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Accepted CoolerCloudx2 | Nurse Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, CoolerCloud#7565

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say I’m pretty active, usually getting on around 3-6 a night. Of course unless something big pops up I wouldn’t be on for that time. I do have classes, a sports team, and an outside of SRP life to live like everyone else. I’m usually on late evening, hopping into a voice call usually with buds to hang out as we play on the server.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, ERP. I took a shower and learned the hard way. (Around 9 Months Ago?)
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I don’t plan on simply disappearing on everyone.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School Nurse

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The school nurse role consists of helping students around the school to make them feel better. Usually they deal with smaller cases, like cuts, bruises, illnesses. Though the nurse role must also be able to help students not only with physical problems, but also with mental ones. Being able to do so makes the nurse themselves more helpful for all kinds of students and their situations. Sometimes the nurses are limited to what they can do, which can require much larger and extreme help, like EMS and such. Nurses should also be able to not only treat the students solely for their problems, but to also make the students feel safe and build a secure environment for everyone to feel safe in to be treated well. Also having simple respect for everyone and being open to help all.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve RP in many servers, from giant mazes, zombies, cities, crime, and many more. I’ve been on SRP for around a year now and have worked on making any and all my characters improve. I take notice from other people RP style and learn to improve my own whenever I can. As I have also played SRP for a decent amount of time now, I’ve been part of many RP situations, from gangs, parties, server events and more.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I can’t lie, I want an adult character in general to RP as. But why a School Employee? Simply because I believe it will be fun. Plus, It allows for many different new situations to RP in. Another factor is that many of my friends are also part of the Schools Facility team, they seem to have a great time and I’d like to experience that with them possibly.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
CoolerCloud3137, Grade 12
CoolerCloudx2, Grade 8 (Hopefully Nurse Account)



/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Malaki would simply be saddened at this student for trying so hard, and to gain what? Attention clearly. He’d simply ask the student to stop with the rude language, before going back to his tasks. If the student continued such rudeness. . .Malaki would give them another warning. If the student still continued after 5 minutes or after too many warnings, he’d give them detention. Even radioing in another facility for help if the student later that day doesn't show up for detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Malaki would make sure to first separate the students, even calling other facilities over if needed and if they were available. He’d break the fight up by trying to get between the two, knowing only pulling one apart would make the other able to get away or continue to attack more. Afterwards, when the situation was handled. He’d bring both back to the health office to treat their bruises or whatever they suffered from the fighting. Making sure to keep them separate at all times, not trying to spark another blaze of anger and fighting. At the end he’d make sure to hand the students detention for fighting if they weren’t already given it. Also making sure they show up and attend detention.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Malaki would begin to try to stop the employee from continuing their actions. Explaining how this was unprofessional and may even cost him his job, also stating the fact that the kids of Karakura don’t even need school employees to be acting irresponsible. As he kept explaining many points to the employee and they still continued with their actions. He’d simply all up the SLT via radio. Telling the SLT what was going on and doing whatever the SLT or others suggested or ordered him to do to stop the unprofessional actions the employee was displaying.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Malaki would usually be quite calm and chill. He’d be able to keep conversations with other staff when spoken to as he was used to speaking with people of these skills before. He wouldn’t usually be one to start the conversation, not wanting to push any staff as they’ve probably had a ruff day and are in the break for what the name states. A break. He’d also use the time to relax himself, getting a snack or two, maybe even a few for students that may appreciate on ein the health office. He’d enjoy the sense of peace and of course the coffee, which would help him continue the rest of the day, fully awake and pretty happy.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me dashed over to the student on the floor, looking around to make sure the area was relatively clear. He reached for the ice pack he’d brought with him, handing it to the person on the floor. As one hand reached out for the student to take the ice pack, he’d use his other hand to prop the kid up against the nearest wall. &f”Hold this here for awhile, around 20 minutes, that’s a nasty bruise kid. Take a breather, then I’ll get you back to the health office, yeah?”

/me sighed as he scanned the shelfs, another sick kid. Maybe something is going around? He grabbed what he could, making his way back from the backrooms of the health office. He stood, besides his seat, handing the kid a few cough drops and a simple, single, Advil pill. &f”Drink some water with it, and come back if it only gets worse. This should do you good. Make sure to get lots of rest and don’t overwork yourself, got that kid? Good, have a good day, and remember rest is key.”

/me scanned the burn on the person's finger, simply looked like a minor burn from the cooking classes. This should be easy. He went off to find a pair of gloves, returning besides the person. He had slapped the gloves on and un-did the lid on a jar of petroleum, gently and carefully spreading it over the small burn. He made sure the burn was nicely covered. &f”Alright, I’m wrapping this up now yeah?” He reached for the gauze bandage and gently wrapped it around the burn. Making sure it was nicely done and secure. &f”Okay, let this heal nice and well okay? Try not to put your hand so close to the stove next time.” Slightly laughed before sending them on their way.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Malaki Kaldwin

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:


Business, Environmental Science, Nationaitly


Known Languages:

“None currently, hoping to learn JSL ASP for students in need of it.”

At a younger age Malaki grew up with his brother on Hawaii, the island itself. He grew to love surfing, so while he aged he grew to teach kids to surfer themselves. His brother made their own surfing company. Which sold all types of kits, boards, and wetsuits for any wannabe or pro surfers. As Makaki grew into his young adult age he also took the job of working at a local middle school, usually helping around the school which gave him permission from the school to host lessons to teach any willing children to surf. As his brother's business boomed, so did Malaki’s surfing lessons. Malaki worked more and more around the school as well, helping out with tasks and such. He eventually left for quite awhile, starting to focus and do well in school with his brother, as he flew through school at the same time as his brother. They both graduated highschool and over years of work they University Of Hawaii at Manoa. As they took their 4 years of classes they also both graduated college, both with masters degrees and quite a few majors and minor degrees to their names.
Over time Malaki and his brother grew apart, after family issues with his brother's step-son he adopted the son, who was named Kaiyo. He planned a flight to Karakura in Japan with his current girlfriend. Sending their other kids and adoptive ones there as well so they could continue to care for them. He looked for a job to do and to make money to settle down, due to some of Kaiyo’s knowledge of the school and from other adults, Malaki discovered the school's facility team and the open spot for the job of being a school nurse. He decided, due to no clear surfing classes he could teach. He took on the medical field side, knowing easily how to patch and help kids out.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
“My motivation to join the KHS spot as a nurse is because I feel as if it's what I can do best to help the kids out here in this town. Not only will this job provide money for my family and a sense of determination to make sure these kids feel safe and well in this school. I’ve been provided with some rather gruesome details on how this town ticks. It’s sad, and I simply want to not only make my kids feel safe and have a sense of security with them, but I want the same for the kids of Karakura. I want to be able to prove I can do this, make a small change like I did back in Hawaii for all those students I taught who are riding the waves of the Hawaiian shore today, just like them. I want the kids of Karakura to be safe and healthy.”

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
“I do indeed, I worked around a middle school while teaching students after school hours to teach on the shores nearby. I not only learned how to be around students, but also with school staff. As I helped around quite a bit throughout even my younger adult years. I know basic rules and respect, plus with helping out so much and the lessons, I learned how to patch more than one kid up. So with that basic information and the work I’ve dedicated towards this role I feel I am quite informed on school grounds and how they work. Though I’m aware there may be changes and such.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I think I can do this role quite well, with past skills I have of patching kids up and working around schools in general. I feel as if I can be not only quick and efficient at my job, but also a well known safety ground for the kids to feel safe and to make sure they stay uninjured. I look forward to working with the people of this school, I know how to treat people with respect. Student and staff wise. I’ve dealt with not only physical injuries but also mental ones, which I’m sure will be needed in a town like this. I not only want to be someone that others can rely on, but I know I can be.”



Additional notes about your application:

“I hope to serve my position well.”

Do you have any questions?:



Level 211

Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Nurse! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.

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