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Accepted Librarian Application | 9Leo


Level 3

Out-Of-Character Information
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I prefer not to state this information on a public application

What is your time zone?:
Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Describe your activity on the server:
I started my SRP journey a little bit over three years ago. I was invited to the server as a Joke but after 1-2 weeks of playing I instantly fell in love with the server. and started dedicating more and more of my time to the server. 3 Months into my SRP journey I found out about Gang Roleplay. I stayed within that community for 2 months and quit since the rules drastically changed towards the worst, and the levels of toxicity were rising (I was in a couple of gangs for a short while). After that phase I went back to normal roleplay and decided to join the Male Bobcat Football Team! In that same month I also applied for librarian which gave me a different type of roleplay to look forward to. To some things up I really enjoy SRP so much that I am willing to dedicate a portion of my time daily on the server.

It is possible for my activity on the SchoolRP server to vary depending on the day and what I am doing, but the general agenda for me is that I will tend to get online after school, as I begin school at 9am (PST) and leave school at 4pm (PST). In addition, I will also include my after school sports practices , so I will be home around 6pm (PST) and I will get off my computer around 8pm (PST). Weekends will certainly be a different story, since I will be online for the entire day on the weekends. To sum things up, I would say that my activity on discord is 8/10 and my activity on Minecraft SRP is 6/10. However, If I ever have to go inactive for a longer period of time, I will make sure to fill out an inactivity log accordingly.

4 PM - 8 PM
2 PM - 10PM
On weekdays I have school but besides that im free the rest of the afternoon!
On weekends I usually have to run errands with parents but im free after that!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not been banned on the server and nor do I plan to ever be.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that if I am inactive I face the consequence of demotion.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the role of Librarian

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
There is no doubt that one of the most important responsibilities of a librarian is having responsibility for anything related to books. This is because they are the overseers of the school library. Librarians are usually found in the library during normal school hours. Most of the time, they stay within their help window where they can assist students with checking out books as well as guiding them to the appropriate section. While at the window another duty of a librarian is to assist students with other questions students may have. Librarians can also be found wandering around inside the library speaking to students. A vital part of the responsibilities of a librarian is to ensure the library itself is maintained in good working order. He or she is also expected to perform other duties related to the job as that is part of the job of the title that he or she holds. This includes cleaning the library and rearranging the books as necessary in order to keep the books in proper order. Furthermore, as members of the school faculty, librarians are also expected to monitor the area around the library to make sure no one is misbehaving. It is also the librarian's responsibility to make sure that those who misbehave are appropriately punished whenever they do so.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general I have been exposed to many different kinds of role play throughout my three year long journey on this roleplay server, starting with my interesting experience in the somewhat toxic community of gangrp ( I was involved in Akihito, Bonten, and Ketsueki back in 2022 ) through my time in the community I truly realized that being involved in gang activity was clearly not the thing for me. Next, I have also been able to experience many different types of roleplay types one of the key ones being jockrp throughout my time on a couple of sports teams on the server, them being the highschool male basketball team, highschool male football team, and also more recently the college male volleyball team. Adding on, during my time on these teams I also took time to apply for jobs at some of the shops I have worked at in the past being Shiawasena Konyu and Yeobo as well as being able to obtain the role of manager at a shop named Otakaya. While working at these shops I was able to experience what it is like from a cashier point of view and as well as a manager. Last and most importantly I have also been exposed to the type of roleplay that comes along with being a member of school faculty throughout my short span of being librarian back in early 2022. Along with my knowledge on roleplay growing I have also gained an understanding of how to interact with a variety of people in different situations.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I have been involved in the school roleplay community for a while now in my opinion and I believe that it is about time that I do something outside of my comfort zone, which is applying for a role within the school faculty. I believe that if I am granted the chance to take on this role it would be a step up for me in terms of roleplay as well as in general, having to interact with more people as well as now having co-workers! The thought of being in a new environment surrounded by like-minded individuals excites me. Along with this role comes a lot more things to learn! Such as the whole book and library card system. On top of all that has been stated so far, my main motive for joining the KHS faculty as a librarian is my passion for literature. Because of this as well as my comforting and nice character, I believe it is the most suitable position for me by far. Lastly, I surely believe that obtaining this role will help me learn how to deal with and put up with new scenarios helping me overall in character as well as out of character expanding my skill sets further.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted Applications
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
Leo / JSL (Re-Apply) | SchoolRP - [ACCEPTED]
Leo | Norwegian app | SchoolRP - [ACCEPTED]
5117's | Librarian Application | SchoolRP - [ACCEPTED]
1eoh's | Librarian Application | SchoolRP - [ACCEPTED]

Leo | Spanish Application | SchoolRP - [ACCEPTED]

Denied Applications
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
Yoeq | Receptionist Application | SchoolRP - [DENIED]
eswu | Government Application | SchoolRP - [DENIED]
uAsk's KPD Application | SchoolRP - [DENIED]
Leo | Spanish App | SchoolRP - [DENIED]
Leo | JSL Application | SchoolRP - [DENIED]
Leo | Italian App | SchoolRP - [DENIED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
9Leo [College]B Su-Jin Ko

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
After hearing the student's colorful words the first thing that Haoyu would do is make sure to remain calm and professional. Haoyu would then take a brief moment to examine the situation and make up his mind on how to properly take authority, Haoyu would proceed to open his mouth and give the student a friendly verbal warning telling the student to " Watch your mouth " in a calm tone. Haoyu would proceed to ask the student why he was promoted to curse at him. During all of this, Haoyu would make sure not to frighten the student with an aggressive tone since that could lead to the student further escalating the situation. If the student chooses not to comply and continues even after Haoyu's friendly warning, Haoyu would notify other members of the school faculty as well as members of the senior leadership team if needed over his radio, this is to make sure the student is given an appropriate punishment for his actions.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As soon as Haoyu would lay his eyes on the fight he would approach it. Instantly he would yell " BREAK IT UP!! ". If the students choose not to comply which they usually don't Haoyu would give the students two more warnings before pulling out his radio and saying over the radio "There is a fight by the pool can I get staff here ASAP" Once the other staff have arrived Haoyu would give more details on the situation, they would then be able to take authority along with the others and break apart the fight. Once the fight had been stopped, Haoyu would make sure that everybody was in good health by checking up on them and asking them if they were alright. Haoyu would then begin to give the students a short lecture enforcing the school's rules that fighting isn't allowed. Next, if the students needed medical assistants he would carry them over to the nurse's office so that they could get checked and treated.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
After realizing that another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job The first thing that Haoyu would do is take a moment to briefly take in what exactly is going on in regards to the employee doing something dangerous, Haoyu would then take a moment to think of any possible motives for why they may be doing what they are doing. After that Haoyu would begin to walk over to the employee, whispering to them asking if everything is alright? following the question Haoyu would begin to kindly lecture the employee telling them that what they are doing is not acceptable. as well Haoyu would also add that if they wish to keep their position as a school employee, then they must stop doing what they are doin, as a result of this, Haoyu will instruct the school employee that if they wish to be a good role model for the students, they must behave more maturely and respectfully so that this poor behavior is not reinforced in to the students in the future.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
To start, When Haoyu enters the employee break room, he always does so with a friendly smile on his face. This is because the employee break room is supposed to be a room where employees can escape the stress of their jobs and just focus on themselves as well and converse with fellow co-workers. Haoyu's positivity radiates in the employee break room creating a somewhat calming aura. From the moment he walks in he asks the others if they would be interested in a snack or a beverage. After doing so, he would go grab the items requested and upon his return, he would try to spark up a conversation with the person(s). He would choose to initiate this conversation with a question like how their day is going so far or if they have any plans for the weekend etc.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Haoyu would take a deep breath before getting up from his chair followed by a slight creek that could be heard. After that, Haoyu would proceed to slowly walk 5 steps toward the small door at the back of his office which leads to the hallway. Haoyu would then slowly open the door and begin to walk out of the library and back in through the front entrance. While in the library Haoyu would walk around, taking books from the shelf and flipping through them before finding a book that indeed interested him. Haoyu would then begin to walk back waving at a couple of students with a warm smile on his face. He would then increase his speed a bit and finally arrive at his office/window. This time he would sit on his chair reading the book while waiting for students to show up!

/me Haoyu would get up from his chair slowly before slowly taking a couple of steps to his book cart he would then inspect all the books that the students have returned once he had done this to every single one he would then proceed to walk out of his office/window making sure to drag his cart behind him shortly after Haoyu would begin to walk around the library slowly putting the books from the cart into the bookshelves he would then repeat this process around 20 times until every single book in the cart had been put away neatly on the shelves after the cart was emptied Haoyu would slowly bring the cart back to his office trying not to bump into anyone/anything once he arrived he would begin to unlock the door you could hear his keys dangling as he twisted the key unlocking the door once inside he would leave the cart inside and start to walk around outside of the library making sure everything is normal and nothing out of the ordinary is going on.

/me Hearing the lunch bell ring Haoyu took a deep breath of relief, Haoyu got up and out of his chair slowly making his way toward the door of the librarian's office, Haoyu opened the door, and took a step out and entered the hallway once his body was fully out of the doorway he closed the door behind himself and made sure that the door got locked. Haoyu then began to make his way over to the stairs. After some time, Haoyu had reached the stairs and he began to walk down them carefully making sure not to fall. Haoyu would repeat this process until he made it down to the first floor of the building. He would then begin to patrol the school campus getting some fresh air as well as sunlight. While Haoyu was out it was another one of his duties to make sure to keep an eye out for people misbehaving! After patrolling the whole campus once Haoyu would slowly make his way to the employee breakroom; upon his arrival he would open the door and quietly shut it behind him offering a warm smile to everybody inside!

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨

Full Name (First & Last only):
“ my full name is Haoyu Bai “

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“ My preferred title is Mr. “

Preferred Name:
“ My preferred name is Mr. Bai “

Age (Minimum is 25):
“ I am 25 years old “

“ I am a Male “

Academic Degree:
“ I have a obtained a Master's degree “

“My major was Literary Studies ”

“ My minor is Elementary Education “

“ My Nationality is Chinese ”

Known Languages:
“ Besides Japanese Im fluent in Spanish as well as JSL “


On the 1st of March during the year 1999, in the bustling city of Macau, Haoyu Bai was born. Under the guise of an absent father and neurotic mother, Haoyu’s early life with his parents was rough. Financial struggles, decreasing mental stability, and many other deterrences, all resulted in the young infant's mother making the gut-wrenching decision to send Haoyu to an orphanage in hopes for a better future. And so, he was left at the doorstep of a building with only a paper saying his name and date of birth. The orphanage, residing in a quiet corner of Macau, became his home and where he would continue to spend the adolescent years of his life.

The orphanage itself was well structured; ran by an orderly number of reputable caregivers who dedicated themselves to raising the children into committed, well rounded adults. The establishment itself was like a sanctuary for all the attending youth, orchestrated with a compact yet freeing schedule which allowed the kids to explore their interests and express themselves in multiple ways. Haoyu found solace in the other attendees of the orphanage, making many friends with ease. With this companionship, he was able to grow and learn with company - despite the overall lack of biological family.

Although, despite the friendship gained by the other children, Haoyu still felt an indescribable feeling of isolation. With this loneliness, the young boy delved into many hobbies, leading to discovering an extreme fascination with literature and reading. Often, he would sneak away into the orphanages library nook, where he would remain for hours while reading or writing his own short stories. As he reached the small age of ten, Haoyu had already read almost half of the books the library provided for the orphanage occupants.

His atypical love for literature had quickly become an escape for Haoyu, acting as a means to exit the dark pigmentation of his current living situation. Whenever he found the free time, Haoyu would write his own short stories - scribbling them down onto stray pieces of paper that seemed to have no use, bringing light to these once forgotten pages. One after the other, Haoyu not only wrote many stories, but built up an extensive skill set. Although unrefined and rough, these chronicles became the foundation of the man Haoyu would soon grow to be

Haoyu’s high school years were transformative, working trumendously in shaping his intellect and mannerisms. At just fourteen, he was offered a scholarship to a prestigious school widely known for fostering creativity and ****ytical factors. In this educational environment, Haoyu seemed to blossom more than he was before. Many faculty swiftly began to encourage him to pursue writing and literature more seriously upon realizing how rapidly he learned and adjusted.

Around this time he was introduced to a literary club provided to all students within the school's curriculum. This club, much like the orphanage's library, became his sanctuary - another place he happened to find complete solace in. He made many friends within this program, all with a diverse imaginative creativity and passion for the same hobby alike. Being able to share his work with the other attending students, Haoyu received constructive criticism, and with this his skills began flourishing even more than they already were previously.

Approaching graduation, Haoyu’s passion without a doubt solidified into a clear goal; to pursue a higher education that would allow him to not only delve deeper into the innovative art, but share what he had learned and guide those who may share similar goals and hobbies. As a budding writer and with his eyes firmly set on this goal, he began applying to many universities abroad that all had opportunities to brighten his future and provide a deeper understanding for all.

After years of dedicating himself to nothing but school work and studying, Haoyu graduated at the top of his class. And not long after, he received an acceptance letter in the mail from one of the schools he had been apprehensively waiting for; Kyoto university. Eagerly, Haoyu wasted little to no time with packing his belongings and booking a plane ticket to Japan. Upon stepping foot into the city of Kyoto, he was filled with excitement and anticipation for the next chapter of his life unfolding right before his eyes.

Living in Japan proved to be a vigorous challenge, but it wasn't anything Haoyu couldn't adapt and overcome in time. Of course, before moving to the foreign country, he had previously enrolled in many Japanese courses and spent many hours studying to prepare himself for the language barrier to come. But despite this, Haoyu still struggled with the dialect and cultural differences. Although there were many issues he ran into whilst being in the new environment, Haoyu was able to branch out and discover new things and concepts, including diverse literature perspectices.

During his time at Kyoto University, Haoyu pursued a Master’s degree in literary studies, with a minor in elementary education. For the man, this decision was really a no-brainer and something he didn't need to think long about, as both were two subjects he was passionate for since as long as he could remember. When Haoyu wasn't focused on studying, he applied to many tutoring programs provided to the locals of Kyoto - putting himself in a position to guide and teach younger aspiring writers much like himself. Haoyu hoped that this would broaden his sights on bigger things, preparing and giving him experience.

After more years of hard work and studying, Haoyu graduated from Kyoto university with an undeniable distinction, both represented with his love for literature and desire to teach. And now today Haoyu stands, looking forward to a life filled with endless possibilities. Whether that be pursuing a career in academics, polishing eager young minds, or setting out on a journey of literacy by writing books and garnishing his knowledge more. Nonetheless, Haoyu remains committed to honoring his past and embracing new opportunities or challenges that lie ahead.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“ As a child, I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in whatever I excelled at. Through my years of going to school and testing various subjects outside of my comfort zone, I found out I enjoyed as well as excelled in my English Literature class. I was among the most participating students in the class of 35 people. Ever since discovering this passion for anything literature I always did anything to expand my skill set including growing my knowledge of various writing techniques as well as to improve my reading, such as joining the book club and helping out authors in my local area back in China by advertising their books and articles. As I progressed through my high school years the literature classes surely got harder but I found this challenge enjoyable and something I looked forward to. It was in my senior year of high school when I got to take a university-level course and instantly knew that this is what I would like to pursue a degree in. As I kept on attending classes, doing homework, and excelling at my exams, my four years were quickly over and it was time to search for job opportunities. This left me with the option of becoming a professional writer but I chose the education route to apply to hopefully become a librarian to help others find their passion for literature. “

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“ Ever since I can remember, I’ve had the ideology that everybody is capable of doing a lot of things, including whatever they put their minds to. But if I had to choose two things about myself that I believe set me aside from all of the other applicants are that I would note that I am a very kind individual who genuinely enjoys helping those who are in need as well as helping people who just may have questions about something. Added on, I would also like to add that I never give up on what I have my mind set on, no matter how hard it may seem to me or others or the amount of time it will take me to complete the task. As a person who used to be involved in more negative and bad environments, I have learned to get along and treasure those who are kind to me. The last reason why I believe I am slightly different from the other applicants for this position is the fact that I hold the characteristics and traits of a good learner which are. Questioning everything, pushing through challenges, having self-discipline and inner motivation, and cultivating good habits just to name a few of the many. It is truly because of these important traits that I believe that I can thrive in this position. “

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
If I am accepted for this position may I have my [College]B role moved to another one of my secondary character slots? (either slot is fine)

Thank you for your time and consideration!
Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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