OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
brokeZezz is my only active account.
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
My discord is @snoozyzezz and is always available for use whenever in VC's!
List your timezone and country:
I live in the United States of America and my exact time zone is PST.
Describe your activity:
Inside of SRP, I happen to be active quite often, being on for several hours a day whenever I can. If I had to describe my activity wholly, it'd be somewhere between 4 to 6 hours a day, so with it being rated, it would be a solid 8.5/10. Even though I deem myself quite an active player on SRP, I, like every other player, play several other servers that do take up a portion of my time, and of course, real life occurrences conflict with my activity as I’m currently a full-time student. Regardless, balancing both high school and a part time job can be difficult but I attempt to find my ways around it to enjoy my indulgence of roleplay.
Below is my activity schedule:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
2PM-11PM | 1PM-11PM | 1PM-11PM | 11AM-11PM | 10AM-3AM | 12PM-2AM | 10AM-11PM |
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Below will be all applications listed in a first to latest application order:
[ACCEPTED] MATHEMATICS TEACHER APPLICATION https://schoolrp.net/threads/mathematics-teacher-awezezz.66084/
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Of course, I have a love for writing, which is the dominating reason why I chose to apply for the reporter faction. Over time, I've taken up several real life jobs that require exceptional and formal writing which happens to be why I am applying for this role specifically in my favorite server; School Roleplay.
Creative art and styling is overall fun to me and I enjoy learning more about it as I go throughout my teenage years. Back when I was playing through my teacher role, I had made a small image for my bulletin board and since then, my creative skills have only grown farther than I had ever thought they would. Storytelling overall is something I’ve always found to be amazingly fun and overall a great experience so becoming a reporter on a server I play very often and telling these stories to the public face is something that would both enhance my roleplay and overall fun on School Roleplay.
My passion for writing is something that I’ve had since I was young too! In third grade, I was reading books that were far out of my grade level, exceeding up to grade 10 and my hobby for reading had sparked something of my own. My mother is a public speaker and my grandmother a librarian. I had access to several books and an infinite course of learning to speak out and create stories, as time grew so did both my writing, reading, and overall storytelling.
Inside of the reporter faction, I have quite a few friends (cerbalance, AmazonitxLTD, so on and so forth) and this would further enhance my roleplay with said friends and also with fellow faction members.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have quite a large handful of experience in writing as it happens to be one of my main sources of income as a high schooler! I often write quick and simple adverts for up-and-coming small businesses in my area. Overall, I have an amazing experience with writing and have a bond with it that only so many can have. I believe I have found a mutual understanding between overdoing myself and putting my heart into a piece. This understanding will help me to continue growing throughout writing and only make my relationships with writing better overall.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
After reading each and every rule I believe I will be more than capable to follow said rules.
Why should we accept you over others?:
After being in the faculty faction twice, I’ve decided to build up the courage to apply to a new faction, that being this one! To pinpoint my own capabilities, I believe that I am able to bring creativity and a fresh personality to the roster. I would like to inform and engross readers and make them feel as though they are a part of the story. Having the chance to meet new people around the server and finally stepping out of a small circle of friends is also what motivates me to apply. I would love learning different points of views and really open my eyes to different perspectives on different topics from players too.
After being involved in GangRP for most of my time on SRP, I have developed a knack for spotting interesting stories, details or unique angles that others might overlook. This brings me to my next trait, I blossom on variety. I’m keen on covering high-stake events or going through small moments that deserve attention.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand and will actively practice to keep bias OUT of my reports.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I’m more than confident that I will.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
As a reporter in Karakura, I’d imagine myself chasing down the newest stories and finding out what I can to make it an interesting read. Other than that, I’d probably do simple desk work or even sell newspapers to the people of Karakura. With interviews, I’ll truly be taking every detail the interviewee has into perspective, turning just a simple sentence into an amazing hot story that you’ll see on the cover every morning.
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it
Full Name:
He adjusted his posture in the seat licking his lips swiftly until the question arrived into his head
“Kyrie Kageyama, you can call me by either first or last. You can drop the formalities, I prefer it that way.”
His clear voice made the interviewer feel at ease..
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
A look of kindness was kept on his face as he answered the question,
“Well, whether you call me Kyrie or by my last name is up to you, I truly have no preference.”
The reporter sitting in front of Kyrie jotted his answer down with a funny bobbly ball point pen, Kageyama’s eyes danced around the pen for a moment as he awaited his next question
Current Age (25+):
Used a singular finger to scratch his cheek whilst he answered the question,
“I’m twenty-six. I like to believe I’m still quite young.”
Kyrie’s hands dropped back down to his lap before a soft giggle emerged. .
Past job/work experience:
The male then moved back in his chair a little his hands still kept neatly in his lap,
“During my college years I studied here and had several part time jobs, but none of them really stuck. I found another job, speaking to the youth about the government and I found interest in that until the business eventually closed down.”
The male took a moment to think then adding onto his previous lecture,
"I also had a writing job in my home town I believe its what got me into it nowadays. The job itself consisted of small written paragraphs for the school I went to, paid very little though."
Both of the man's hands met together as he spoke somewhat cheery like,
“Well I spent ages getting my masters in both journalism and communications, I quite liked my studies though and learning was something that was fun to me. I like for a story to always have a perfect ending or at least one I can tie together properly.”
The man gave a cheese to one asking all of these questions messing around with a pencil in his free hand. .
Nationality and born location:
Kyrie sat comfortably in the chair as he was already so many questions in as he then heard the words of the interviewer letting his own back to him,
“I was born in the scorching land of Arizona, USA but quickly moved to New York with my family once I was around sixteen. It was a big city but I loved it there and the big city is what made me think of moving to Japan anyways.”
The man had a nostalgic tone as he reminisced on the past memories..
Phone Number:
The male kept a calm expression as he awaited for the man to be ready,
“Your number? So we can of course contact you?”
Kyrie swiftly shot out a response back the interviewer,
“Right. My number is 030-579-2424, you can reach me at any time.”
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“I like to describe myself as a respectable gentleman, I show interest in odd hobbies yet still respect those that I know are above me. Writing and telling stories is a passion that I was told was weird but I don’t believe it is. Nonetheless, I like to describe myself as a joyful man with a great sense of peace, I know what works for me and I know my place overall, truly it's been great just speaking to you about this job, sir.”
“With all of this information stated previously, I also would like to add that I’m quite curious, I find myself questioning so many things in the world and sometimes making attempts to find them out, either on my own or through others.”
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Kageyama pushed his lips forward as his train of thought began flowing then speaking out,
“Social issues are very concerning to me and getting these issues out will show that there needs to be some type of change in these issues spreading around.”
Kyrie fidgeted with his hands as they sat comfortably in his lap..
What are your expectations for the job?:
The male let out a small breath before giving some thought to this question,
"My expectations for this job are for it to be well. . difficult I doubt it'd be easy as both writers block and harassment are some of the largest issues reporters face."
Kageyama came to a pause for a moment then continuing his speech,
"When these issues arrive I will continue and push past these always hunting for an amazing story.."
The male somewhat itched his cheek bone then returning his hands to a more comfortable position..
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
The question floated around in Kyrie's head for a moment before he answered subtly,
“Not a single crime on my record.”
The male slipped out with his own words still lingering around in the room. .
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
A soft smile came from Kyrie,
“I speak about three languages with them being; JSL, Korean, and Latin.”
You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.
(this is written in regards to tailoring servers…)
Good day to all readers!
It seems like Karakura is in the midst of a very stylish regime change and the trend that’s stealing the spotlight right now? Vintage fashion. This ranges from retro jackets to the classic red sneakers, more and more residents are ROCKING the uniqueness of clothes from decades past.
Thrift stores are seeing a surge in foot traffic, with locals hunting for one of a kind pieces that match their individual styles- not it’s not all about finding that perfect pair of tees or a band tee. I noticed that many of Karakura’s fashion enthusiasts are eager to discover timeless items and what’s making this trend even more special is the growing shift towards… Drumroll please!
Sustainability. With the fashion industry being one of the biggest polluters in the world, people are increasingly choosing second hand clothing as a way to reduce waste and contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle! Vintage shopping not only supports the environment but also promotes a conscious way of consuming fashion. More fashion for me, I guess. The idea of reusing and recycling has never been more in style and it’s creating a ripple effect throughout the residents of Karakura!
As the vintage movement grows bigger and bigger, Karakura’s fashion scene is beginning to be reimagined in the present, pairing windbreakers with flared jeans or mixing a floral dress with contemporary accessories, I find that a lot of residents are blending old and new! Such mixtures of trends allows individuals to experiment and show off their personalities in a way that mass-produced clothing just… Simply can’t match.
SO! If you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or simply find something totally unique, Karakura’s vintage stores are the place to be! Even if you aren’t a fein of vintage fashion, you might just find something that catches your eye. Who knows?
(this is written in regards to tailoring servers…)
Good day to all readers!
It seems like Karakura is in the midst of a very stylish regime change and the trend that’s stealing the spotlight right now? Vintage fashion. This ranges from retro jackets to the classic red sneakers, more and more residents are ROCKING the uniqueness of clothes from decades past.
Thrift stores are seeing a surge in foot traffic, with locals hunting for one of a kind pieces that match their individual styles- not it’s not all about finding that perfect pair of tees or a band tee. I noticed that many of Karakura’s fashion enthusiasts are eager to discover timeless items and what’s making this trend even more special is the growing shift towards… Drumroll please!
Sustainability. With the fashion industry being one of the biggest polluters in the world, people are increasingly choosing second hand clothing as a way to reduce waste and contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle! Vintage shopping not only supports the environment but also promotes a conscious way of consuming fashion. More fashion for me, I guess. The idea of reusing and recycling has never been more in style and it’s creating a ripple effect throughout the residents of Karakura!
As the vintage movement grows bigger and bigger, Karakura’s fashion scene is beginning to be reimagined in the present, pairing windbreakers with flared jeans or mixing a floral dress with contemporary accessories, I find that a lot of residents are blending old and new! Such mixtures of trends allows individuals to experiment and show off their personalities in a way that mass-produced clothing just… Simply can’t match.
SO! If you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or simply find something totally unique, Karakura’s vintage stores are the place to be! Even if you aren’t a fein of vintage fashion, you might just find something that catches your eye. Who knows?
#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.
[This interview doesn’t directly reference the actual game, Mouth washing. I recently watched a play through and thought it’d make a good interview topic!]
[This interview doesn’t directly reference the actual game, Mouth washing. I recently watched a play through and thought it’d make a good interview topic!]

[!] Click! The tape recorder started recording. [!]
Kyrie sat down with a notebook in his lap, his gaze focused on Evangeline, a student from the local high school, who's comfortably sitting across from him.
[KYRIE] Hey Evangeline, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I hear you’re really into Mouth washing- the new game from W.O. May I ask what’s got you hooked on it?
[EVANGELINE] Thank you for inviting me, Kyrie. Mouth washing is in a league of its own. Its unsettling psychological elements and bizarre narrative choices is definitely what kept me hooked onto it for so long. What I think makes it stand out is how it doesn’t hold your hand. The choices feel real, almost too real sometimes and you can tell that the developers want you to question your own morality.
[KYRIE] That sounds really intense! I've heard people describe it as 'surreal.' Do you think the game's unsettling nature is part of the appeal, what’s your take on that?
[EVANGELINE] The surrealism definitely adds to the experience. It's like the game taps deep and adds existential dread- there's moments where you start questioning what’s real and what’s not. But at the same time, the choices they give you hit hard because they make you feel like you're actually impacting the story, in my opinion at least.
[KYRIE] Sounds like Mouth washing really doesn't cast their players away from challenges... Interesting. Do you think it’s the kind of game that stays with you long after you finish?
[EVANGELINE] Absooooolutely. This is one of those games that seriously dwells. You finish, then you start questioning your choices, wondering if you could’ve done something differently.
[KYRIE] Well, it definitely sounds like Mouth washing is making waves within the youth. Do you think you would make any different choices during your play through?
[EVANGELINE] Well in all honesty I made some questionable choices myself so I guess I would. .
[KYRIE] What were those decisions you'd choose to go back to?
[EVANGELINE] You see, I was given an ultimatum to either choose to save my sister or my best friend of eight years! I had chosen to save my sister and I've heard the game is oddly different if you chose that path, I really wonder what would've happened if I chose to save my best friend..
[KYRIE] Yowch, sounds like a rough decision! It surely sounds like a complex and overall just fun game, might even have to try it out myself.
[EVANGELINE] You should! Do you have anything else for me Kyrie?
[KYRIE] Nooope! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Evangeline. It’s always great to hear a fan’s perspective on something this unique!
[EVANGELINE] Anytime Kyrie thank you for letting me join you for your interview today!
[!] Click! Click! The recording ends. [!]
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