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K9 Sōchō | MiaLobo


Level 42
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Sōchō | 曹長

[OOC NOTE: Sōchō IS NOT an official SRP police dog. The server does not have a K9 aspect of the department]


TITLES: Retired Search and apprehension K9, Retired Contraband Search K9, Police dog
STATUS: Owned by Akari Schwarz
BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Male, 3-year-old, Long-Haired German Shepherd
Three-month-old Sōchō Reference
socho puppy.jpg

Off-duty Sōchō Reference
On-duty Sōchō Reference

Tactical K9 Gear


Sōchō's breeding consisted of a long lineage of Japanese K9s. The program he was born to was based out of Chiba, Japan, where dogs were hand-reared and picked based on numerous qualities. At the age of eight weeks, the puppies were placed in different situations in order to assess their eligibility in becoming a promising working dog.

Working Dog Qualities
1.) Keen interest in new or unfamiliar situations.
2.) Sociable with people and other dogs/animals.
3.) Exhibiting a competent and confident demeanor.
4.) Focus on scent-type activities, or simply sniffing about frequently.

Sōchō reflected many of the traits that trainers required to be visible in potential working dogs. He was rather healthy, with a strong and steady build, as well as eager to please with task-driven efforts. After deeming him sustainable the next few months of his life were filled with new trials and tribulations. One of the largest obstacles Sōchō faced was a naturally strong prey drive, which if left unmanaged, could lead to uncontrolled aggression. He often pulled away in the excitement of a new challenge. However, his trainers used various reinforcement techniques so that he would focus solely on his handler. It seemed the more Sōchō was worked with, the more friendly his resting demeanor became allowing him to phase out of this early puppy stage.

Sōchō was around two and a half months old when he began basic obedience training. During this, he would be taught basic commands a house pet would know, along with a few additional techniques. These commands were taught in Japanese, however further down the line some commands would be switched to German so that the general public could not use them. He caught on fast to the various commands the training facility taught him, due in part to the handling of those in charge and his expert breeding.

There was also a major social factor with the obedience training. They often surrounded him with overwhelming stimuli, so that when working in the field, he would not easily be distracted. This type of training allowed K9 units to stay calm in the presence of scary situations, making them mentally bulletproof. It also provided the ability for the dog to be a dog when he was not working.

Another specific aspect of Sōchō’s training involved barking. Bark training could be eased into a command, such as “Gib Laut” meaning speak. This was done by initially finding something that excited the dog enough to start barking. Slowly the behavior could be rewarded and the command applied. This was taught to dogs in order to frighten suspects into listening to the commands of officers. The loud, aggressive-sounding bark would give officers a threatening upper hand.

Sniff training was also extremely relevant to Sōchō. He would be used in several instances to find dangerous substances which included narcotics and explosives. However, due to the dog’s recurring experience on duty, the sniff training became more useful in trailing suspects who had run/were hiding. He was naturally drawn to follow senses, and with some cultivating from the professionals he soon learned that following such instincts led to rewards of praise and toys. He often paroled the kennel he was stationed in late at night, sniffing about and jumping up on the wire to be let out.

It was deemed early into Sōchō's training he would become a suspect search and apprehension K9, due to his powerful physique and agility. The remainder of his training was rigorous, allowing a handler to fully direct the dog's aggression where it was needed. Trainers also moved into on-scene simulation training for Sōchō. He would glide through obstacles that might pose a disturbance. These simulations were agility-type courses, testing the dog's physical ability and fearless nature to stand up, should the call of duty require so.

Types of Obstacles
1.) Cars - jumping through car windows, car wreckage in the case of crashes, etc.
2.) Blockades - walls, fences, large drops/heights, tight spaces
3.) Other foreign obstacles

Once a K9 completed all the basic training, a partnership with an officer was needed to officially cement the dog's graduation from the program and implement him into the force. Although a partnership could not just be between any officer and canine. It had to be someone who the dog could trust and build a relationship with. Someone capable enough to take on such a high-maintenance animal. Sōchō was ready, it was now a matter of the trainers finding a suitable handler.

These commands are typically spoken in an alternative language so the public/anyone who is not the handler, cannot misuse them. Sōchō has been taught both the Japanese version and the German version. It does not matter which is used as he is specifically trained to follow his handler’s instructions. (Many of these commands are not pronounced how they appear). K9s are typically rewarded with toys or praise instead of food, which allows the dog to view the work as a game.

Commands are given with the dog’s name first, then the specific command.
EX: “Sōchō fass!”

Obedience Commands
"Nein" - no
"Sitz" - sit
"Platz" - down
"Bleib" - stay
"Hier" - come here
"Fuss" - heel, typically to the left side.
"Steh" - stand
"Lass es" - leave it
"Warten" - wait

Movement Commands
"Halt" - stop in place
"Lauf" - Go/continue, walk/run
"Hopp" - jump/up
"Schnell" - go faster
"Langsam" - slow down
"Geh rein" - inside
"Voraus" - outside/Go out
"Zurück" - Back up
"Kriechen" - Crawl
"Links" - Left
"Rechts" - right

Tracking Commands
"Such" - track or follow a scent
"Voran" - a blind search, for any suspects hiding on a premise.
"Such Rauschgift" - find substances

Suspect Contact Commands
"Fass" - lunge onto/attack wherever the handler directs
"Aus" - Let go/disengage
"Packen/Fass" - bite
"Gib Laut" - speak
"Achtung" - watch
"Brummen" - growl

Miscellaneous Commands
"Bring" - fetch an object
"Pass Auf" - guard, whether it be the handler or another person/thing
"Ruhig" - be quiet
"Gib Laut" - speak
"Pfote" - paw/shake
"Blieb Ruhig" - calm
"Zwinger" - Kennel
"Nimm" - take food or an object.
"Braver Hund" - good job/praise


The dog had no handler, but the efforts of his training came to fruition when Katashi Miyagawa entered Sōchō's life. A freshly recruited K9 handler located in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Who had several previous engagements in the military as well as being a detective for several years. He was in his mid-thirties, a driven officer who seemed to enjoy the work he had partaken in. Sōchō and Katashi paired almost immediately. They seemed to have a strong chemistry together and an unbreakable bond that was just beginning to form. It took several weeks for handler Katashi to be given the go-ahead to take Sōchō back to his home in Tokyo. The procedure before he was able to take his partner home included several drill exercises and situations, which neither Sōchō nor Katashi were strangers to. However, in the end, they left for Tokyo well-trained and ready for duty.

Yet amid this new adventure, something struck Katashi. He had always been a good man, dutifully fulfilling whatever his superiors had requested of him. Yet something of this new environment triggered something in him that had been lying dormant since he had been a recruit in the military. The power that such an animal could deal to a human being drove him mad. He had blindly followed the orders of everyone above him, due to the power they imposed. Yet given the chance to do the same, to suspects who deserved it no doubt, it seemed fair for the continuous and devoted following he had done for years. At least that was what Katashi believed. It started slowly with him recalling Sōchō later than typically would be deemed enough force. Later spiraling into him sending the dog on anyone who disrespected him while investigating. It got to such a point the dog became a weapon for Katashi, allowing him to hold power over others. He could take charge of any situation with a simple threat of the dog attacking. In one instance, which was not discovered until long after his career as a dog handler, Sōchō had been commanded to exhibit such a force, for an extended period, that the suspect was mauled, to death.

When Katashi's actions finally came to light, due to his carelessness in performing such abuse in front of fellow officers, he was exposed. He was not brought to trial for his actions at first, simply stripped of his status as an officer K9 handler and any other peace officer affiliations. When officers arrived to take Sōchō from Katashi, they could not locate the animal. It was later revealed that Katashi had dumped his beloved dog on the outskirts of Tokyo. In an admission to a judge, he said . . .

"You can take everything I own. Put me in a cage like a damn animal. But you will never have my partner."

Though there was a search to find the canine, which would have likely resulted in the dog being put down, Sōchō was never located. Despite Katashi's corruption leading him down a path of violence, he still cared for the dog, whether because he saw him as a weapon or a friend remained unclear. Sōchō would wander Japan as a simple street dog for a long time. This officially ended his career as a police K9. He was eventually caught by a humane society, however, upon scanning for a microchip, they found an old injury across his shoulder blade. It appeared the microchip had been surgically removed. The plot thickened, yet the dog's story was already lost to time. Besides that of a bandana which had been lovingly stitched by Katashi. It read: "K9 - Sōchō."

The dog's odd experience was far from over when he was forced into this animal-equivalent of a prison. It began with the appearance of an odd and somewhat suspicious man. The staff of the humane society did not question the slight Russian accent or the many old scars hidden behind his sunglasses. He went simply by the name "RAION." Raion lived on a small island off of mainland Japan, named Karakura. He could not be considered a good man by the slightest margin. Similar to Sōchō's old handler besides the somewhat "legal" title Katashi carried. No, Raion was one of the very criminals Sōchō had once been sent against. Yet the dog knew no different, he was used as protection for Raion's criminal endeavors. However, the dog never lived up to the same power he had during his time as a police K9.

There came a day when Raion did not return. Whether he moved on from Karakura, or something far worse had occurred it never became apparent. Sōchō was once again left to wander the streets. This time the dog could not leave Karakura. He was left to wander amongst criminals and corrupt officers just the same as he had before. But Sōchō was after all only a dog, who would, should he find another master, obey his commands without a mindful thought. How easy it was to abuse the power dogs possessed to gain an upper hand in a battle.

A long while into his lonely venture, a strange boy brought him to the KPD, mistaking him for a Karakuran K9, due to his bandana. The dog seemed comfortable in the space, greeting the uniformed officers contently. As though they held a similar aura to those he had previously worked with. There was an officer who frequently came out to the lobby to visit him. She was a kind soul, who he felt safe beside. They grew their bond throughout many encounters, he stayed close to her, indulging in the attention she so kindly gave. Slowly the dog grew to want to protect her.

Her name was Akari Schwarz, the previous police commissioner's daughter. Who had a knack like her father for the department. She was fearless and very dedicated to her practice. Sōchō began to follow her on patrols and watch her do her work. Similar to the countless past times with Katashi. Although he was not considered a K9 in the karakuran force, as they didn't have a K9 unit, it felt all the same to Sōchō. He did not leave her side, and when she was injured he stuck close by, weary and protective. It seemed Sōchō's life was taking a turn for the better. Perhaps this kind-hearted woman would become his salvation.

[OOC NOTE: That's it for now folks! Thanks for reading <3 ]

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Level 71
Shrine Lead
Stole my yokais nickname which also happens to be Chō. I love it Mia hes so fluffy and cute


Level 42
Community Team
Lore Team
Thread starter
[!] Training history updated
[!] Command List added
[!] References added

(This character was created because I have a strong fascination with police dogs! All of the following were heavily researched, however, there is always room for improvement.)

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