Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:SHADSY_ VoltyVoltsPookie
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I do! It's @shads7
(I also have an alt discord account that I made for just in case! It's @shadsy__)
How old are you? (Optional): 16! July 2nd, 2008.
What is your time zone?: CST (Central Standard Time), Canada
Describe your activity on the server: 9/10, I'm usually online almost every single day for long periods at a time!! Usually I'm online around 10-12 am/pm and until 12-2 am about! When I'm not online I usually say something to online friends about having plans or I set my discord status to whatever plans I have! And if this sort of helps, I've been playing for a year and few months now !
And my current playtime is about 19w 1d 9h 40m 28s
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: 100% I'll try to be as active as I can!! I'm usually online a lot though.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level): [Librarian] Amaou Rosella | [Grade 12] Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-N (applying) | [Grade 11] Moncha 'Mon' S-Jáger | [Fox] 'Nabi' Nakazumi | [Grade 12] Enkai T-Munakata and [Grade 10] Shadrack 'Shad' Yun
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?: Hokori Yorokobi is a LGBTQ+ / pride related store, which will be an accessory/jewelry shop!! That'll have many accessories like earrings, bracelets, lockets, necklaces, phone cases and much more!! It's a shop that'll help represent people on the LGBTQ side and hopefully will make people freer to represent or talk about their character's sexuality or gender more! I'd be excited to work on and have this shop in SRP, it would be a dream, and it would be really cool to have it here!!
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?: Many reasons!! One of them is because I think it would be really fun and cool to own a shop, and I think I could do a good job running one! I'm very hardworking and when my mind is set on something I can really work on it!! I try my hardest to be online every single day for as long as I can, now I admit a lot of times I'm watching YouTube videos or reading on my phone, but besides that I work on many other things, lore, backstories, character descriptions and much more. Which makes me seem like a big writer (which I am one), I do work very hard to get things done!! So I think I could be a great fit for this!
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?: With this shop, it will show a better and cuter way to represent pride and be yourself! Be free to be yourself and not afraid of others to offend or make those kinds of comments to you! This shop is a very safe space to just be you and represent yourself without any judgement!!
Our goal for this store is to make it, not only a safe space, but a place you'll love to get cute jewelry and all that from! Rather it's a cute gift for your mother, a friend, a sibling or ext. We hope that we'll have what you need or like!
Shop Events: "Jewelry battle" - Is an event where you and your team will face off to make pride related jewelry! You'll be given earring hooks, many different colors of beads, jewels and ext! You and your team will have a certain amount of time to make your own jewel, so we wish you good luck and if you're lucky enough, maybe your jewelry idea will be put in the shop!!
"Creative creations" - this event will be a fun one, where you can create any idea of your choice! It can be jewelry, hats, stuffies even, lockets, glasses and ext. We want you to try to make a unique and fun, creative idea for you to take home or even put it in the shop, if you want!!
Shop Server:
Shop Look: [OOC: This is only an idea of how the shop could / might look!! I definitely want it to be pretty colorful! ]
SRP Shop location: For where the shop will be icly, I was thinking about that could open a spot under complex A! From what I know of, there should be enough room to set "Hokori Yorokobi" there!

[ these items are some ideas that could be in the shop!! Since I have a lot of different pride related items for this shop, I'll work on the prices later when this gets accepted or not (though if it doesn't get accepted, I probably won't worry about the prices)!! ]
How many employees do you plan to have?:
[ Note: this outfit was made by Dalparpe, which I very much appreciated! This outfit was for my original/old shop idea and we're using them for now- but we'll make new ones soon!! ^^ ]
IC Information
Name and pronouns: "My name is Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-Nakazumi and my pronouns are she/her, please!!"
Age (if accepted): "38, August 15th of 1986."
Marital Status: "Happily married with 2 kids!!"
Known Languages: "I know both JSL and French!"
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application: For most of these items, I'll have to buy a bunch of custom items for the shop! But hopefully I'll be able to get those sometime soon!! Used to be a bakery shop idea, but I changed it to something that I thought was/is a little more original and unique!!
Do you have any questions?:N/A! Actually... Just one! Do you have to buy or make the custom items myself or will a staff member do that or?
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I do! It's @shads7
(I also have an alt discord account that I made for just in case! It's @shadsy__)
How old are you? (Optional): 16! July 2nd, 2008.
What is your time zone?: CST (Central Standard Time), Canada
Describe your activity on the server: 9/10, I'm usually online almost every single day for long periods at a time!! Usually I'm online around 10-12 am/pm and until 12-2 am about! When I'm not online I usually say something to online friends about having plans or I set my discord status to whatever plans I have! And if this sort of helps, I've been playing for a year and few months now !
And my current playtime is about 19w 1d 9h 40m 28s
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: 100% I'll try to be as active as I can!! I'm usually online a lot though.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: | | | | | | | | | |
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level): [Librarian] Amaou Rosella | [Grade 12] Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-N (applying) | [Grade 11] Moncha 'Mon' S-Jáger | [Fox] 'Nabi' Nakazumi | [Grade 12] Enkai T-Munakata and [Grade 10] Shadrack 'Shad' Yun
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?: Hokori Yorokobi is a LGBTQ+ / pride related store, which will be an accessory/jewelry shop!! That'll have many accessories like earrings, bracelets, lockets, necklaces, phone cases and much more!! It's a shop that'll help represent people on the LGBTQ side and hopefully will make people freer to represent or talk about their character's sexuality or gender more! I'd be excited to work on and have this shop in SRP, it would be a dream, and it would be really cool to have it here!!
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?: Many reasons!! One of them is because I think it would be really fun and cool to own a shop, and I think I could do a good job running one! I'm very hardworking and when my mind is set on something I can really work on it!! I try my hardest to be online every single day for as long as I can, now I admit a lot of times I'm watching YouTube videos or reading on my phone, but besides that I work on many other things, lore, backstories, character descriptions and much more. Which makes me seem like a big writer (which I am one), I do work very hard to get things done!! So I think I could be a great fit for this!
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?: With this shop, it will show a better and cuter way to represent pride and be yourself! Be free to be yourself and not afraid of others to offend or make those kinds of comments to you! This shop is a very safe space to just be you and represent yourself without any judgement!!
Our goal for this store is to make it, not only a safe space, but a place you'll love to get cute jewelry and all that from! Rather it's a cute gift for your mother, a friend, a sibling or ext. We hope that we'll have what you need or like!
Shop Events: "Jewelry battle" - Is an event where you and your team will face off to make pride related jewelry! You'll be given earring hooks, many different colors of beads, jewels and ext! You and your team will have a certain amount of time to make your own jewel, so we wish you good luck and if you're lucky enough, maybe your jewelry idea will be put in the shop!!
"Creative creations" - this event will be a fun one, where you can create any idea of your choice! It can be jewelry, hats, stuffies even, lockets, glasses and ext. We want you to try to make a unique and fun, creative idea for you to take home or even put it in the shop, if you want!!
Shop Server:
Join the SRP | Hokori Yorokobi Discord Server!
Check out the SRP | Hokori Yorokobi community on Discord - hang out with 6 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Shop Look: [OOC: This is only an idea of how the shop could / might look!! I definitely want it to be pretty colorful! ]
SRP Shop location: For where the shop will be icly, I was thinking about that could open a spot under complex A! From what I know of, there should be enough room to set "Hokori Yorokobi" there!

[ these items are some ideas that could be in the shop!! Since I have a lot of different pride related items for this shop, I'll work on the prices later when this gets accepted or not (though if it doesn't get accepted, I probably won't worry about the prices)!! ]
How many employees do you plan to have?:
- @[Shopkeeper] [owner] 2/2 Hayley Hatake | @3veryone | Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-N | @SHADSY_ | Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-N
- @[Manager] 2/2
- @[Cashier] 6/6
- @[Security] 1/2
- Valeriya Ketsueki Hatake | @just_rino
[ Note: this outfit was made by Dalparpe, which I very much appreciated! This outfit was for my original/old shop idea and we're using them for now- but we'll make new ones soon!! ^^ ]
IC Information
Name and pronouns: "My name is Dulcie 'Candy' Jett-Nakazumi and my pronouns are she/her, please!!"
Age (if accepted): "38, August 15th of 1986."
Marital Status: "Happily married with 2 kids!!"
Known Languages: "I know both JSL and French!"
(5-6) - When Dulcie turned 5, her parents added a rule, a rule where she wasn't allowed to go outside at all. Dulcie didn't think much of it at the time, she thought it was just that her parents wanted to keep her safe. When Dulcie was 6, one day, she found one of her lost dolls outside, wanting to retrieve it because it's her favorite doll, she put on her shoes and headed outside. As she grabbed her doll and turned back, she was face to face with both of her parents who both had a face of anger and almost hatred on their faces. It was very scary. Suddenly Dulcie could feel a sudden stinging pain on her cheek, they had... Slapped her. 'Why? Why? What did she do wrong?' Was all Dulcie could think about as she stared up at her parents with a wide and shocked expression. "Get back inside, Dulcie." She heard one of her parents say, not bothering to say anything, she started heading back inside and she almost immediately ran straight to her room, practically clutching her doll so tightly in her hand that her fingers would almost white. Dulcie didn't come out of her at all that day after that happened.
(8-9) - As Dulcie got a bit older, the rule become almost 'stricter', they banned her from letting her even go out to their beautiful backyard. Even if she lost a doll or some sort from toy, she wasn't allowed to go get it from the backyard. She was forced to only stay in the house, stay in her room. She could only do so many things, most of the time, her parents would make her study and read all day. Which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes it was quite boring, and Dulcie felt quite alone, since she wasn't allowed to go outside and make friends like normal kids.
Sometimes when Dulcie would get bored with playing dollies, coloring and ext. She would watch kids play together, sometimes she would sit and imagine that she's playing tag or something with them.
A couple of times, Dulcie has tried to call out to the kids down below, either sometimes one of her parents hears her doing that and she gets in trouble, or the kids think she's weird and run off, since she isn't actually coming down to play or talk with them... Which sometimes makes her feel sad, but she also can't force people to be her friend.
(10-12) - When Dulcie started getting closer to her younger teen years, her parents changed. Not for the good, but for the worse... They started to become stricter and wanted her to do all kinds of sometimes, like ballet, sports and much more.
She did take ballet, and sports like Volleyball, basketball and Bowling. She did all of these almost at the same time and she was almost always tired, like her parents were tiring her rag and dry.
One time, she even got so exhausted, that she collapsed and practically fainted. Her parents refused to take her to the hospital, they just said that she was being too dramatic and that she can take care of herself.
Her parents did take her home, once she was awake enough, though once she was home, she suddenly felt a small burning sting on her cheek. As she looked up with slightly tear stained eyes, she saw her mother, practically inches away from her face. "You failed me, Dulcie. Now get up and go to your room." She heard her mother say to her, barely thinking, her legs moved on their own as she quickly dashed to my room.
She couldn't believe it... She knew her parents weren't exactly the greatest, but she didn't expect them to actually slap her after she had practically fainted. 'Why? Why?.. Why did they do that?' Was all Dulcie could think, as the tears were rolling down her face and as she soon eventually fell asleep in her bed.
(13-15) - Ever since her 13th birthday, her parents made her quiet ballet, which made her feel really sad because ballet was actually her favorite. They also started making Dulcie do more chores around the house, practically every day she had some new kinds of chores. It sort of reminded her of the day she fainted, not wanting to faint again, but wanting to make her mother proud, she continued working on her chores.
One day, she vaguely remembered waking up with a fever. Today's chores were pretty simple, so she figured she could quickly do them and then go get some rest. Now that she thinks about it, she couldn't really remember her chores, oddly enough... Though she did remember that one of them was to sweep around the house.
As she swept and cleaned around the house, one area she didn't like touching at all was the basement. The basement was very dark and creepy looking, it also didn't help that her house was quite old and made those creepy random creaking noises as you would walk around certain areas.
Dulcie knew it was strange for her to be a 13-year-old girl and afraid of the dark. But Dulcie didn't really have great parents... Her parents never tuck her in bed, Dulcie remembered that she had to learn that and do that on her own when she was younger.
Dulcie was hesitant as she hesitantly started to sweep the basement's dusty steps. She felt her nerves almost firing and burning in her veins as she carefully swept the basement around, she mainly stayed around any sort of light source that was in the basement. Once she was done, she quickly ran up the stairs and shut the basement door. She was out of breath once she finished running upstairs, but she figured that had something to do with her fever.
Once she turned 15, once she finished eating cake, she went to do the dishes. As she was doing them, her hand slipped, and she dropped her mother's favorite plate. Seconds later, she was face to face with her mother, soon her mother was practically picking her up into her arms and leading her somewhere. Dulcie couldn't see where... But they soon made it too wherever.
Dulcie was placed on some stairs, specifically the basement stairs. . . Dulcie suddenly heard a loud bang, and she turned around, the door was closed. In panic and slight fear, she felt tears form in her eyes as she quickly tried to dash to the door and open it, but it was locked...
Dulcie tried banging and calling out for her parents, practically begging to be let out. But all she got was, "Shut up, Dulcie!" from her mother. Dulcie couldn't stop herself as she sobbed to herself, slowly sinking to the floor as she kept close to the door, too afraid to go down the steps.
Dulcie stayed in the basement for hours, all she could do was sob and pray that she gets let out soon. Though, finally after hours of being left in the dark basement, she heard the door click and then creak open. Her mother was standing there and down at her, as Dulcie stood up. Her mother said nothing, as Dulcie silently went upstairs to her actual bedroom.
(16) - As Dulcie finally turned 16, she finally had enough money to get out of this place. Dulcie waited until her parents went to bed, Dulcie then packed up a big bag of all types of things, like clothing, some snacks and water, etc. As much as she could.
Dulcie then snuck out of her room, grabbed a small spare key, unlocked the front door and quickly dashed out of the house. Dulcie wasn't too sure where she could go, since this is her first time being free.
As Dulcie ran around, she was starting to get tired, but she soon found this decently nice apartment building. Dulcie walked inside and she soon spotted a guy, seemingly working. He seemed pretty exhausted, but besides that he seemed pretty nice.
Dulcie silently and shyly walked up to him; she asked him if there were any rooms she could stay in for at least a few weeks. Which he kindly said yes and gladly offered the room to her.
Dulcie was happy, as she took the key and went up to her new place! She was free and away from her parents, she was so happy. Maybe she could finally meet people and make new friends.
As Dulcie stayed in this place for a while, she started noticing this beautiful girl called 'Abrielle'. Dulcie couldn't tell what this feeling was... 'Was it love? Is this what love feels like?' She would think to herself. Dulcie eventually started to talk to her and got to know Abrielle.
Eventually the two were dating and Dulcie was very happy! Abrielle was into smoking... Dulcie was hesitant, but she eventually tried it as well and she almost instantly felt all of her past worries melt.
As they continued dating for about two months, Dulcie started to notice some changes in Abrielle. Abrielle wasn't the same sweet person anymore. One day, when Dulcie was asleep, she eventually felt a strange feeling near her one leg, as she opened her eyes, she saw Abrielle holding a knife and that Abrielle had engraved the numbers, '9780' into her leg.
Without thinking, Dulcie quickly sat up and pushed Abrielle, before grabbing her key and soon rushing out the door.
Dulcie ran out of the apartment building and just ran and ran. She soon eventually couldn't see the apartment building anymore and after she calmed down, she suddenly felt the pain in her leg. She lifted her leg and looked at the numbers, '9780' and she frowned deeply in sadness and slight anger, the numbers almost made her think that she was just an 'experiment' to Abrielle.
Dulcie sighed, as she pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and lightened it quickly. She soon threw it away and stomped on it to blow it out, once she was done, she started walking to the hospital in hopes they could help her leg or check on it at least.
(17-18) - by the time, Dulcie was 17. She quit smoking and actually got a job, focusing on it. It was a decent job, with a decent bit of money that she got from the job. Dulcie worked hard, almost every day and night.
Eventually she heard this guy talking about Karakura and how he was visiting a relative there. Out of curiosity, because Dulcie has never heard of 'Karakura' before, she got up and talked to the guy for a bit. As they talked about Karakura, he made it sound like such a beautiful place.
That night, after Dulcie looked up images of Karakura and about Karakura. When Dulcie saw all of those beautiful images of Karakura, she knew this would be a great place to have a new start in life!
By the time Dulcie was 18 and had a bunch of money, she got onto an airport and took a long flight to Karakura. Dulcie was so excited the whole time! Finally, after such a long flight and when she fully landed, she immediately was amazed by its beautiful beach and shrine. She almost instantly fell in love with the shrine, the shrine was so peaceful and beautiful.
After she's already been here for a few months, she got adopted into the Nakazumi family which is a very amazing and sweet family that has so many nice people! Dulcie feels at home in Karakura now. She soon met a guy, called Rin Ikari who was such a very mysterious guy, which Dulcie soon fell in love with. Rin has made Dulcie the happiest person in years! Dulcie was basically almost crying the whole time when Rin finally proposed to her, she's never ever felt this happy before, until now.
(Early 20s) - Dulcie got married to her now husband Rin! They both stayed at a lovely house in a small town for a long while and since things were quite peaceful, she began painting more and doing a bunch of studying. Mainly she began taking study in marketing and well definitely learned out to make all kind of different jewelries. After a little while she put two and two together. . . She could make her dream shop! And well... She doesn't want to be a stay-at-home mom anymore! She wants to be able to help out her family with money and well.. Just anything that would help them!
And well. . . She and Rin also had 2 kids, a son and a daughter who moved to Karakura and stayed there for a while, before moving back.
Dulcie decided to call the shop "Hokori Yorokobi", which 'Horoki' means 'Pride' and Yorokobi means 'Joy' in Japanese! She decided to go with this idea, since in many cultures they show pride differently and some just don't show it at all. . . So Dulcie thought it would be a fun and interesting idea to run a pride related item shop!!
(Early/late 30s) - Once she thought of the idea of making a pride shop, she studied as hard as she could and took her time to learn all about marketing, making different types of jewelry and ext. She took many years, just to learn for her future shop. She took a lot of time to study, to prepare and much more. And here she is now, with her shop idea!! And now she recently moved back to Karakura!
Sometimes when Dulcie would get bored with playing dollies, coloring and ext. She would watch kids play together, sometimes she would sit and imagine that she's playing tag or something with them.
A couple of times, Dulcie has tried to call out to the kids down below, either sometimes one of her parents hears her doing that and she gets in trouble, or the kids think she's weird and run off, since she isn't actually coming down to play or talk with them... Which sometimes makes her feel sad, but she also can't force people to be her friend.
(10-12) - When Dulcie started getting closer to her younger teen years, her parents changed. Not for the good, but for the worse... They started to become stricter and wanted her to do all kinds of sometimes, like ballet, sports and much more.
She did take ballet, and sports like Volleyball, basketball and Bowling. She did all of these almost at the same time and she was almost always tired, like her parents were tiring her rag and dry.
One time, she even got so exhausted, that she collapsed and practically fainted. Her parents refused to take her to the hospital, they just said that she was being too dramatic and that she can take care of herself.
Her parents did take her home, once she was awake enough, though once she was home, she suddenly felt a small burning sting on her cheek. As she looked up with slightly tear stained eyes, she saw her mother, practically inches away from her face. "You failed me, Dulcie. Now get up and go to your room." She heard her mother say to her, barely thinking, her legs moved on their own as she quickly dashed to my room.
She couldn't believe it... She knew her parents weren't exactly the greatest, but she didn't expect them to actually slap her after she had practically fainted. 'Why? Why?.. Why did they do that?' Was all Dulcie could think, as the tears were rolling down her face and as she soon eventually fell asleep in her bed.
(13-15) - Ever since her 13th birthday, her parents made her quiet ballet, which made her feel really sad because ballet was actually her favorite. They also started making Dulcie do more chores around the house, practically every day she had some new kinds of chores. It sort of reminded her of the day she fainted, not wanting to faint again, but wanting to make her mother proud, she continued working on her chores.
One day, she vaguely remembered waking up with a fever. Today's chores were pretty simple, so she figured she could quickly do them and then go get some rest. Now that she thinks about it, she couldn't really remember her chores, oddly enough... Though she did remember that one of them was to sweep around the house.
As she swept and cleaned around the house, one area she didn't like touching at all was the basement. The basement was very dark and creepy looking, it also didn't help that her house was quite old and made those creepy random creaking noises as you would walk around certain areas.
Dulcie knew it was strange for her to be a 13-year-old girl and afraid of the dark. But Dulcie didn't really have great parents... Her parents never tuck her in bed, Dulcie remembered that she had to learn that and do that on her own when she was younger.
Dulcie was hesitant as she hesitantly started to sweep the basement's dusty steps. She felt her nerves almost firing and burning in her veins as she carefully swept the basement around, she mainly stayed around any sort of light source that was in the basement. Once she was done, she quickly ran up the stairs and shut the basement door. She was out of breath once she finished running upstairs, but she figured that had something to do with her fever.
Once she turned 15, once she finished eating cake, she went to do the dishes. As she was doing them, her hand slipped, and she dropped her mother's favorite plate. Seconds later, she was face to face with her mother, soon her mother was practically picking her up into her arms and leading her somewhere. Dulcie couldn't see where... But they soon made it too wherever.
Dulcie was placed on some stairs, specifically the basement stairs. . . Dulcie suddenly heard a loud bang, and she turned around, the door was closed. In panic and slight fear, she felt tears form in her eyes as she quickly tried to dash to the door and open it, but it was locked...
Dulcie tried banging and calling out for her parents, practically begging to be let out. But all she got was, "Shut up, Dulcie!" from her mother. Dulcie couldn't stop herself as she sobbed to herself, slowly sinking to the floor as she kept close to the door, too afraid to go down the steps.
Dulcie stayed in the basement for hours, all she could do was sob and pray that she gets let out soon. Though, finally after hours of being left in the dark basement, she heard the door click and then creak open. Her mother was standing there and down at her, as Dulcie stood up. Her mother said nothing, as Dulcie silently went upstairs to her actual bedroom.
(16) - As Dulcie finally turned 16, she finally had enough money to get out of this place. Dulcie waited until her parents went to bed, Dulcie then packed up a big bag of all types of things, like clothing, some snacks and water, etc. As much as she could.
Dulcie then snuck out of her room, grabbed a small spare key, unlocked the front door and quickly dashed out of the house. Dulcie wasn't too sure where she could go, since this is her first time being free.
As Dulcie ran around, she was starting to get tired, but she soon found this decently nice apartment building. Dulcie walked inside and she soon spotted a guy, seemingly working. He seemed pretty exhausted, but besides that he seemed pretty nice.
Dulcie silently and shyly walked up to him; she asked him if there were any rooms she could stay in for at least a few weeks. Which he kindly said yes and gladly offered the room to her.
Dulcie was happy, as she took the key and went up to her new place! She was free and away from her parents, she was so happy. Maybe she could finally meet people and make new friends.
As Dulcie stayed in this place for a while, she started noticing this beautiful girl called 'Abrielle'. Dulcie couldn't tell what this feeling was... 'Was it love? Is this what love feels like?' She would think to herself. Dulcie eventually started to talk to her and got to know Abrielle.
Eventually the two were dating and Dulcie was very happy! Abrielle was into smoking... Dulcie was hesitant, but she eventually tried it as well and she almost instantly felt all of her past worries melt.
As they continued dating for about two months, Dulcie started to notice some changes in Abrielle. Abrielle wasn't the same sweet person anymore. One day, when Dulcie was asleep, she eventually felt a strange feeling near her one leg, as she opened her eyes, she saw Abrielle holding a knife and that Abrielle had engraved the numbers, '9780' into her leg.
Without thinking, Dulcie quickly sat up and pushed Abrielle, before grabbing her key and soon rushing out the door.
Dulcie ran out of the apartment building and just ran and ran. She soon eventually couldn't see the apartment building anymore and after she calmed down, she suddenly felt the pain in her leg. She lifted her leg and looked at the numbers, '9780' and she frowned deeply in sadness and slight anger, the numbers almost made her think that she was just an 'experiment' to Abrielle.
Dulcie sighed, as she pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and lightened it quickly. She soon threw it away and stomped on it to blow it out, once she was done, she started walking to the hospital in hopes they could help her leg or check on it at least.
(17-18) - by the time, Dulcie was 17. She quit smoking and actually got a job, focusing on it. It was a decent job, with a decent bit of money that she got from the job. Dulcie worked hard, almost every day and night.
Eventually she heard this guy talking about Karakura and how he was visiting a relative there. Out of curiosity, because Dulcie has never heard of 'Karakura' before, she got up and talked to the guy for a bit. As they talked about Karakura, he made it sound like such a beautiful place.
That night, after Dulcie looked up images of Karakura and about Karakura. When Dulcie saw all of those beautiful images of Karakura, she knew this would be a great place to have a new start in life!
By the time Dulcie was 18 and had a bunch of money, she got onto an airport and took a long flight to Karakura. Dulcie was so excited the whole time! Finally, after such a long flight and when she fully landed, she immediately was amazed by its beautiful beach and shrine. She almost instantly fell in love with the shrine, the shrine was so peaceful and beautiful.
After she's already been here for a few months, she got adopted into the Nakazumi family which is a very amazing and sweet family that has so many nice people! Dulcie feels at home in Karakura now. She soon met a guy, called Rin Ikari who was such a very mysterious guy, which Dulcie soon fell in love with. Rin has made Dulcie the happiest person in years! Dulcie was basically almost crying the whole time when Rin finally proposed to her, she's never ever felt this happy before, until now.
(Early 20s) - Dulcie got married to her now husband Rin! They both stayed at a lovely house in a small town for a long while and since things were quite peaceful, she began painting more and doing a bunch of studying. Mainly she began taking study in marketing and well definitely learned out to make all kind of different jewelries. After a little while she put two and two together. . . She could make her dream shop! And well... She doesn't want to be a stay-at-home mom anymore! She wants to be able to help out her family with money and well.. Just anything that would help them!
And well. . . She and Rin also had 2 kids, a son and a daughter who moved to Karakura and stayed there for a while, before moving back.
Dulcie decided to call the shop "Hokori Yorokobi", which 'Horoki' means 'Pride' and Yorokobi means 'Joy' in Japanese! She decided to go with this idea, since in many cultures they show pride differently and some just don't show it at all. . . So Dulcie thought it would be a fun and interesting idea to run a pride related item shop!!
(Early/late 30s) - Once she thought of the idea of making a pride shop, she studied as hard as she could and took her time to learn all about marketing, making different types of jewelry and ext. She took many years, just to learn for her future shop. She took a lot of time to study, to prepare and much more. And here she is now, with her shop idea!! And now she recently moved back to Karakura!

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Additional notes about your application: For most of these items, I'll have to buy a bunch of custom items for the shop! But hopefully I'll be able to get those sometime soon!! Used to be a bakery shop idea, but I changed it to something that I thought was/is a little more original and unique!!
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