F O X
  3. TrisTheWarrior

    Does your SRP character have fears?

    Large, groups, of people.
  4. TrisTheWarrior

    drawing ur characters as cats

    Nathen Tris K. Tachitsu!! Everything can be also found in his biography.
  5. TrisTheWarrior

    How did you get into SRP?

    A random text from a person (@SapouT ). We were in some familiar server and i just wake up with a message then he tells me about this stuff. Good two years ive had around here.
  6. TrisTheWarrior

    mya’s very.. delayed.. & long intro! ♡

    Quack, funky time on here.
  7. TrisTheWarrior

    The 7 deadly sins

    Sloth. No explanation needed
  8. TrisTheWarrior

    What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?

    . . Understandable, its gangrpers that are rather hungry. May god bless their heads
  9. TrisTheWarrior

    Is your character a bad person?

    LOOK MATE, he fid that for a larger reason than just helping him get revenge
  10. TrisTheWarrior

    What was a pivotal moment for your character(s)?

    Realising revenge wasnt everything he wanted, and that it started to make him look more similar to his father.
  11. TrisTheWarrior

    Is your character a bad person?

    Yes, and no
  12. TrisTheWarrior

    good bye guys

  13. TrisTheWarrior


    As someone who has done A LOT of gangrp and criminalroplay, going around to a certain location wont bring you much apart from probably Permission hungry ones. Own experiences. I believe youd like arranged stuff a lot more. I believe there are a few criminal groups/gangs doing such arranged stuff...
  14. TrisTheWarrior

    The Viper of Saiky - Koizumi Saiky Bio

    I see myself, god darn it vpn plugin, hope a fix comes soon