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Neon 'Mizu' Hayasaka - The Karakura lost puppy | ネオン「水」早坂.


Level 66


Welcome to Neon’s biography. Below, you will find chapter directory so you can skip any chapter and come back to the top.
(Thank you Customable for a little help with it!)

1. Introduction
2. General Information
3. Physical Appearance
4. Skills and flaws
5. Relationships and Family
6. Lore (with Timeline)

- Pre-Karakura Arc
- Karakura Arc

7. Personalities
- Neon

- Mizu
- Nene
- Rima (Doll)
- Nox

8. Media

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Character
Neon was born on September 15, along with her twin sister Aulii at Kyoto Hospital.Neon was unlikely to be a problem child, her development was normal, and diseases were nowhere to be seen. Neon was very emotionally attached to her twin her sister Jiji. From the beginning, Jin Hayasaka had been preparing his children to take over the family business, which did not please Columbina; who wanted her children to follow their own path. In fact, Neon's life was NOT stress-free - even though she literally had everything. When she turned 6, she started going to school and making friendships. Until Neon's parents started arguing constantly. The parents practically forgot about their children, not caring about their needs, happiness and education - they were too busy arguing with each other. At one point, quarreling was a daily occurrence, and Father showed aggressive behavior toward the family; which forced Ai Hayasake to issue an ultimatum - they were to stop quarreling and start taking care of the children, or she would take them away. Neon's parents didn't even move a finger to prevent the loss of their own children. Ai Hayasaka moved out with Neon Aulii. Jiji as the older sister, was able to bear it and preferred to stay. And so began the story of Neon in Karakura...

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Chapter 2 - General Information

Original Name:

Used Name:


Originally made by Lara Tachitsu and Nathen Tris Tachitsu, due to Neon’s weird hairstyle

Purple cabbage
Given by Nathen Tris Tachitsu…


Nickname refers to her inner animal, which is dog. Neon loves dogs, she can identify with them. She also has puppy like behavior.

Text marker
Given by Lorenzo, refers again to Neon’s hairstyle

Given by Sena, because "beavers are cute"



4.11 ft

85.98 lb


Place and date of birth:
Kyoto, 09.15.2006

Sexual Orientation:

Deep scar under her left eye.
Scar under her left eye.
Several small scars from glass shards alonf her arms and legs.
Scar on left shoulder + “A” carving.
S.T initials carved on stomach, S.T initials as tattoo on her right wrist.
Stab wound scar on right hand, deep scar on her wrist.
Two scars on her stomach.
Stab wound scar on her right hip.

> HS Councillor (Quit)
> HS Journalist (Currently) [Senior Journalist]

Mental Health / Disabilities
Dissociative Identity Disorder[2]

Fears and Phobias:
Fear of Abandonment
Separation Anxiety
Aichmophobia (Fear of Needles)
Fear or Height

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Chapter 3 - Physical Appearance

Neon is a short girl of Japanese descent. She naturally had a darker skin complexion and brown hair, but through her inner hatred of her parents, she changed her appearance, as well as her name. She currently has long brown hair with light brown stripes. She always wears intense makeup, especially on her eyes. Before, she had a purple hair with pink stripes. The girl's figure resembles an hourglass, and her figure is slim. Her clothes are simple and she never overdoes fashion - Neon does not like revealing clothes. Depending on the outfit, she ditches different accessories.

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Chapter 4 - Skills


- Due to fact Neon loves creating, she developed interior designing skills, when she first time designed her own room in Blender. This hobby is something she wants to consider on using in long term life, by becoming Architect

- Neon always had great care when it comes to her own body, it was not different with taking care of her own hair.
She dyed it on her own to purple and keeps it really at a really long height. Her hair was always the most important thing and she's really angry if someone tries to mess up with it. Neon doesn't go to the hairdresser's because she handles everything herself. Her love of hair made Neon help people color their hair and even cut it when someone asked for it. She offered hairdressing services for free, which were almost professional.

- Since she moved out of Kyoto, Neon has often shut herself away - leading her to take an interest in the virtual world. Neon is very fond of playing on the computer, is also little-known streamer under the name N30N, and plays mainly League of Legends. Her interest was so great that playing was no longer just a pleasure but a hobby - making her better and better in no time. Neon plays at the Master tier level, on a Japanese server in League.

- Neon though if you ask her about her hobbies she will tell you practically nothing and it turns out that she actually has many more. Another of her skills is drawing - Neon can draw, although she has never taken it seriously - it is not her main hobby.

- Another skill she doesn't talk about out loud would be cooking - she enjoys doing it, it makes her happy and her dishes are of a high standard.

- Neon surprisingly finds it easy to befriend to people, despite her attention to herself as weird. Her social skills are certainly helpful in her life.

- Neon is FASCINATED by medicine. She wants to become a doctor - girl already has some basic knowledge about treating wounds, so if any accident happens near her, you will be safe. Neon will patch you up.

- Neon also likes painting… she stopped drawing and focused on it instead. Though from time to time, she will draw something.

- DRIVING SKILLS. Nothing else needs to be added.


- Neon is bad at every sport except for volleyball.

- Neon performs not really well in swimming.

- Neon doesn't have a spark of assertiveness in her, which often leads to being an object for teasing and even bullying.

- As easy as it is to make friendships it comes so easily for her to destroy them.

- Neon can't handle her own emotions and often makes impulsive decisions.

- Although she tries, creating clothes by herself doesn't work out well.

- Neon sometimes can’t handle her own emotions - making decisions or choices can be overwhelming for her. She’s impulsive, which is why she wants to let others do that for her instead.

- Neon gets jealous very easily.

- As Neon says of herself - she has two left feet. She often unintentionally hurts herself.

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Chapter 5 - Relationships and Family

Relationships and friends section:

Adao Delarosario ALIVE - Boyfriend
“We will not allow anyone to interfere with our constellation. Together, we create coherence. We are equals in this relationship - and this is what I have so hopelessly sought throughout my time with Sena. I love you, Adao.” Neon ~> Adao
Note from Neon herself:
“Adao, Adao, Adao... it's hard to describe in words what I feel for you. Feelings are such a complicated subject, what not to say. I belong to you and you belong to me. In fact, it is incredibly strange that our adventure began when you attacked me with a baseball bat. But hey, I deserved it. However, I know you'll never do it again. You didn't know we were the same. Two dogs, lost without owners. But these dogs can live without them, no? Together we'll make it. I love you, And I love that you always defend me. I feel incredibly safe with you. I know I can always rely on you - not like Sena, who at the first better opportunity left me alone with myself because someone called her. I want to marry you. I never thought I would say these words to a guy, I have always considered myself fully lesbian. But since so many times it didn't work out with girls - why not try something different again?”

Sena Taue DECEASED - Ex Girlfriend
“Each ... time... - you... look... own... body... You'll... See... my name... Pathetic dog.” "Good girl, hyena." Sena's last words ~> Neon
Note from Neon herself:
“Despite the fact that you made it clear to me again that I belonged only to you, then left me again - despite the fact that I was happy without you living with Adao, And despite the fact that I wanted to kill you myself, I promised Adao I wouldn't - I wanted to warn you of Jade's intentions. Not because I wanted you to live. I didn't want one of your, yes YOU, victims, I didn't want Jade to spend the rest of her days behind bars. She doesn't deserve that. You, on the other hand, deserve to burn in hell. Most likely, I deserve it myself. Also, see you, my owner, in hell. Even there, I will find you.”

Jade Jaibatsume ALIVE - Ex Girlfriend
“You know.. Sena used to call me a wallflower that got cut when it was no longer pretty enough, and I never understood it.. now I do.” Jade ~> Neon
Note from Neon herself:
“Jade, I am so incredibly sorry. I would like so much to put all the blame on Sena. But I can't - because I know I bear a very big responsibility. I was the one who allowed Sena to treat me like a dog. In fact, no - I was the dog who loyally fetched her bones, who wore her collar proudly. By the time you tried to take it off me, it was too late. Know, however, that this time I burned it. I also didn't want you to go that far. I know you're the one behind this, you're the one who promised me this when I broke up with you. The worst part is that I can't make it up to you. Most simply in the world, I am no longer able to love like a human being, but like a dog which until the end of my days, I will remain.”

Leilani Li ALIVE - Ex Girlfriend - Hostile
“Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty.” Leilani ~> Neon
Note from Neon herself:
“Do NOT try to snitch.”

Astri J. Blackburn ALIVE - Ex Girlfriend - Neutral
“I just wanted to be constellation with you, Astri. I really did. But you were too far away. I wasn’t able to wait longer for you, I’m sorry.” Neon ~> Astri

Hannah Vyronov ALIVE - Best friend - Deceased
“I wish I could prevent it…” Neon ~> Hannah
Note from Neon herself:
“I am sorry. You were a great friend, and now I just realised how much I will miss you. I am sorry for calling you a pest - I am lonely, living alone in such a big housing. It’s depressing. And yet, you were visiting me. I will miss that…”

Sergio E. Kijima ALIVE - Best friend
“I won’t tell you what made me like you, tiny! You gotta figure it out!” Sergio ~> Neon

Haruna Corella ALIVE - Friend
“Let’s bully someone, shall we?” Neon ~> Haruna

Fukuma Umeko ALIVE - Friend?
“I’m really sorry for what i’ve done to you. You deserve someone better.” Neon ~> Umeko

Sophie Graves ALIVE - Friend
“You do not attract toxic people - toxic people go to everyone. You are just allowing them to stay, and that's the issue.” Sophie ~> Neon

Rudbecka Taira ALIVE - Friend
"Don't fear the enemies who attack you, fear the fake friends that hug you." Rudbecka ~> Neon

Shark ‚Blue’ Meyer ALIVE - Friend
„You look at the moon, not knowing that millions of stars are waiting quietly for you to notice them.” Shark ~> Neon

Omori Ryo ALIVE - Friend

Nathen Tris Tachitsu ALIVE - Friend
“I will tame you, foxboy.” Neon ~> Nathen

Emma Emerson. ALIVE - Friend
“Actually, you’re not that bad as I thought, Lobsterson!” Neon ~> Emma

Leo Itsuka ALIVE- Friend
“Leo, people keep judging us only because of the purple armbands. I have enough.” Neon ~> Leo

K. Mookie Aldbridge ALIVE - Friend
“I’ve heard you swirlied some students when you were President…” Neon ~> Mookie

Daisei G. Kirishiki ALIVE- Friend
“I’m not addicted from caffeine!” Neon ~> Daisei

Amelia Lee Moon ALIVE - Neon’s support
“Don't quit council just because of other's power and actions. If you quit, you quit on your own terms.” Amelia ~> Neon

Charlotte O’Sullivian ALIVE - Neon’s support/mentor
”Path you will choose is only your decision.” Charlotte ~> Neon

Daria Andreev ALIVE - Neutral
“You’re just a harmless little girl, just like me. And yet, you pretend to be strong.” Neon ~> Daria

Lara Tachitsu ALIVE - Neutral
“I just hate being rejected. I don’t even know why, but somehow I started liking you. However if you want to ignore me, go ahead.” Neon ~> Lara

Iyashi Akihito ALIVE - Neutral
“I am going to be pain in your ass, Iyashi. So you will regret your silly attempt to bully me.” Neon ~> Iyashi

Camila Volkonsky ALIVE - Neutral
"I will always remember what you have done, but I forgive you." Neon ~> Camila

Lexy Sparks ALIVE - Hostile/Neutral
“May I have Iyashi’s phone number? I coded a virus, I want to send it to him!” Neon ~> Lexy

Melran King ALIVE - Hostile
“Fucking traitor.” Neon ~> Melran

Neko Kurosawa ALIVE - Ex-Friend - Neutral/Friend
„You fucked it up. Again.” Neon ~> Neko
Note from Neon herself:
“When I said I despite you, I was saying in other words I despise myself. We're exactly the same, Neko.”

Rye Chusi ALIVE - Hostile
„You killed my best friend and you don't even have guts to own your actions.”

Sienna Y. Volkonsky ALIVE - Hostile
„You are fucking monster, Sienna. You are NOT human.”
Note from Neon herself:
“I always considered you as monster, but I realized who was the true monster here. Not you, Sienna. But Sena Taue, my own fucking ex-girlfriend.”

Family Section

Jin Hayasaka ALIVE - Biological Father

Columbina Hayasaka ALIVE - Biological mother

Ai Hayasaka ALIVE - Aunt/Foster Parent

Rina Hayasaka ALIVE - Twin sister

Jiji Hayasaka ALIVE - Sister

Reina Hayasaka ALIVE - Sister

Aiko Hayasaka ALIVE - Aunt

Kōyasu Hayasaka ALIVE - Uncle

Ina Hayasaka ALIVE - Cousin

Yuuya Hayasaka ALIVE - Cousin

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Chapter 6 - Lore

timeline (soon)

- Rima and Rina
- Life in the estate
- Responsibilities
- First time in School
- Family disputes
- Ultimatum

- Neon meets Mizu
- Abandoned once again
- Hopeless pursuit
- Living with Mizu
- Finding a purpose
- First Council Strike
- The girl with bokken
- Breaking in half
- The girl who owns and the girl who’s owned
- You shall not mess up with spirits
- Encounter with Neko’s past
- Return of mother and father
- Halloween Council meeting
- On emotional rollercoaster
- Breaking people’s hearts
- Cave confession
- Starry night
- The suffering gem
- The Ruination
- Empty shell meant to be programmed
- Girl in kimono
- Patched up
- Triangle
- Mizu’s disappointment
- My heart belongs to you
- Silent sabotage
- Fusion of Neon and Rima
- Like a guard dog
- Doing the right thing
- Doomed poly
- Parasite and host
- Burn it down
- Opened eyes
- Fixing unfixable
- Battle against Split Kitsune
- Return of the triangle
- A mutt named Adao
- Accepting unacceptable

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Chapter 7 - Personalities

Neon (?) It did split up when she was 7y.o, basically today it's the remain of Neon from childhood, except she doesn't have bad traits as Mizu does. She is getting easily jealous or angry. This alter is the main one that suffers from Separation Anxiety and Fear of the Abandonment, though Nene suffers from it as well.

Trigger for switching; ???
Mizu (Persectuor/Protector) Mizu showed up when Neon was 7y.o, when parents abandoned her. Mizu represents her pain and anger, she doesnt want Neon to feel worthless and weak, so she exists to be in charge and prevent neon from getting vulnerable. She is cold, manipulative and controlling, but she doesnt want to hurt Neon. She punishes Neon when she shows her weakness as coping mechanism, as she believes it would make her stronger.

Trigger for switching; when she is abandoned or betrayed.
Nene (Childish alter) Formed somewhere when she was 7-10. This is pretty much Neon, with average child’s/dog’s intelligence. Some examples; laughing at random things, wearing a puppy onesie and running around in it and acting silly, GROWLING at people when she gets mad.. This is pretty much combination of something called age regression and pet regression, this alter acts like a kid or animal, depending on environment. It all goes for one thing, attention. This alter gets in troubles A LOT. She is easy target to bully, and Nene herself provokes people to get it.

Trigger for switching; when Neon is overwhelmed, lonely, or when she just seeks for comfort.
Rima/Doll (Emotionless alter) Formed somewhere when she was 10-13. Doll is simply exactly what the name says, that was alter Sena has triggered first time by her own actions. She had full control over Neon as “doll” and she was pretty much, heartless. Neon herself would cry if Sena left, but Doll would just… be there. Dolls do not cry after all it.

Trigger for switching; When Neon is in emotional distress but can’t fight back (being insulted, manipulated, ignored…)
Nox (Avenger/enforcer) Nox is newest alter, it did split when Neon broke promise she made against Mizu’s alter (She promised not to be violent like Mizu is, and not to use violence EVER) she is pretty much hurting people with this alter. Unlike Mizu, shes not cruel for control, but for protection. For the fact, she wants to do what is necessary. Neon often herself doesnt remember what Nox did.

Trigger for switching; When Neon feels physically threatened.

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Chapter 8 - Media

OOC Notes

- Neon name inspired by character from Valorant "Neon" (if you call her In Character "Neon from Valorant" she'll slap you - she hates being compared to this character)

- Surname has been taken from anime "Love is war"

- When I created Neon, 'Mizu' was just a nickname - then I realized it'd be cool to have DID as Neon

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Art Section

Neon & Sena (Made by @findouticly)

Neon laughing at Omori (Made by @findouticly)

Hannah aiming at Neon with toy UMP (Made by @Oliverium)

Angry Neon (Made by @Oliverium)

Flay vs Neon & Keio as spectator(Made by @Oliverium)

Murder plans on Sena Taue?! (Made by @Oliverium)

Sena & Neon (Made by @Oliverium)

Nene the Dog-Girl (Made by @Oliverium)

Neon abused by Flay?!!? (Made by @Oliverium)

Neon & Hannah... (Made by @Oliverium)

Neon getting... LEASHED?! (Made by @Oliverium)

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Thank you for reading! <3
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Level 43
Love this!!! I love how you have a content page too I've never seen that before in biographies, it's really cool!! :O


Level 66
Thread starter
ok guys the best arc is going to happen which MIGHT completely end the story of neon hayasaka in kurakura, which will be named “ruination” ISTG i need to start writing lore i will after roleplaying it out

also added cute art of neon and sena check it out!! :3

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