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Recent content by Yonio Of Ariandel

  1. Yonio Of Ariandel

    YonioTheNacho's Item Req.

    IGN: YonioTheNacho VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Chest Items from lost apartment EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The weapons do NOT belong to me. They're from my IC daughter, who keeps them in a chest. She did not have an apartment to live in, so I offered her to keep...
  2. Yonio Of Ariandel

    TokyoRP's College Role Request

    IGN: TokyoRP What you need: [20] [College] Current Role: [18] [Grade-12] Evidence: EXTRA NOTES: Although this is not my application, I decided to post it after having seeing that the person who's applying, TokyoRP, is...
  3. Yonio Of Ariandel

    Study Rooms: A Feedback

    I completely agree with what's mentioned. I find this new room quite unnecessary. There are already multiple places in which students can chill and relax, as well as studying. As it was said, Private Tutoring room and the Library are places that aren't visitted for actual studying, for most of...
  4. Yonio Of Ariandel

    Accepted YonioTheNacho's Private Tutor Application [Again]

    OOC Section In Game Name: YonioTheNacho School Employee Role you are Applying For: Private Tutor How often do you log onto the server?: I would describe my activity on the server as active. This is due to the fact that I always try to connect from morning to late night (BST hour), even if I...
  5. Yonio Of Ariandel

    very cool

    very cool
  6. Yonio Of Ariandel


    I guess it can either be an "emote", but I also know people who just say it out loud so idrk
  7. Yonio Of Ariandel

    a funny little story

    I was once swimming in the swimming pool white it was raining, and a thunder hit me. Worst thing is that this happened twice. oH zEuS
  8. Yonio Of Ariandel

    Zida how r u able to write so much and so well. congrats bro
  9. Yonio Of Ariandel

    Accepted YonioInASombrero Private Tutor's Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: YonioInASombrero School Employee Role you are Applying For: Private Tutor How often do you log onto the server?: I log in the server everyday, unless I am too busy with any High School assignment (which is extremely rare), or I'm out for holidays. The time I spend...