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Recent content by ZackTimeKiller

  1. ZackTimeKiller


    RENT A STAGE! Your character's a performer? Singer? A comedian? Or would you like to dabble deep into the bandrp with your mates? Well, it's your **LUCKY DAY!** Seikatsu's stage is open for rent for outside performers and the like, you are free to rent, and we can sort a date for your, and our...
  2. ZackTimeKiller

    Denied ZackTimeKiller | Psychiatrist [EMS Application]

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): My main is ZackTimeKiller, the account I am applying for is zacksoshawtious What is your discord username? zacktimekiller Describe your activity on the server: As of the time I am writing this; I consider it to...
  3. ZackTimeKiller


    SEIKATSU Karakura's local Karaoke Bar NOW HIRING! We are looking for 10 new waiters, and 7 new bartenders. Interested? Join our discord for more information;
  4. ZackTimeKiller

    Due Time

    i'll miss u, stinker
  5. ZackTimeKiller


    KARAOKE BAR WE ARE HIRING! What are we? Welcome to Seikatsu! Here, you will be immediately greeted by our punk rock aesthetic. What comes next is our Karaoke Bars! Here in Seikatsu, we provide the best Karaoke experience; with private rooms, delicious food, and the best drinks & alcohol in...
  6. ZackTimeKiller

    Accepted SHIZUKESA | ZackTimeKiller's Shopkeeper Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: The account I will be applying for with is ZackTimeKiller Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): zacktimekiller How old are you? (Optional): Twenty-one years old. What is your time zone?: GMT+8 Describe your activity...
  7. ZackTimeKiller

    what a

    what a
  8. ZackTimeKiller

    Vehicle Request | ZackTimeKiller

  9. ZackTimeKiller

    hi dr usui

    I love your art so much, it's so clean and scrumptious. I'D EAT IT ON A PLATE LIKE FINE DINING
  10. ZackTimeKiller

    [ART CONTEST] Spring Skin Spectacular - Tailoring Design Art Contest x3! [DEADLINE is 8th of June]

    Category: "Summer Prom Extravaganza" Skin Name: Yūga (Meaning; Elegance) IGname of the tailor: ZackTimeKiller IGname of the model: Tays2fly Description: A well-fitted attire only for the regal, and those with elegant poise. A suit adorned by our beloved Attorney General; 'Goemon Asōgi'. The...
  11. ZackTimeKiller

    Accepted Hellspawn Copy Request

    Username: ZackTimeKiller What is your Minecraft username? ZackTimeKiller Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-2156224a42607-c05b0b What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hellspawn What type of item are you...
  12. ZackTimeKiller

    ZackTimeKiller's AMA!

    stay in that closet, who said you can go out?!?!
  13. ZackTimeKiller

    ZackTimeKiller's AMA!

    For tailors; Don't fall to the dark side, never copy other people's work. If you ever feel stuck on something there's a lot of tailors out there that can give tips. And there's already a lot of tutorials in this forum that can help people out a lot. But for me, what really stick out is that...
  14. ZackTimeKiller

    ZackTimeKiller's AMA!

    does that mean ryusei gets to drive a helicopter and drive it through a commissioner's office?!?!
  15. ZackTimeKiller

    ZackTimeKiller's AMA!

    that's a lot of questions there buster, but i'll proudly answer all of them because they're mostly all about my favorite (and cool) characters - I have made skins beforehand prior to joining SRP, but that was when I was a wee little baby man and mostly re-colored, and did modifications to...