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ZackTimeKiller's AMA!


Level 17
ask me anything from funny, serious, not funny, yeah, i dont know, i thought i'd join in on the trends and cause why not feed into the curiosities of u cool guys! >:)


Level 121
would you come to brazil with me even if it meant we're going to the south corner of it and live for a whole year (i got accepted into student exchange)


Level 17
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If yer broke, then raise the fearsome Jolly Roger wit' the white skull 'n sail the high seas matey.
Aye, aye captain! Hoistin' the bannister we go! Oh what's that in the distance?! It's a storm, oh no, the legends are true! Out in the distance is a ghostly ship that haunts us, it's bringin' on the gale, she's called the Flying Dutchman! And it's rage that fills her sails.


Level 81
What made you get into tailoring (and why are you so awesome at it)?
What was your exact thought process behind the creation of Botan Ōtsuka-Asōgi's lore?
When creating Kafka Karuma, what kind of vibe did you want to go with?
Why is Ryusei Tachitsu such a little shit, and why do I love him despite that?


Level 17
Thread starter
What made you get into tailoring (and why are you so awesome at it)?
What was your exact thought process behind the creation of Botan Ōtsuka-Asōgi's lore?
When creating Kafka Karuma, what kind of vibe did you want to go with?
Why is Ryusei Tachitsu such a little shit, and why do I love him despite that?
that's a lot of questions there buster, but i'll proudly answer all of them because they're mostly all about my favorite (and cool) characters

- I have made skins beforehand prior to joining SRP, but that was when I was a wee little baby man and mostly re-colored, and did modifications to pre-existing skins on Skindex back in 2014-2016 mostly for myself. (Which I no longer support that type of stuff). I don't really sell or make any profits from these skins, it's just mostly to have something primarily customized to my wants, strictly just for me and to fit my character more to what I want them to be.

And now fast forward, to seven years later, that drive of having something for myself, and making my visions come to reality to befit more and have something more catered to the character (To add heft onto authenticity), all while going wild on that creativity, I have always have some sort of niche with fashion and fashion ideas ever since I was a wee little lad, and always like making character concepts and designs which has probably helped more with my creative aspect in making these skins and outfits. But, I normally go by this mindset when creating something in general is; "What makes this unique? And what could I do to make this more stand out compared to anything else?" (Which is also why I like doing freestyles and is somewhat good at it!)

And why am I so awesome at it? I give it a little kiss, that special TLC and it magically just becomes awesome. (The answer is through colors, the lighter the highlight of the color is, the more saturated you should go for, it makes the skin look x10 better, but aside from colors good shaping helps too, and looking around at other people's work within the tailoring community and using their work as reference, as well as stir up ideas also helps! *THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD COPY, REFERENCING IS VERY DIFFERENT FROM COPYING*.)

- Botan Ōtsuka-Asōgi...... Can I say something funny? Cause it's so damn funny, the real reason why I made Botan's backstory so damn tragic, so damn sad, is that the purpose of it is to have this concept of a man who has a very sad background, who delved in things he shouldn't and went on a down spiral of regret.. To transition to a life where things got better, and he's been blessed with a very nice "happy" family THAT IS IN ONE PIECE, and his main goal was supposed to live, love, laugh and focus more on his attitude, to overcome his fears (because at the time his fears was the main blunder that was causing the family to be torn apart, especially with soseki running away, etc), to focus on being a better father and enjoy the values of this family to show how much he has improved.. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! GUESSS HOW THAT TURNED OUT?!?!?!!? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!! I DIDN'T KNOW IT COULD GET THIS WORST TAY! I DIDN'T KNOW, I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!! I DIDN'T-I SWEAR I AM NOT THIS DOWN BAD!!! HAHA- AHHHHHHHHHHHH THESE LAUGHS ARE AT A CRY FOR HELP!!!!

- The vibe for Kafka is primarily inspired from my first character when I first joined SRP back in late January of 2023, but that character never had a developed personality, for the most part since I've joined it was partly me just focusing on vibing and having fun, getting myself more familiarized, etc and at the time there has been people that would test my character's patience by taunting him, and what not, but I'd like to mainly use my wits to the test and just deflect their negativity without giving them a reaction that they're looking for or verbally fighting back so to speak its just; "Nuh-uh, good vibes only!" (This was me being very sleep deprived and tired of eating people's shit.) Additionally, there has been aspects of Kafka that is inspired of a guy that I used to look up to when I was younger, and I aspire to be; they were very nice, considerate of other people, will always listen to them speak/mentions their name in crowded VCs just to compliment on their ideas so they won't feel left out or alone, and is a really relatable dude, would normally give out their opinions without sugar coating it but without being an ass about it too. I sort of mixed some of those elements into Kafka, and hopefully focus on that aspect about him more. And more about his vibe; when I listened to Fatlip the other night I just had to make him love early 2000s-2010's music man.

- Funny story about Ryusei, when I was given the role of playing Ryoichi Tachitsu's son, I have roleplayed with Ryoichi prior, and xyev is a homie. So I thought hey! Something out of pocket just to match right? And what better would it be than to have this guy have the mannerisms of your average discord user. Yes, I based him off of a day to day discord user, saying things out of pocket, and mostly 100% deserved to be punched, slap, or hit type of words. But, he has no fear, nor shame, and no screen protecting his face, but that's okay! 'Cause that's just Ryusei. And, he is one of the few characters I love playing, because I get to burst out my frustrations by letting the intrusive thoughts win which is why he says and does questionable things out of the blue (Most of them are very cringe and cliche jokes, but overall I just like having fun with him without Ryusei caring of the repercussions nor consequences or what other's would think, 'cause he thinks what he does is funny, and being silly is all about the Itchy code). I love him too, and because of that love he is slowly growing as a character..... Somewhat... (We're getting there!)


Level 17
Thread starter
any tips for tailors?
any tips for artists?
For tailors; Don't fall to the dark side, never copy other people's work. If you ever feel stuck on something there's a lot of tailors out there that can give tips. And there's already a lot of tutorials in this forum that can help people out a lot. But for me, what really stick out is that colors matter a lot to what I do. And I follow this one simply rule; the lighter the highlight, the more saturated it should be. It'll make your skin x10 better (promise). And lowering down the opacity, and using that tool more also helps with making colors blend with each other more, and have more control with the colors and what you plan on doing without having to play russian roulette with the color wheel and hope for the best. And for patterns, you could always try altering pixels/rows of existing patterns. (It makes the style look unique and detailed). It'll look complex at first, but it gets easier to understand if you break it down.

For Artists; Honestly, it's better to start somewhere than no where, and having friends within an art community or knows art can also give you drive to be better, especially when they are more experienced. It gives you the motivation to get that pencil on the paper, and get to their level. But, having self-awareness with art helps a lot, this applies to everything as well; you have to know your strengths and weaknesses. What are you good at right now? What is your current weak point? It also helps getting third opinions from friends or other people. Like let's say for example; your rendering is good, but your anatomy isn't great. This means you should improve more on your anatomy. But not everyone knows where to start. Which is why doing a little research also helps, there's a lot of tutorials out there. You should always focus on one thing at a time, and don't just rely on tutorials, they're there to help guide you, not turn you into Leonardo De Vinci in one night. I recommend watching at least one tutorial, or some sort, and focus on using that tutorial in practice until you think you've fully improved or ready for the next stage. You feel me?

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