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KARAKURA NEWS | Are Gas Prices Justified in Karakura?


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Written by Jeong-Won Maeng

Vehicles require gas to function. It is an obvious fact that most, if not all, in the modern world, understand. But what if this commodity was found to be unaffordable, would it deconstruct the entire vehicle ecosystem? This article delves into the fourth most important commodity in Karakura behind water, food and electricity, that being gas!

For the experienced local, you would know that the only location to get some gas for your beloved vehicle would be at the gas station behind the school. The gas station stands proudly next to the 11/7 store, and Karakea. For some, it’s merely a landmark they pass by. However, for vehicle owners, needing to visit this place may either be a dread, or something they find indifferent.

As the writer wanted to find out how the population in Karakura found the price of gas, he conducted yet another survey, surveying both vehicle owners, and non-vehicle owners about their opinions!

Top: Respondents’ opinions on the gas prices

As seen in the above chart, after interviewing vehicle owners, an equal number of respondents felt that the gas prices were too expensive, and perfect for them, while a minority of vehicle owners felt that the prices were cheap for them. As of writing, the current gas price stands at ¥130.00/5L of gas, meaning that filling a tank of 50L would take ¥1300.00. The price of gas may differ as the reader is reading this article. When asked on if the price of gas either deterred or encouraged them from driving, vehicle owners that responded ‘Too expensive’ often mentioned that the price did discourage them from wanting to drive, but they still did it out of convenience, and would simply just bite the bullet when it came to topping up gas for their vehicles. As for those who responded with ‘Too cheap’ or ‘Just right’, they mentioned that they were indifferent to the price in relation to the desire to drive, as they did not mind the price, or that it did not burn a hole in their wallets.

This also leaves many with the question: Why does gas prices change? To not bore the reader, the writer has condensed the explanation down to it’s basics. Following the concept of supply and demand, gas prices fluctuate according to the supply of gas, and the expected demand of it. If the supply of gas rises, then the price gets cheaper, and the reverse is true, such as when supply to it is disrupted, then the price of it gets more expensive. When this is applied to the concept of demand, when demand is less, supply is higher. The converse is true, as when demand is higher, more people are filling their tanks, and supply is less! As such, that is why gas prices change.

Top: Pictured, The Gas Station on a rainy day.

However, the writer also asked both vehicle owners and those who did not own a vehicle another question: Were people talking about the gas prices?

The short answer, hardly. As for the long answer as to why it is hardly discussed, some informed the writer that simply, it was not a topic of conversation. For others, they found that discussing the matter about exorbitant gas prices was useless, as they had no say in changing the price anyways.

After concluding the survey, the writer would like to conclude that a large proportion of vehicle owners find that the price of gas is unreasonable to them, but yet, they would still give in and fill their tanks as they wanted to drive their vehicles, for convenience or other purposes. As for those without vehicles, they too are aware of the price one pays as a result of owning a vehicle and wanting to drive it around.

As such, this begs the question; Would one find the gas prices reasonable?

For many, as seen in the survey, the answer is ‘No’. For a smaller majority, it is ‘Yes’. But what can be done about this? Since the writer is only a reporter on the matter, he may not have much power over controlling the price of filling up your tank, but after reading his article, he hopes to leave you with more awareness about the price to pay when it comes to taking the family car for a spin.

As the writer concludes the article, he would like to leave the reader with a question. After finding out about gas prices, does this deter you from wanting to own a vehicle, or drive one (if you already own one), or does this make you feel indifferent to the current price of gas?

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