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Running tailor blacklists through staff members


Level 328
What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Running tailor blacklists through staff members

What's your suggestion?:
There have been cases where specific individuals have been blacklisted from providing services to specific plyers because of a very one-sided decision to cconsider a skin "copied" in terms of style, palette, etc. Even to staff, determining if a skin is stolen or not is a process that needs to be ****ysed thoroughly, and this ****ysis is certainly not followed by tailor higher-ups.

Therefore, this suggestion aims to introduce a new system where tailor servers need to have a channel named "blacklist-requests" where staff will review them and determine if such blacklist is valid or not.

While you might agree this will remove the freedom of these tailoring discord servers, remember that they're part of the official SchoolRP network (as stated by the name). Therefore, these decisions should only be approved by a staff member (an example would be Hospital blacklists, where they have to be run through 6Pancake, or BMD blacklists with Hirathex)

Moreover, even if your blacklist request is denied, tailors are still 100% free to deny a request if they aren't comfortable with someone. The issue at hand is that these blacklists prevent players from ever reaching out to these tailors for their services.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This change will make blacklists much more reasonable and prevent cases of OOC bias among tailor higher-ups, as it will now be run through staff members instead. This will also help staff identify cases of skin stealing and issue proper punishments in game.


Level 136
+1, self explanatory.

Words can't describe how incredibly unfair and insulting it is for artists to be accused of their shading being stolen and blacklisted without warning, based on the evidence that "the shading looks like mine". That said there are other instances as well in tailoring discords where players are blacklisting people for the smallest inconveniences and in some cases don't even affect them.


Level 17
+1 cant say i havent been "blacklisted" from a tailor because they didn't like how I said a few random things to my friends
and its like so annoying


Level 2

Completely agree with this suggestion, from personal experience with being accused, blacklisted without prior warnings etc. It's incredibly insulting and demotivating to be accused of stealing a "shading style" which does not go against the schoolRP rules. I also know tailors who have quit tailoring due to being accused of stealing shading styles, palettes etc. I'd suggest making sure 2 staff members go over it as one staff member could think that it is similar, while another does not.


Level 4

thought about it, and ykw I agree! as long as individual tailors have their own decision in whether or not they blacklist a person from ordering from them, I think blacklisting a whole tailor from a server should be very much discussed with staff before hand.


Level 102
No such thing as copying or stealing shading when the "new shading" looks practically the same as everyone elses. Only difference is the way poeple do their colors and thats it

I've been blacklisted from some servers for "stealing colors" which is kind of funny



Level 142
If I knew there was drama going on in the tailoring servers I would have joined ages ago, why didn't anyone tell me

No such thing as copying or stealing shading when the "new shading" looks practically the same as everyone elses.
Yeah I don't get this either. I feel like the SRP style is so restrictive that it's basically impossible to innovate without losing characteristics of the style itself. And that means all the skins end up looking indistinguishable from one another (with a few exceptions from some really skilled tailors), which is lame IMO.

Can somebody please start a tailoring renaissance (focusing on less restrictive methods) so that our server looks cooler please, thanks


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
This is unfortunately one of the suggestions I kind of don't agree with.

Whilst streamlining the blacklists of tailoring servers would be much more efficient and fair in the long run, I believe tailoring servers and faction's blacklists have much different factors associated with them to ensuring how they run.

Blacklists for the hospital make sense as its an official faction which has a lead and hinges on the roleplay aspect of things, however, for tailoring servers, there are a multitude of different roles and factors for those roles which require consideration, and as it stands, staff members simple don't have the time or capacity to be running though EVERY tailor server on SchoolRP's blacklists requests and the server owners dont have the time to be waiting for a staff member to approve it.

At the end of the day, this is closer to a civil matter between the players on how its handled, what each service has experience with and how they decide to run it, and if the individual running that server want to make biased decisions , their own server can suffer the consequences of doing so and if the player has an issue with an official service endorsed by SRP, it would be more effective of a system to have it reported to a staff member as an issue as opposed to having each party wait for staff members to go through a long channel of blacklists in each server and approve them whilst that individual continues to reek havoc.

I cant imagine needing to wait for a staff members approval ( as ironic as this sounds being a staff member ) just to use or authorise the functions of my own tailoring service when I might need it most


as efficient for all servers it would be to have a long list of officially authorised named for blacklisting, waiting for a staff member to go through every tailoring server's requested blacklists would take to long and ultimately slow down the effectiveness of the system, I believe it would be more efficient to allow tailoring servers to blacklist as they need to but let players dispute a blacklist with staff if they believe it unfair

Sorry yonio, but im going to have to -1 this from my own experiences


Level 328
Thread starter
This is unfortunately one of the suggestions I kind of don't agree with.

Whilst streamlining the blacklists of tailoring servers would be much more efficient in the long run, I believe tailoring servers and faction's blacklists have much different factors associated with them to ensuring how they run.

Blacklists for the hospital make sense as its an official faction which has a lead and hinges on the roleplay aspect of things, however, for tailoring servers, there are a multitude of different roles and factors for those roles which require consideration, and as it stands, staff members simple don't have the time or capacity to be running though EVERY tailor server on SchoolRP's blacklists requests and the server owners dont have the time to be waiting for a staff member to approve it.

At the end of the day, this is closer to a civil matter between the players on how its handled, what each service has experience with and how they decide to run it, and if the individual running that server want to make biased decisions , their own server can suffer the consequences of doing so and if the player has an issue with an official service endorsed by SRP, it would be more effective of a system to have it reported to a staff member as an issue as opposed to having each party wait for staff members to go through a long channel of blacklists in each server and approve them whilst that individual continues to reek havoc.

I cant imagine needing to wait for a staff members approval ( as ironic as this sounds being a staff member ) just to use or authorise the functions of my own tailoring service when I might need it most


as efficient for all servers it would be to have a long list of officially authorised named for blacklisting, waiting for a staff member to go through every tailoring server's requested blacklists would take to long and ultimately slow down the effectiveness of the system, I believe it would be more efficient to allow tailoring servers to blacklist as they need to but let players dispute a blacklist with staff if they believe it unfair

Sorry yonio, but im going to have to -1 this from my own experiences

First off thanks for the honest reply!! Without this we'd be unable to address the ups and downs of suggestions, so dw big man

Blacklists for the hospital make sense as its an official faction which has a lead and hinges on the roleplay aspect of things, however, for tailoring servers, there are a multitude of different roles and factors for those roles which require consideration, and as it stands, staff members simple don't have the time or capacity to be running though EVERY tailor server on SchoolRP's blacklists requests and the server owners dont have the time to be waiting for a staff member to approve it.
While it is true that factions are a more in-game thing with more restrictions put in place, Tailoring servers are still part of the network and are owned by the Owners (hence why the bot and KimiNoUso have the highest roles in those servers). Blacklists don't happen all that often as far as I'm aware; It would be as common as any other report for skin stealing, except it'd be handled in a discord server instead of in DMs.

As far as I know, this would only apply to the official tailoring discord servers, and I believe there are only like 4-5 of them at the moment (probably more, but there shouldn't be all that many active ones.). Determining if a skin has been stolen or not shouldn't take all that much time, either. It's a matter of looking into the evidence that the tailoring higher-ups provide and seeing if it's stolen or not.

At the end of the day, this is closer to a civil matter between the players on how its handled, what each service has experience with and how they decide to run it, and if the individual running that server want to make biased decisions , their own server can suffer the consequences of doing so and if the player has an issue with an official service endorsed by SRP, it would be more effective of a system to have it reported to a staff member as an issue as opposed to having each party wait for staff members to go through a long channel of blacklists in each server and approve them whilst that individual continues to reek havoc.
The issue at hand is that there have been several instances where players have been unfairly blacklisted from these servers, so it isn't just one or two isolated cases. I'll refer to the first point as well; blacklists to a service that so many people use in SRP should probably be overviewed by staff members. If this isn't feasible, an alternative would be to have all staff members given access to a channel where tailor higher-ups log their blacklists so that they can properly look into it and check if the blacklist is valid or not.

To sum up
- Take this idea and have staff members verify each blacklist so they can take actions against them in game
- If it's not feasible, give staff members access to tailor blacklist logs so they can look at them if the person decides to report this instance


Level 1

I can understand the frustrations of getting blacklisted from servers without warning or for a reason that isn't substantiated. But at the end of the day, you can always go to another server or tailor where you aren't blacklisted to get a skin or if you have a friend that tailors, ask them. Biasness unfortunately exists and you will always come across it, no matter what rules or measures you put in.

However, I feel everyone has the right to question the blacklist, especially if there isn't any evidence of what you are being blacklisted for or if you feel its unreasonable. If you feel staff need to get involved, then report it.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
First off thanks for the honest reply!! Without this we'd be unable to address the ups and downs of suggestions, so dw big man

While it is true that factions are a more in-game thing with more restrictions put in place, Tailoring servers are still part of the network and are owned by the Owners (hence why the bot and KimiNoUso have the highest roles in those servers). Blacklists don't happen all that often as far as I'm aware; It would be as common as any other report for skin stealing, except it'd be handled in a discord server instead of in DMs.

As far as I know, this would only apply to the official tailoring discord servers, and I believe there are only like 4-5 of them at the moment (probably more, but there shouldn't be all that many active ones.). Determining if a skin has been stolen or not shouldn't take all that much time, either. It's a matter of looking into the evidence that the tailoring higher-ups provide and seeing if it's stolen or not.

The issue at hand is that there have been several instances where players have been unfairly blacklisted from these servers, so it isn't just one or two isolated cases. I'll refer to the first point as well; blacklists to a service that so many people use in SRP should probably be overviewed by staff members. If this isn't feasible, an alternative would be to have all staff members given access to a channel where tailor higher-ups log their blacklists so that they can properly look into it and check if the blacklist is valid or not.

To sum up
- Take this idea and have staff members verify each blacklist so they can take actions against them in game
- If it's not feasible, give staff members access to tailor blacklist logs so they can look at them if the person decides to report this instance
I suppose this does make more sense explained like this especially taking into account the frequency of blacklists on the server and having it only apply to the official servers would ease things, I was under the assumption you were referring this system to ALL tailoring discord servers which is why I initially brought up staff strain as a point

I can opt for a staff member's access to all channels which they SHOULD have anyway regardless, and having a channel with the proof as it will keep the freedom of being able to blacklist but also give staff members that option to dispute it with the service if it is unreasonable as that was my main concern, the time sensitive scenarios of some blacklists


Level 2

I can understand the frustrations of getting blacklisted from servers without warning or for a reason that isn't substantiated. But at the end of the day, you can always go to another server or tailor where you aren't blacklisted to get a skin or if you have a friend that tailors, ask them. Biasness unfortunately exists and you will always come across it, no matter what rules or measures you put in.

However, I feel everyone has the right to question the blacklist, especially if there isn't any evidence of what you are being blacklisted for or if you feel its unreasonable. If you feel staff need to get involved, then report it.

Getting staff involved does not do anything, I reported being blacklisted and got hit with the “Tailoring discord punishments aren’t given by staff so we can’t do anything, just make an alt and order/bid.” Staff also mentioned to me that it isn’t their issue/the blacklists aren’t to do with them. I feel like Yonio’s suggestion is a good one at the least, if someone has a blacklist that they feel is unjustified, they should take it to staff if this gets implemented into the official tailoring servers that are in the SchoolRP official discord - that makes sense.

Adding onto Yonio’s suggestion, I feel that there should be 2-3 strikes given and notified to the player before blacklisting. There have been many instances where people have not been notified prior to being blacklisted which is honestly unfair.

Depending on the severity on what the player has done, then it should be an automatic blacklist e.g, skin stealing. But, if it’s deleting bids/cancelling orders, that seems unfair, especially if they explain why they cancelled or deleted a bid. I get its annoying but if they privately DM the auctioner/tailor on why they did it, then it should be fine. Example; they don’t have enough money due to paying their rent in-game.

However, if the player has NOT been given strikes/warnings before in DMs and just hit with the blacklist straight away, then that’s unjustified as they didn’t know they were warned prior.
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