Level 8

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
maeussy (alt/ account I’m applying with)
triishlikefish (main)
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes! My username is maekiths, and I have a fully functioning microphone- though I do usually prefer to stay muted/ Have to be muted if it’s late at night for me.
List your timezone and country:
Describe your activity:
The table below displays my hours of activity (GMT)
9pm-2am | 9pm-2am | 9pm-2am | 9pm-2am | 9pm-5am | 8p-5am | 10pm-2am |
So I, on average, can spend about 5-8 ish hours online. I am a member of Highschool Cheer, which I will of course have to be active on too. I jump around from my college and cheer character quite a lot, and actively play both so I don’t think being committed to this faction and the sports faction at the same time will be an issue, although I do usually have cheer practice on a Saturday. I do work, but it shouldn’t affect my active hours as those are mostly during the night for me.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Overall I feel like the process of making new reports is just a fun creative activity (of course it may be hard to find prompts sometimes etc) but it brings together writing and visual design nicely, which is something I rather enjoy. I’ve been so used to doing JockRP since about 2021, and I haven’t really done anything other than that, except for being in ems twice. I still find the Sports faction fun of course, but after doing the same thing for about 3 years, I’m looking for something different that I haven’t done before! The reporter faction seems fairly unique as it involves a lot of media work, and considering I’m a fairly creative person (aka I like to make things look pretty.. Or interesting at least) I feel like this is a good creative outlet. Plus I just really enjoyed making a news report on Canva for this application, it was so much fun.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
QUITE a lot. Outside of SRP i did English A level for a while (unfortunately i dropped it because i was sick and tired of ****ysing gothic novels) While this was mostly just English lit, and not language (so I was not doing ‘creative writing’) It does mean I was in a way, ****ysing a range of different works- and context surrounding the material too. Which I would then later either do a summarised presentation on the novel chosen, or just an essay. I also had to do a fair amount of course work- of course none of this is exactly the same as a news report, but I believe it requires some of the same skills. It’s useful to have the skills to delve into the details of a piece of work, or someone’s biography etc.. much like reporters do, we had to do a lot of research- which was sometimes fun, but had its fair share of boring moments too.
However back to SRP, I have never really done anything similar to reporting (like journalism) however I have been hopping from hs cheer to col cheer since about 2021, this is infact my 5th time on cheer. There’s something about the detailrp skills required that makes it so fun. I just keep coming back to it- I really do have a passion for writing, and I have a fair few years of experience too. Sometimes my motivation drops, like currently I feel a little bored of doing the same old roleplay- if any at all. I really want to try out something new, and further my experiences with writing, and doing news reports seems like a fun way to do this.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, and I will follow them and all other rules on srp too.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I’d like to think my application stands out a little from others. I have tried putting in my own creative spin on it to make it more interesting; hopefully this also displays that I have a knack for writing, and creative ideas too. My activity is also pretty good, both on the server and on discord (I don’t do much on forums.. But hopefully that will not be the case for much longer) which I think sets me apart a little from other possible applicants. I’m not sure if this is a great reason to accept me, however this would be my first time in the faction or doing anything like reporter, and I’d really appreciate being able to have a fresh chance with something new- not just with the overall responsibility and job of a reporter but also It may make me take more attention to details at events and such, in case I want to report about them! This could be a great opportunity to pay more attention to certain things on the server, that I may not have before (for example as a team member, things happening with kpd etc never really bothered me before).
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand, and I don’t believe this should be an issue.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I do! Sometimes I do struggle with demotivation, but FINGERS CROSSED I can get past that.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I personally believe that not only are reporters tasked to find and write about prompts that will interest (specific) audiences but also something that interests themselves. It’s usually really hard to write about something that you have little- to no interest or passion in, and often the end product mirrors that.
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it
Art creds: myself!
The chill of the outside air rushed in, as did Isla; immediately after walking through the main entrance her jog (Baddies never run for anything) slowed into a stroll. Her fingers ran over the fabric of her blazer- making that horrible sound most clothes make when a nail accidentally scratches it. After wiping off the appropriate amount of snow- clearly she was without umbrella- A lone coffee cup was ditched in the closest bin to her, as well as some caffeine patches. The opportunity for her to sit in the waiting room lasted for 4 minutes- no more, before she was rushed into a little office; ready for the interview.
Small talk filled the air- the normal formal greetings and introductions- just pleasantries, and then a neat form was pushed out before her, questions were typed in the basic ‘Arial’ font. Isla’s tongue clicked against the side of her mouth, gently pressing against her cheek. Through her glasses lenses, and stray red strands of hair, She stared down at the sheet. The answers were simple enough, just things she could jot down in a moment.
Underwhelming would be the best way to describe her handwriting- it was nothing special, perhaps a tad messy.. But not notable.
Full Name: Isla Tala Bautista
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr): Just Isla, or Bautista is fine- and 'Miss' works too.
Current Age (25+): 26 years old.
Past job/work experience:
Isla’s nails drummed lightly against the sheet of paper in front of her, Her gaze lingered on the fourth question, where her response sat in hurried, faintly slanted handwriting—a single sentence that seemed inadequate. “I’d like to add to this”
“I briefly worked overseas.. Just a small office job in London, I mostly just made coffees and did simple paper work. Oh and I worked at Costa Coffee for 5 months.. When I was fresh out of college- Well, fresher." Afterall, being only 26 she was still fairly young. It seemed as though she was somewhat used to measly tasks in the workforce- 50% had to be due to the fact that most of her ex colleagues were likely 60 year old men on the brink of retirement; who didn’t take her seriously enough due to her young age. However cliche it sounds, Isla had a look of determination in her eyes- enough for her brows to furrow.. Uh oh wrinkles alert. “I also worked at a small publishing company but it was pretty short term.. I hope to land something more permanent this time!”
Bachelors in Digital Arts & Media.
Masters in English literature and Journalism.
Certainly, she was an overachiever for doing this many subjects.. Ignoring the fact she only got a 3rd in English lit- Isla had seemed to exclude this fact.
Nationality and born location:
Filipino, I was born in Manila, Philippines.
Phone Number: 030-563-6871
Once finished filling out the form, she’d slide it over the desk, holding an unyielding eye contact with the interviewer. Click! Isla pressed a lid back onto the pen in her hand, she tapped it against the surface.. Dun dun dun. An annoying drumming sound, nonstop penetrating the silence. She gave them some time to briefly skim through the answers, waiting to continue patiently. Perhaps getting a little TOO comfy, she leant back in her seat, one leg crossed over the other while gently rocking to-and-fro.
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Clicking her tongue against the top of her mouth, Isla wasted no time in small talk or introductions, trying to keep it as brief as possible clearly.
“Starting off.. I’m a fairly motivated person- when I want to be.” Yeah that didn’t seem suuuper convincing. “Of course I do better when under pressure, or with topics that interest me. Sociable would be a good word to describe me, though If someone doesn’t interest me.. That’s not my problem. As much as I like to stay professional too, I don’t take any uh.. Crap. Excuse my French. If you bother me, I will let it be known- after all confrontation is sometimes a good thing, especially in this line of work. Hmm I suppose this puts me under 150 words... I guess I like my coffee with extra foam, 2 pumps of caramel, caramel drizzle ontop- if that's useful." Yes, she literally just gave her starbucks order at the interview.
Isla sat with an easy poise in the interview chair, with her hands now firmly on her lap.. The pen was discarded about 2 minutes ago- neatly aligned with other pens on the desk. She leaned slightly forward again, listening intently to the hiring manager’s question, her expression calm yet engaged; the corners of her lips curved into a subtle smile. As the conversation progressed, she found herself spinning her pen idly between her fingers, a habit she wasn’t even aware of. The subtle click of the pen cap occasionally punctuated her speech, but if the interviewer noticed, they didn’t comment. When the pen spun out of her grasp and clattered lightly on the table, she didn’t flinch. Instead, she picked it up with a quick, smooth motion and continued her sentence without missing a beat
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I am of course drawn to the juiciest things.. Anything that involves drama, that’s pretty fun. Anything that's of interest to me, and I'll sniff it out immediately. However I'd say that.. at past jobs they gave me tasks to mostly oversee the typical girlie magazines- the easy stuff really. I've been there and done that, it was certainly good for a beginner like me, but it gets to a certain point that stops you from growing. That's where exiting my comfort zone comes it- I want to focus on more adult topics.. reaaal interesting stuff. I'm aware nothing I write will be super revolutionary and I'm more than happy to report on mundane things such as hotspots in town.. or events- but perhaps I could dabble in some politics.. or uncoverer some darker things going on behind the scenes- certainly it won't be easy but I think it'd certainly get a few views!"
During a brief lull, as the interviewer scribbled notes, Isla let her gaze wander to the corner of the room, where a ficus plant stood slightly drooping. She made a mental note to mention it later in casual conversation- but she'd likely forget about it before having the chance the mention it... "A neglected plant," she thought with a hint of amusement. It was a sight similar to her own home.. That one plant that desperately needed a drink.
What are your expectations for the job?:
"In prior jobs.. I wasn’t allowed much creative liberty- of course I can write about whatever prompted- but I hope that I’d be allowed more of a say on what I want to report on.. Which hopefully will be meaningful and have an impact instead of magazines for teen girls. I’m past that stage. I'm really expecting to be in an environment that supports me, but also pushes me to do great reports. If I do a good report one week- I want to be doing an even better one the next. I'm not afraid of constructive crisism and such. A big expectation of mine is that hopefully, if given the chance at this job, it'll become something long term for me.. I want a stable job, that I also enjoy. I'm not so much fussed about the income.. I have my own clothing brand that fills my pockets anyway."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“Kept my hands fairly clean.. Sort of had to, considering my time in college was spent on cheer. We weren’t really allowed to get into much trouble.”
A scoff parted her lips, briefly reminiscing. Oooh a washed-up ex cheerleader.
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Bautista rested three fingers on the edge of the desk,
“Filipino, Japanese, French”
You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.
Isla gripped a few sheets out of her portfolio, sliding them across the table for the interviewer to see. If anything, it seemed like a draft- though still kept fairly neat.. With an odd few coffee stains splattered around, Small side notes and post-its were kept in sight. At least her thought process was clear.. Although the look of momentary shock suggested that perhaps she had left a completed copy at home, on her desk. This may be a lesson for her to tidy her desk and keep it organised.

"ah.. sorry, This was meant to be more.. polished."
#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Bautista and (other person)’s voice both chimed in, a joyful twang in their voices- as well as a slight scratchiness from the radio’s bad audio quality.. Hopefully no traffic announcements would interrupt.
Miss Bautista: "Morning citizens of Karakura!! Isla Bautista here with a special guest.. Drum roll!"Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Denied - maeswrldd | Event Team Application
────── 〔✿〕────── IGN: maeswrldd Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: I've overall been playing on the server for about 2-3 years although a few months ago in November I took a break from SRP for about a month. After this break I have come back...
Mae EMS application.
KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): g0re5lut (alt account im applying on) maeussy Previous bans: None at all so far, and I’m sure it’ll stay that way. Describe your activity on the server?: I am fairly active, especially on my main maeussy but I...
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Overall I feel like the process of making new reports is just a fun creative activity (of course it may be hard to find prompts sometimes etc) but it brings together writing and visual design nicely, which is something I rather enjoy. I’ve been so used to doing JockRP since about 2021, and I haven’t really done anything other than that, except for being in ems twice. I still find the Sports faction fun of course, but after doing the same thing for about 3 years, I’m looking for something different that I haven’t done before! The reporter faction seems fairly unique as it involves a lot of media work, and considering I’m a fairly creative person (aka I like to make things look pretty.. Or interesting at least) I feel like this is a good creative outlet. Plus I just really enjoyed making a news report on Canva for this application, it was so much fun.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
QUITE a lot. Outside of SRP i did English A level for a while (unfortunately i dropped it because i was sick and tired of ****ysing gothic novels) While this was mostly just English lit, and not language (so I was not doing ‘creative writing’) It does mean I was in a way, ****ysing a range of different works- and context surrounding the material too. Which I would then later either do a summarised presentation on the novel chosen, or just an essay. I also had to do a fair amount of course work- of course none of this is exactly the same as a news report, but I believe it requires some of the same skills. It’s useful to have the skills to delve into the details of a piece of work, or someone’s biography etc.. much like reporters do, we had to do a lot of research- which was sometimes fun, but had its fair share of boring moments too.
However back to SRP, I have never really done anything similar to reporting (like journalism) however I have been hopping from hs cheer to col cheer since about 2021, this is infact my 5th time on cheer. There’s something about the detailrp skills required that makes it so fun. I just keep coming back to it- I really do have a passion for writing, and I have a fair few years of experience too. Sometimes my motivation drops, like currently I feel a little bored of doing the same old roleplay- if any at all. I really want to try out something new, and further my experiences with writing, and doing news reports seems like a fun way to do this.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, and I will follow them and all other rules on srp too.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I’d like to think my application stands out a little from others. I have tried putting in my own creative spin on it to make it more interesting; hopefully this also displays that I have a knack for writing, and creative ideas too. My activity is also pretty good, both on the server and on discord (I don’t do much on forums.. But hopefully that will not be the case for much longer) which I think sets me apart a little from other possible applicants. I’m not sure if this is a great reason to accept me, however this would be my first time in the faction or doing anything like reporter, and I’d really appreciate being able to have a fresh chance with something new- not just with the overall responsibility and job of a reporter but also It may make me take more attention to details at events and such, in case I want to report about them! This could be a great opportunity to pay more attention to certain things on the server, that I may not have before (for example as a team member, things happening with kpd etc never really bothered me before).
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand, and I don’t believe this should be an issue.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I do! Sometimes I do struggle with demotivation, but FINGERS CROSSED I can get past that.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I personally believe that not only are reporters tasked to find and write about prompts that will interest (specific) audiences but also something that interests themselves. It’s usually really hard to write about something that you have little- to no interest or passion in, and often the end product mirrors that.
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it
Art creds: myself!
The chill of the outside air rushed in, as did Isla; immediately after walking through the main entrance her jog (Baddies never run for anything) slowed into a stroll. Her fingers ran over the fabric of her blazer- making that horrible sound most clothes make when a nail accidentally scratches it. After wiping off the appropriate amount of snow- clearly she was without umbrella- A lone coffee cup was ditched in the closest bin to her, as well as some caffeine patches. The opportunity for her to sit in the waiting room lasted for 4 minutes- no more, before she was rushed into a little office; ready for the interview.
Small talk filled the air- the normal formal greetings and introductions- just pleasantries, and then a neat form was pushed out before her, questions were typed in the basic ‘Arial’ font. Isla’s tongue clicked against the side of her mouth, gently pressing against her cheek. Through her glasses lenses, and stray red strands of hair, She stared down at the sheet. The answers were simple enough, just things she could jot down in a moment.
Underwhelming would be the best way to describe her handwriting- it was nothing special, perhaps a tad messy.. But not notable.
Full Name: Isla Tala Bautista
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr): Just Isla, or Bautista is fine- and 'Miss' works too.
Current Age (25+): 26 years old.
Past job/work experience:
Isla’s nails drummed lightly against the sheet of paper in front of her, Her gaze lingered on the fourth question, where her response sat in hurried, faintly slanted handwriting—a single sentence that seemed inadequate. “I’d like to add to this”
“I briefly worked overseas.. Just a small office job in London, I mostly just made coffees and did simple paper work. Oh and I worked at Costa Coffee for 5 months.. When I was fresh out of college- Well, fresher." Afterall, being only 26 she was still fairly young. It seemed as though she was somewhat used to measly tasks in the workforce- 50% had to be due to the fact that most of her ex colleagues were likely 60 year old men on the brink of retirement; who didn’t take her seriously enough due to her young age. However cliche it sounds, Isla had a look of determination in her eyes- enough for her brows to furrow.. Uh oh wrinkles alert. “I also worked at a small publishing company but it was pretty short term.. I hope to land something more permanent this time!”
Bachelors in Digital Arts & Media.
Masters in English literature and Journalism.
Certainly, she was an overachiever for doing this many subjects.. Ignoring the fact she only got a 3rd in English lit- Isla had seemed to exclude this fact.
Nationality and born location:
Filipino, I was born in Manila, Philippines.
Phone Number: 030-563-6871
Once finished filling out the form, she’d slide it over the desk, holding an unyielding eye contact with the interviewer. Click! Isla pressed a lid back onto the pen in her hand, she tapped it against the surface.. Dun dun dun. An annoying drumming sound, nonstop penetrating the silence. She gave them some time to briefly skim through the answers, waiting to continue patiently. Perhaps getting a little TOO comfy, she leant back in her seat, one leg crossed over the other while gently rocking to-and-fro.
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Clicking her tongue against the top of her mouth, Isla wasted no time in small talk or introductions, trying to keep it as brief as possible clearly.
“Starting off.. I’m a fairly motivated person- when I want to be.” Yeah that didn’t seem suuuper convincing. “Of course I do better when under pressure, or with topics that interest me. Sociable would be a good word to describe me, though If someone doesn’t interest me.. That’s not my problem. As much as I like to stay professional too, I don’t take any uh.. Crap. Excuse my French. If you bother me, I will let it be known- after all confrontation is sometimes a good thing, especially in this line of work. Hmm I suppose this puts me under 150 words... I guess I like my coffee with extra foam, 2 pumps of caramel, caramel drizzle ontop- if that's useful." Yes, she literally just gave her starbucks order at the interview.
Isla sat with an easy poise in the interview chair, with her hands now firmly on her lap.. The pen was discarded about 2 minutes ago- neatly aligned with other pens on the desk. She leaned slightly forward again, listening intently to the hiring manager’s question, her expression calm yet engaged; the corners of her lips curved into a subtle smile. As the conversation progressed, she found herself spinning her pen idly between her fingers, a habit she wasn’t even aware of. The subtle click of the pen cap occasionally punctuated her speech, but if the interviewer noticed, they didn’t comment. When the pen spun out of her grasp and clattered lightly on the table, she didn’t flinch. Instead, she picked it up with a quick, smooth motion and continued her sentence without missing a beat
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I am of course drawn to the juiciest things.. Anything that involves drama, that’s pretty fun. Anything that's of interest to me, and I'll sniff it out immediately. However I'd say that.. at past jobs they gave me tasks to mostly oversee the typical girlie magazines- the easy stuff really. I've been there and done that, it was certainly good for a beginner like me, but it gets to a certain point that stops you from growing. That's where exiting my comfort zone comes it- I want to focus on more adult topics.. reaaal interesting stuff. I'm aware nothing I write will be super revolutionary and I'm more than happy to report on mundane things such as hotspots in town.. or events- but perhaps I could dabble in some politics.. or uncoverer some darker things going on behind the scenes- certainly it won't be easy but I think it'd certainly get a few views!"
During a brief lull, as the interviewer scribbled notes, Isla let her gaze wander to the corner of the room, where a ficus plant stood slightly drooping. She made a mental note to mention it later in casual conversation- but she'd likely forget about it before having the chance the mention it... "A neglected plant," she thought with a hint of amusement. It was a sight similar to her own home.. That one plant that desperately needed a drink.
What are your expectations for the job?:
"In prior jobs.. I wasn’t allowed much creative liberty- of course I can write about whatever prompted- but I hope that I’d be allowed more of a say on what I want to report on.. Which hopefully will be meaningful and have an impact instead of magazines for teen girls. I’m past that stage. I'm really expecting to be in an environment that supports me, but also pushes me to do great reports. If I do a good report one week- I want to be doing an even better one the next. I'm not afraid of constructive crisism and such. A big expectation of mine is that hopefully, if given the chance at this job, it'll become something long term for me.. I want a stable job, that I also enjoy. I'm not so much fussed about the income.. I have my own clothing brand that fills my pockets anyway."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“Kept my hands fairly clean.. Sort of had to, considering my time in college was spent on cheer. We weren’t really allowed to get into much trouble.”
A scoff parted her lips, briefly reminiscing. Oooh a washed-up ex cheerleader.
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Bautista rested three fingers on the edge of the desk,
“Filipino, Japanese, French”
You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.
Isla gripped a few sheets out of her portfolio, sliding them across the table for the interviewer to see. If anything, it seemed like a draft- though still kept fairly neat.. With an odd few coffee stains splattered around, Small side notes and post-its were kept in sight. At least her thought process was clear.. Although the look of momentary shock suggested that perhaps she had left a completed copy at home, on her desk. This may be a lesson for her to tidy her desk and keep it organised.

"ah.. sorry, This was meant to be more.. polished."
#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Bautista and (other person)’s voice both chimed in, a joyful twang in their voices- as well as a slight scratchiness from the radio’s bad audio quality.. Hopefully no traffic announcements would interrupt.
T. Uemara: "Hellooo! Thank you for having me here, Miss Bautista!’’
Miss Bautista: “Ahhh no worries, Thank you for coming on such short notice! Let’s drop the formalities for now- Right so I’m just going to read out some questions, bear with me!”Both individuals seemed to be fairly at-ease, as if they were already familiar with each other.
T. Uemara: “alright, Hit me with them!”
A chipper laugh filled the air, a nice relaxing thing to play in the morning.
T. Uemara: Well, I would definitely say it’s different from how Christmas is advertised as being in different countries for sure! I was born and raised in Japan, so I have a fairly authentic view on this. It’s much less of a family holiday over here- instead it’s more so for couples.. Which is great if you’re with someone, but I find myself getting a bit lonely!”
Miss Bautista: Interesting.. I certainly can agree with that take, In fact sometimes I find myself with a bit TOO much alone time in my apartment.. Perhaps I should get a cat. Ah forgive me, I got side-tracked! Would you say the conceptions of Christmas in Japan also translate to Karakura, considering we have a broad range of foreign people, including myself!”
T. Uemara: “Oh yeah, in some ways 100% this applies to Karakura too, however I think a lot of people also find ways to spend the holidays with their friends! It may be similar to Valentine's day for some people, but I think a fair amount find a way to still enjoy Christmas!”
Miss Bautista: “Ah yes! I can’t say I've personally been able to do that yet, but I’ve certainly seen clusters of people all together recently. It’s good to see the Christmas cheer on the streets! So, have you bought any presents for people yet?”T. Uemara: “Yeah a few, I’m a bit behind though! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get any on black friday.. So the prices are.. Increasing to say the least! Although the shops in Karakura seem affordable as always, So i’ll probably get my presents all locally!
Miss Bautista: “Great plan, that’s what I’m planning to do too! Always a good idea to support the economy… It’ll be good for the economy.”Marge Simpson's voice seemed to come through in that last part.
Miss Bautista: “Is Christmas your favourite time of the year, or do you prefer other holidays?”
T. Uemara: “Ohhhhohoh I am a Halloween lover through and through. As you can probably tell.. Although I do like summer- it’s nice to see everyone’s cute summer outfits!”
Miss Bautista: “Ugh I am such a fashion nerd, I just looooved that long skirts became trendy in the summer! It was so cute.. Are there any winter clothing trends that you think are cute- specifically anything blatantly festive?”
T. Uemara: “I have noticed the Reindeer Antlers being worn a lot- those are pretty sweet. I also really like the turtle-neck sweaters.. They are so cute- plus it’s a good way to stay warm! I’ve seen a few people with scarves too, though I’d have liked to have seen more- or cute hats.”
Miss Bautista: “Sweaters! Definitely a good idea to stay warm at the moment folks, so to anyone listening in, remember to stay wrapped up and warm, or cozy inside! Uhh right so NEXT QUESTION! Have you felt there have been any good events so far this month?”
T. Uemara: “The uhh.. Tree cutting one was pretty fun, I’d rate it a solid 7 out of ten.. Minus 3 points because the line was soooo long.. Waiting wasn’t fun. However the trees were great quality, and the venue was cute. Plus the workers were very friendly too!”
Miss Bautista: “ahah.. I think we’re missing out a key detail though! The fire, were you around for that?”
T. Uemara: “Fortunately not.. I left pretty quickly after waiting in line for so long- as soon as i got my tree i was outta’ there! Some of my friends texted in our groupchat about it.. But that’s all I know- must have been pretty scary though!”
Miss Bautista: “Indeed, however let’s move on- don’t want to ruin the festive mood with gloomy talk! Did you attend the Winter Music concert? And if so, how would you rate it?”
T. Uemara: “Oh! Yes I actually did attend that.. My friend Catarina did a performance so I went to watch and support! Overall I really enjoyed watching everyone perform, and seeing THE Chatbell Bone live.. Wow. It was certainly an experience. I’d probably rate it a 8 out of 10! Despite not all the performances being Christmas themed, I think everyone did such a good job, I enjoyed every single one!”
Miss Bautista: “CHATBELL BONE.. Oh I’m such a fan- Unfortunately I didn’t get to attend that event.. But I did hear that the music was amazing! Ok so.. Here on my clipboard it’s mentioning the weather- are you a fan of the snow? Or is it a bit too chilly for you?”
T. Uemara: “It’s not too bad- some days are definitely colder than others.. The snow is without a doubt stunning, but getting hit by snowballs is annoying for sure. Overall I don’t mind the weather, the pretty views make it worth it!”
Miss Bautista: “I can agree with you on that, It certainly is beautiful. So to round off this mini interview, would you say Christmas time in Karakura is an enjoyable experience?”
T. Uemara: “At times it can get a bit dull.. But yeah, I have fun for sure- It’s mostly the best when my friends are around, I’m sure everyone can relate with that though.”
Miss Bautista: “Mhm! Christmas wouldn’t be as fun without you, Tsuzuri, I can certainly say I’m glad to enjoy this time of year with you and Reiko. Thank you so much for being here! Anyways, Remember to always tune in, have a happy holiday! ANNND if you have any questions you’d like me to ask- feel free to contact me!”
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