What's your Minecraft Username?: gncme
What's the title of your suggestion?: Update the Maps Link in the School Planner and adding the Districts Document
What's your suggestion?:
The map in the School Planner currently is outdated with the link since it showcases buildings from over two years ago such as the old Saiky Estate and the old Business Park. The link should be updated!
However, I also suggest adding a second option, which will help newer players access the forums easier and learn more about the town's lore and be able to navigate around the map quicker which is adding the Districts, Roads, and Landmarks of Karakura lore thread.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Newer players especially will be able to learn more about the city. The Districts document is updated to the latest map update before the gas station. I can very much update it again after writing this suggestion, but it is still very helpful with the amount of information inside.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Update the Maps Link in the School Planner and adding the Districts Document
What's your suggestion?:
The map in the School Planner currently is outdated with the link since it showcases buildings from over two years ago such as the old Saiky Estate and the old Business Park. The link should be updated!
However, I also suggest adding a second option, which will help newer players access the forums easier and learn more about the town's lore and be able to navigate around the map quicker which is adding the Districts, Roads, and Landmarks of Karakura lore thread.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Newer players especially will be able to learn more about the city. The Districts document is updated to the latest map update before the gas station. I can very much update it again after writing this suggestion, but it is still very helpful with the amount of information inside.