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CoolerCloud3137's Reporter Application | "The Darkest Informer Yet."


Level 0

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OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Main: CoolerCloud3137
Alternate: kewling

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

It’s coolercloud, and yes. I do have a microphone, plus I’m willing to VC often!

List your timezone and country:

I live in the US, my time zone is CST; Central Standard Time.

Describe your activity:

3:00 PM
10:30 PM
3:00 PM
10:30 PM
8:00 PM
10:30 PM
3:00 PM
10:30 PM
3:00 PM
10:30 PM
3:00 PM
12:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 AM

I’d like to make it aware via this chart, it’s clear I’m quite active. Though! I have to admit, I do have a life outside of SRP, as I’m taking part in college, sports, and work.

This all means this schedule can flip n’ flop, though I assure I will try to stay on top of my SRP duties, making sure I stay alert and communicate!

Overall, I’d say I’m an active 9/10.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Application -

[BUILDER] Application - ACCEPTED!

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

Well, I'd say I'm passionate about storytelling with my OC's already as it is, and now, I can see myself bringing important issues/stories to light, which is why I’m drawn to a reporter role. I want to inform and engage the community by uncovering facts, highlighting untold stories, because thankfully, the town of Karakura has never lacked any stories. It's lore seemingly endless, my desire to expand the character I'm applying with is immaculate. Touji is a massive working progress, but what with I have, I'm sure of the fact I can make this role become his and mine, ICly and OOCly. I love getting creative with roleplay, and well. This is surly another way to do so! Writing up stories and posting them seems to have endless possibilities and that excites me! All of this combined is why I'm dedicated to grab this role with my OC and do my very best.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with

I've been apart of SRP for quite sometime now, and I can proudly say my writing has improved since I merely joined. Writing use to be a haggle for me when I was within high school, though now it's grown into a sort of passion, now yes, I mainly stream this passion into SRP. I enjoy creating my character's into complex beings, all with different personalities.

I've heavily devoted my time to sculpting them, my three greatest being; Touji Kurokawa, Takashi Jung, and the Kaiyo S. Kaldwin. All who I love deeply and are easily a prime example of my work, my writing skills improving not only for my sakes, but my OC's as well.

While my current studies is me majoring in Business and Marketing, writing now plays a large role in my studies and professional classes, and of course, getting those good grades! I say I've developed a strong writing skills through crafting business proposals, marketing strategies, and reports, where being clear, having high persuasion, and exact precision has became key, thanks to my assignments that is. I see writing as a tool for storytelling—whether it’s for my college work, or my time on SRP. My relationship with writing is now rooted in its power to influence and connect; in marketing, and my character's personalities. Writing, to me now, is more than a skill for assignments—it’s a bridge between my ideas in real life, and in the community of SRP.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Indeed, and I’m aware of normal SRP rules; Server & Discord wise.

I fully agree to follow them to the very best, and set an excellent example to my very best.

Why should we accept you over others?:

It's no hidden story, if accepted I'd put in my full effort when on Touji, using the role to not only do what it's meant for, informing the community in an ICly manner, but using it as a source to drive my un-used dedication towards. I'd love to get the chance to expand his story, and I think his dark personality puts a sort of spin upon that. I'm not looking to exactly CrimeRP with him, I just enjoy the idea of having a unique character who believes in his won deep manner of how to be a reporter, and a informer.

As stated before, I'm currently in college, and there isn’t too much I can truly say about this topic. Besides the fact that I major in Business and Marketing, I practice, learn, and have used all sorts of useful tools and techniques. Such as exposure to diverse perspectives, collaborative projects, team-oriented learning, and simply communication, plus more. All that I think heavily impacts me on how well I can work with a group. I know this is different then SRP, of course, but I vouch it still helps me standout regardless.

As my list of personal information, describing my time on SRP, I do indeed, play a lot! Of course I enjoy doing such, though currently I've been just playing as an normal college tag OC for the longest time, if accepted this would give me the chance to stand out! Using this new role of mine to drive towards having new and better roleplay for my OC. I have loads of free time, I might as well use it! For me, this helps me standout because of the sheer fact I'm willing to dedicate so much of my time towards the role of reporter, and my OC all at once!

I think I can easily state and vouch for the uniqueness with each of my OC's, though Touji here makes it all stand out. He's so twisted, and integrated with such a complex and deep story, what is it you may ask? Find out ICly! Because it's how he has became my most creative character, and I adore playing him. I want him to do great things, and I seek this role to help him do such.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

Of course, I would stay neutral and such! I understand why it’s necessary, due to not wanting to cause any conflicts OOCly or ICly, as that’s not the goal.

The goal is to inform, fairly.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

I am highly confident, I’m applying for the new experiences this can bring to me and my OC, I wouldn’t dare want to lose it.

I’m sure my writing & creativity skills can keep my OC on track and having the quota met!

Summaries what you imagine work as a reporter is:

I can see being a reporter as an actually very interactive job, not only with the role itself, but also the writing and story-finding experience/process. Karakura doesn’t seem to lack stories, events, etc. Which makes story-finding perhaps not awfully hard, so here comes in what I imagine is the biggest part of being a reporter, your creativity.
Anyone can find a story, an income of juicy deets or detailed and exact facts. But how you write it up is what becomes important, and I see being a reporter needing to master those skills, harness your OOCly and ICly creativity to pump out actual stories, ones that people can enjoy to read and inform, because that’s what you’re supposed to be, no?

One that is here to inform, in a creative, factual, and fun manner!

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IC (In-Character) Information:

Touji found his seat, sitting neatly upon the desk, his gaze trailing over and meeting whoever sat across from him. His posture strong and fit, and soon he dug out multiple pieces of papers, shoving them forward across the wooden table. Presenting the forms before the soul across from him, his long hair gently tousled against his suit as his gaze watched you reach out and observe the papers.

Full Name:

Touji raised a sole hand, stretching out a finger and tapping the top of the paper, though he read it out loud regardless. Afterwards making a single clicking noise via his tongue.
“My name is Touji Kurokawa.”

[!] His last name - (黒川) – "Black river." [!]

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

The male rolled his eyes, really? A nickname? It seemed silly to him, though he spoke once again, huffing shortly after.
“I honestly don’t have any preferred nicknames, though being referred to via my last name is a must usually.”

Current Age (25+):

He spoke, though he seemed confident with his words, you could clearly see a bead of sweat drop from his forehead, clearly this subject was the first of more.. Touchy ones.
“I was born on October 1st, 1999, within the walls of St. Luke's Hospital in Tokyo; Japan.”

[!] Touji Kurokawa is currently 20. [!]
(Though with this application, if accepted, he’d be 25.)

Past job/work experience:

Ex-Khang Family Caretaker & More.
Bartender in…
The Yeobo Shop.
"I worked for multiple families, acting as a caretaker of sorts for them and whatever they wish. It was always a desire from my father to put in good work effort... I'd be lying if I didn't develop multiple different personalities from the job, coping with so many different families had an impact. But it also help me adapt to new surroundings, taking notes at all sorts of hints and secrets. It helped me learn each set of family with ease, making me able to cater to their every need."
"When I lived in Tokyo City, my father was able to provide many different connections throughout my childhood. One being such he'd link me up with a series of clubs, bars, and more. I never settled in one place for long, always swapping between other places of work. I became quite skilled with talking to people however, it came naturally. A gift I sometimes underestimate, though I appreciate it."
"I worked in quite a few shops around Karakura, though my most notable one was Yeobo, long ago. Though it may have been years by now, I still stand by the fact all of it greatly improved my social interactions among the citizens of this town, which for being the role of reporter... That seems quite important, no?"


Master's Degree in Forensic Science.

Business & Marketing.

His right hand rest upon the wooden desk, his finger-tips drumming into a random rhythm as he solely began to rant off, listing of a story of sorts behind his education, his gaze cold however.
“Though I may not have any exact education for the role, it shows a simple time in my life. A bump in my road, if I can say such. I wanted to be a cop in my home city; Tokyo. Failed.”

“Though I want to make it clear I don’t lack the skills to become one of you; A reporter. As I’ve written multiple college papers, and graduated as a solid C student, my mind is not one to doubt on. My creativity, dedication, and strive is no shortage in my mind's arsenal. Plus I’ve written my fair share of books based on… Unpleasant & pleasant experiences.”

“My father was the one who forced me after all into the route of education you see here before you, it’s unfortunate. But he paid for it, tsk.”

Nationality and born location:

Another mere bead of sweat, clearly Touji didn't appreciate the more personal questions, but regardless. He wasn't backing out, screw that!
“I am Half Korean, half Japanese.”

“My Mother was born within South Korea, fleaing to Japan; Tokyo City, Meeting my father.”

“As stated before, I was born within Tokyo, in the St. Luke Hospital, I hate repeating myself…”

Phone Number:

Reached over, tapping on the section of the form like before, his finger underlining the numbers, however he read them outload as well.
“Here, my number is; 030-459-5709.”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

Rose a brow, now raising his hand to tap the bottom of his chin, simply clearing he throat before he started his rant, though it was easy to spy, this man was preaching a truth he deeply believed in.
"Lord, that's quite the question, no?"

"Well, I would call myself a masterpiece, is that gloating? Perhaps, what I've gone through. It's made me who I am, quick-witted, and seeking where others shy, stepping beyond, unflinching, into the dark corners people refuse to see. Perhaps that makes me brave? I don’t discover and inform to comfort however; I tell them to expose, because that's the finest source of entertainment. The truth, I rarely wear a smile, but it’s still worth tracking down. Becoming a reporter isn’t about fame or headlines—it’s control, least for me it is. Words can carve deeper wounds than knives when wielded correctly, and trust me, I've seen both. I'm confident, one who strives to uncover festers beneath the surface and deliver it, raw and unfiltered, because that's the finest meal. I am no hero—I am a necessary evil, one people need to get every story I find, they deserve to know, no?"

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

His sense of belief didn't end after the last question, as now he spoke like no one was watching, fully giving in and spewing his preaching beliefs of what he could be in this role. What great things he could do, not only for the public, but himself. His figure shifting as he spoke up even more now, a clear tone and set of words escaping his lips.
"I’m greatly interested in writing about the things most people turn away from—ugly truths, hidden corruption, and the darker sides of humanity that polite society buries, and as maybe dark as that seems. It's just how I see this role possibly being, I want to do these goals, of course in a non-biased state, but I want to stripe away the layers of deception and force this city to confront what it fears, whatever that may be, but in general, they deserve to be informed! Pain, power struggles, secrets—those are the veins of the news I’ll tap into. How will I achieve this you ask? By going where others refuse to tread, as stated before. I’ll do my best to dig deep, into places where comfort dies, and it may sound extreme, but it's true. The shadows are where the most compelling stories live in my certain belief, and I’ll chase them relentlessly, no matter the cost, recording them and writing up news to inform all. As for going out of my comfort zone? I don’t believe in comfort—it’s a crutch for the weak. Truth isn’t comfortable, and neither am I. The line between obsession and dedication is thin, but I’ll cross it willingly to get the story. Because it's who I am, ya' get me? Surly you must as the lead reporter, no?"

What are your expectations for the job?:

After the last rant, he took in a deep breath, relaxing himself like before and now responding with a simpler answer.
“I value the simple aspect of the fact this job is a notable one. One that shouldn’t be taken lightly, I look forward to using my mind towards writing, and reporting on topics all over Karakura, including being creative with any of my post.”

“This role isn’t easy, perhaps this is just me wanting a challenge.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Scoffed, thinking this question was just utterly stupid, funny even!
“No, what kind of pitiful fool do you take me as?”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

Ran a hand through his long, slick-black hair. He spoke with such ease now, finally seeming like he was settling in after that recent, larger statement/rant of his.
“I know Korean, Japanese, & English.”

“Though it’s a personal goal to learn more, and soon.”

“My father was stricken to keep me heavily focused on Japanese, and its culture. Preaching it’s all I need in the streets. But due to my stubborn Mother, I was taught with a touch of Korean tongue.”

“She was one thing my Father wouldn’t lay a hand upon, lucky her.
English became a simple bypass, picked up from tourists who spoke often and thought little… English was an awful language to learn, like, where does logic come into play? My father hated it, and so do I.”

Touji passed over the news report he had constructed, and as well as a tape recorder. Letting the person from across him know it was ready to be played whenever, though for now. He watched whoever it was scan over his report, perking a brow and watching for any details within their facial features.

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

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#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

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Click! Someone must have pressed play, because the interviews audio now started with haste.
Interview with the One & Only: The Football Captain, Duncan Monroe.
Reporter Application - Self Interview.

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"How does being captain make ya' feel, hm?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"It's the best, I can confidently say I'm better then everyone else! 'Cause well, I am. It can be tiring, but I'm to hot to stop now, to good."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"Ever get tired?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"A little, but screw it! I can't let that show, I'm the biggest and best. I gotta keep my rep up, yeah? Spartan's are better for a reason after all."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"How's the drama, tolerable?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"It's here and there, but as stated. I to hot, I don't care what folks say, they're just upset they aren't me. Simply better!"

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"Do you truly enjoy football?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"That is a dumb question, of course I do. Next question!"

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"How good do ya' think you n' ya' guys are."

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"We're Spartan's the best of the best, that's all. The little Bobcats are nothing but annoying, like a buzzing fly in me and my teammates ears."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"What made ya' play football in the first place?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"Easy. I was bigger and faster then most when I was younger, plus I'm just good at kicking balls."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"What do you do in ya' free time?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"Make out with hot women, work out, sleep, and practice. Gotta stay the best, though it comes easy."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"Do you enjoy your teammates?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"Sometimes. That's all I can say about that..."

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"Any certain - someone? In your life Mr. Captain?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"Nope! I can't be bothered, plus none of them are really my type, yeah?"

[Touji Kuokawa's Voice]
"Do you think yall will win tournaments once again?"

[Duncan Monroe's Voice]
"Of course!? We won last year, they preach they're getting better. But that's a load, we're Spartan's, being the best, like stated is what we do."

Additional Information:

Touji Kurokawa admittedly has a twisted mind, a deep and one full of thoughts, what were they though? No one will know perhaps, maybe he didn’t even know himself?
One could refer to him as such; A wildcard.

His own story is rich and deep, full of pain and trauma, one he simply can’t describe.

But with this job, his powerful mind can be used for something innocent, useful.

[!] Thanks for reading yall. [!]



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Level 185
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying. However, you have not been accepted this time as we have found other applicants more suited for the position!

You may re-apply whenever!

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